1. Introduction
The oVirt Engine provides a Representational State Transfer (REST) API. The API provides software developers and system administrators with control over their oVirt environment outside of the standard web interface. The API is useful for developers and administrators to integrate the functionality of a oVirt environment with custom scripts or external applications that access the API via the standard Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
The benefits of the API are:
Broad client support - Any programming language, framework, or system with support for HTTP protocol can use the API.
Self descriptive - Client applications require minimal knowledge of the virtualization infrastructure, as many details are discovered at runtime.
Resource-based model - The resource-based REST model provides a natural way to manage a virtualization platform.
This provides developers and administrators with the ability to:
Integrate with enterprise IT systems.
Integrate with third-party virtualization software.
Perform automated maintenance or error-checking tasks.
Automate repetitive tasks in a oVirt environment with scripts.
This documentation acts as a reference for the oVirt API. It aims to provide developers and administrators with instructions and examples to help harness the functionality of their oVirt environment through the API, either directly or using the provided SDKs.
1.1. Representational State Transfer
Representational State Transfer (REST) is a design architecture that
focuses on resources for a specific service and their representations. A
resource representation is a key abstraction of information that
corresponds to one specific managed element on a server. A client sends
a request to a server element located at a Uniform Resource Identifier
(URI) and performs operations with standard HTTP methods, such as GET
, and DELETE
. This provides a stateless communication
between the client and server where each request acts independently of any
other request, and contains all the information necessary to complete the
1.2. API Prerequisites
Prerequisites for using the oVirt API:
A networked installation of oVirt Engine, which includes the API.
A client or programming library that initiates and receives HTTP requests from the API server. For example:
The oVirt Python SDK.
The oVirt Ruby SDK.
The oVirt Java SDK.
The cURL command line tool.
RESTClient, a debugger for RESTful web services.
Knowledge of Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), the protocol used for REST API interactions. The Internet Engineering Task Force provides a Request for Comments (RFC) explaining the Hypertext Transfer Protocol at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt.
Knowledge of Extensible Markup Language (XML) or JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), which the API uses to construct resource representations. The W3C provides a full specification on XML at http://www.w3.org/TR/xml. ECMA International provide a free publication on JSON at http://www.ecma-international.org.
2. Authentication and Security
2.1. TLS/SSL Certification
The oVirt API requires Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) [1] for secure interaction with client software, such as the SDK and CLI components. This involves obtaining the CA certificate used by the server, and importing it into the certificate store of your client.
2.1.1. Obtaining the CA Certificate
You can obtain the CA certificate from the oVirt Engine and transfer it to the client machine using one of these methods:
- Method 1
The preferred method for obtaining the CA certificate is to use the
openssl s_client
command line tool to perform a real TLS handshake with the server, and then extract the certificates that it presents. Run a command like this:$ openssl s_client \ -connect myengine.example.com:443 \ -showcerts \ < /dev/null
This command will connect to the server and display output similar to the following:
CONNECTED(00000003) depth=1 C = US, O = Example Inc., CN = myengine.example.com.23416 verify error:num=19:self signed certificate in certificate chain --- Certificate chain 0 s:/C=US/O=Example Inc./CN=myengine.example.com i:/C=US/O=Example Inc./CN=myengine.example.com.23416 -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIEaTCCA1GgAwIBAgICEAQwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMx FTATBgNVBAoTDEV4YW1wbGUgSW5jLjEjMCEGA1UEAxMaZW5naW5lNDEuZXhhbXBs SVlJe7e5FTEtHJGTAeWWM6dGbsFhip5VXM0gfqg= -----END CERTIFICATE----- 1 s:/C=US/O=Example Inc./CN=myengine.example.com.23416 i:/C=US/O=Example Inc./CN=myengine.example.com.23416 -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDxjCCAq6gAwIBAgICEAAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMx FTATBgNVBAoTDEV4YW1wbGUgSW5jLjEjMCEGA1UEAxMaZW5naW5lNDEuZXhhbXBs Pkyg1rQHR6ebGQ== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
The text between the
and-----END CERTIFICATE-----
marks shows the certificates presented by the server. The first one is the certificate of the server itself, and the last one is the certificate of the CA. Copy the CA certificate, including the marks, to theca.crt
This is the most reliable method to obtain the CA certificate used by the server. The rest of the methods described here will work in most cases, but they will not obtain the correct CA certificate if it has been manually replaced by the administrator of the server. - Method 2
If you cannot use the
openssl s_client
method described above, you can instead use a command line tool to download the CA certificate from the oVirt Engine.Examples of command line tools include
, both of which are available on multiple platforms.If using
:$ curl \ --output ca.crt \ 'http://myengine.example.com/ovirt-engine/services/pki-resource?resource=ca-certificate&format=X509-PEM-CA'
If using
:$ wget \ --output-document ca.crt \ 'http://myengine.example.com/ovirt-engine/services/pki-resource?resource=ca-certificate&format=X509-PEM-CA'
- Method 3
Use a web browser to navigate to the certificate located at:
Depending on the chosen browser, the certificate either downloads or imports into the browser’s keystore.
If the browser downloads the certificate: save the file as
. -
If the browser imports the certificate: export it from the browser’s certification options and save it as
- Method 4
Log in to the oVirt Engine, export the certificate from the truststore, and copy it to your client machine.
Log in to the oVirt Engine machine as
. -
Export the certificate from the truststore using the Java
management utility:# keytool \ -keystore /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/.truststore \ -storepass mypass \ -exportcert \ -alias cacert \ -rfc \ -file ca.crt
This creates a certificate file called
. -
Copy the certificate to the client machine using the
command:$ scp ca.crt myuser@myclient.example.com:/home/myuser/.
Each of these methods results in a certificate file named ca.crt
your client machine. You must then import this file into the certificate
store of the client.
2.1.2. Importing a Certificate to a Client
Importing a certificate to a client relies on how the client stores and interprets certificates. See your client documentation for more information on importing a certificate.
2.2. Authentication
Any user with a oVirt Engine account has access to the API. All requests must be authenticated using either OAuth or basic authentication, as described below.
2.2.1. OAuth Authentication
Since version 4.0 of oVirt the preferred authentication mechanism is OAuth 2.0, as described in RFC 6749.
OAuth is a sophisticated protocol, with several mechanisms for obtaining authorization and access tokens. For use with the oVirt API, the only supported one is the Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant, as described in section 4.3 of RFC 6749.
You must first obtain a token, sending the user name and password to the oVirt Engine single sign-on service:
POST /ovirt-engine/sso/oauth/token HTTP/1.1 Host: myengine.example.com Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Accept: application/json
The request body must contain the grant_type
, scope
, username
and password
Name | Value |
These parameters must be
URL-encoded. For example,
the @
character in the user name needs to be encoded as %40
. The
resulting request body will be something like this:
The scope parameter is described as optional in the OAuth
RFC, but when using it with the oVirt API it is mandatory, and
its value must be ovirt-app-api .
If the user name and password are valid, the oVirt Engine single sign-on service will respond with a JSON document similar to this one:
{ "access_token": "fqbR1ftzh8wBCviLxJcYuV5oSDI=", "token_type": "bearer", "scope": "...", ... }
For API authentication purposes, the only relevant name/value pair is the
. Do not manipulate this in any way; use it exactly as
provided by the SSO service.
Once the token has been obtained, it can be used to perform requests to
the API by including it in the HTTP Authorization
header, and using the
scheme. For example, to get the list of virtual machines,
send a request like this:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms HTTP/1.1 Host: myengine.example.com Accept: application/xml Authorization: Bearer fqbR1ftzh8wBCviLxJcYuV5oSDI=
The token can be used multiple times, for multiple requests, but it will eventually expire. When it expires, the server will reject the request with the 401 HTTP response code:
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
When this happens, a new token is needed, as the oVirt Engine single sign-on service does not currently support refreshing tokens. A new token can be requested using the same method described above.
2.2.2. Basic Authentication
Basic authentication is supported only for backwards compatibility; it is deprecated since version 4.0 of oVirt, and will be removed in the future. |
Each request uses HTTP Basic Authentication [2] to
encode the credentials. If a request does not include an appropriate
header, the server sends a 401 Authorization Required
HEAD /ovirt-engine/api HTTP/1.1 Host: myengine.example.com HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required
Request are issued with an Authorization
header for the specified
realm. Encode an appropriate oVirt Engine domain and user
in the supplied credentials with the username@domain:password
The following table shows the process for encoding credentials in Base64.
Item | Value |
User name |
Domain |
Password |
Unencoded credentials |
Base64 encoded credentials |
Provide the Base64-encoded credentials as shown:
HEAD /ovirt-engine/api HTTP/1.1 Host: myengine.example.com Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5AaW50ZXJuYWw6bXlwYXNzd29yZA== HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Basic authentication involves potentially sensitive information, such as passwords, sent as plain text. The API requires Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) for transport-level encryption of plain-text requests. |
Some Base64 libraries break the result into multiple lines
and terminate each line with a newline character. This breaks the header
and causes a faulty request. The Authorization header requires the
encoded credentials on a single line within the header.
2.2.3. Authentication Sessions
The API also provides authentication session support. Send an initial request with authentication details, then send all subsequent requests using a session cookie to authenticate.
Requesting an Authenticated Session
Send a request with the
andPrefer: persistent-auth
headers:HEAD /ovirt-engine/api HTTP/1.1 Host: myengine.example.com Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5AaW50ZXJuYWw6bXlwYXNzd29yZA== Prefer: persistent-auth HTTP/1.1 200 OK ...
This returns a response with the following header:
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=5dQja5ubr4yvI2MM2z+LZxrK; Path=/ovirt-engine/api; Secure
Take note of the
value. In this example the value is5dQja5ubr4yvI2MM2z+LZxrK
. -
Send all subsequent requests with the
Prefer: persistent-auth
headers with theJSESSIONID=
value. TheAuthorization
header is no longer needed when using an authenticated session.HEAD /ovirt-engine/api HTTP/1.1 Host: myengine.example.com Prefer: persistent-auth Cookie: JSESSIONID=5dQja5ubr4yvI2MM2z+LZxrK HTTP/1.1 200 OK ...
When the session is no longer required, perform a request to the sever without the
Prefer: persistent-auth
header.HEAD /ovirt-engine/api HTTP/1.1 Host: myengine.example.com Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5AaW50ZXJuYWw6bXlwYXNzd29yZA== HTTP/1.1 200 OK ...
3. Common concepts
3.1. Types
The API uses the type concept to describe the different kinds of objects accepted and returned.
There are three relevant kinds of types:
3.2. Identified types
Many of the types used by the API represent identified objects, objects that have an unique identifier and exist independently of other objects. The types used to describe those objects extend the Identified type, which contains the following set of common attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
Each object in the virtualization infrastructure contains an |
The canonical location of the object as an absolute path. |
A user-supplied human readable name for the object. The |
A free-form user-supplied human readable description of the object. |
Currently for most types of objects the id attribute is actually a
randomly generated UUID,
but this is an implementation detail, and users should not rely on that, as
it may change in the future. Instead users should assume that these
identifiers are just strings.
3.3. Objects
Objects are the individual instances of the types supported by the API.
For example, the virtual machine with identifier 123
is an object of
the Vm type.
3.4. Collections
A collection is a set of objects of the same type.
3.5. Representations
The state of objects needs to be represented when it is transferred beetween the client and the server. The API supports XML and JSON as the representation of the state of objects, both for input and output.
3.5.1. XML representation
The XML representation of an object consists of an XML element
corresponding to the type of the object, XML attributes for the id
attributes, and nested XML elements for the rest of the
attributes. For example, the XML representation for a virtual machine
appears as follows:
<vm id="123" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123">
<description>My VM</description>
The XML representation of a collection of objects consists of an XML element, named after the type of the objects, in plural. This contains the representations of the objects of the collection. For example, the XML respresentation for a collection of virtual machines appears as follows:
<vm id="123" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123">
<description>Your VM</description>
<vm id="456" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/456">
<description>My description</description>
In the XML representation of objects the id and href
attributes are the only ones that are represented as XML attributes, the
rest are represented as nested XML elements.
3.5.2. JSON representation
The JSON representation of an object consists of a JSON document
containing a name/value pair for each attribute (including id
). For example, the JSON representation of a virtual machine
appears as follows:
{ "id": "123", "href": "/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123", "name": "myvm", "description": "My VM", "memory": 1073741824, ... }
The JSON representation of a collection of objects consists of a JSON document containg a name/value pair (named ater the type of the objects, in singular) which in turn contains an array with the representations of the objects of the collection. For example, the JSON respresentation for a collection of virtual machines appears as follows:
{ "vm": [ { "id": "123", "href": "/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123", "name": "myvm", "description": "My VM", "memory": 1073741824, ... }, { "id": "456", "href": "/ovirt-engine/api/vms/456", "name": "yourvm", "description": "Your VM", "memory": 2147483648, ... }, ] }
3.6. Services
Services are the parts of the server responsible for retrieving, adding updating, removing and executing actions on the objects supported by the API.
There are two relevant kinds of services:
- Services that manage a collection of objects
These services are reponsible for listing existing objects and adding new objects. For example, the Vms service is responsible for managing the collection of virtual machines available in the system.
- Services that manage a specific object
These services are responsible for retrieving, updating, deleting and executing actions in specific objects. For example, the Vm service is responsible for managing a specific virtual machine.
Each service is accessible via a particular path within the server.
For example, the service that manages the collection of virtual machines
available in the system is available in the via the path /vms
, and the
service that manages the virtual machine 123
is available via the path
All kinds of services have a set of methods that represent the
operations that they can perform. The services that manage collections
of objects usually have the list
and add
methods. The services that
manage specific objects usually have the get
, update
and remove
methods. In addition, services may also have action methods, that
represent less common operations. For example, the Vm
service has a start method that is used
to start a virtual machine.
For the more usual methods there is a direct mapping between the name of the method and the name of the HTTP method:
Method name | HTTP method |
The path used in the HTTP request is the path of the service, with the
For example, the request to list
the virtual machines should be like
this, using the HTTP GET
method and the path /vms
GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms
For action methods the HTTP method is always POST
, and the name of the
method is added as a suffix to the path. For example, the request to
start virtual machine 123
should look like this, using the HTTP POST
method and the path /vms/123/start
POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/start
Each method has a set of parameters.
Parameters are classified into two categories:
- Main parameter
The main parameter corresponds the object or collection that is retrieved, added or updated. This only applies to the
methods, and there will be exactly one such main parameter per method. - Secondary parameters
The rest of the parameters.
For example, the operation that adds a virtual machine (see
here) has three parameters: vm
, clone
and clone_permissions
. The main parameter is vm
, as it describes the
object that is added. The clone
and clone_permissions
parameters are
secondary parameters.
The main parameter, when used for input, must be included in the body of
the HTTP request. For example, when adding a virtual machine, the vm
parameter, of type Vm, must be included in the request
body. So the complete request to add a virtual machine, including all
the HTTP details, must look like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms HTTP/1.1 Host: myengine.example.com Authorization: Bearer fqbR1ftzh8wBCviLxJcYuV5oSDI= Content-Type: application/xml Accept: application/xml <vm> <name>myvm</name> <description>My VM</description> <cluster> <name>Default</name> </cluster> <template> <name>Blank</name> </template> </vm>
When used for output, the main parameters are included in the response
body. For example, when adding a virtual machine, the vm
will be included in the response body. So the complete response body
will look like this:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Type: application/xml <vm href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123" id="123"> <name>myvm</name> <description>My VM</description> ... </vm>
Secondary parameters are only allowed for input (except for action
methods, which are described later), and they must be included as query
parameters. For example, when adding a virtual machine with the clone
parameter set to true
, the complete request must look like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms?clone=true HTTP/1.1 Host: myengine.example.com Authorization: Bearer fqbR1ftzh8wBCviLxJcYuV5oSDI= Content-Type: application/xml Accept: application/xml <vm> <name>myvm</name> <description>My VM</description> <cluster> <name>Default</name> </cluster> <template> <name>Blank</name> </template> </vm>
Action methods only have secondary parameters. They can be used for
input and output, and they should be included in the request body,
wrapped with an action
element. For example, the action method used to
start a virtual machine (see here) has a
parameter to describe how the virtual machine should be started,
and a use_cloud_init
parameter to specify if
cloud-init should be used to configure
the guest operating system. So the complete request to start virtual
machine 123
using cloud-init will look like this when using XML:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/start HTTP/1.1 Host: myengine.example.com Authorization: Bearer fqbR1ftzh8wBCviLxJcYuV5oSDI= Content-Type: application/xml Accept: application/xml <action> <use_cloud_init>true</use_cloud_init> <vm> <initialization> <nic_configurations> <nic_configuration> <name>eth0</name> <on_boot>true</on_boot> <boot_protocol>static</boot_protocol> <ip> <address></address> <netmask></netmask> <gateway></netmask> </ip> </nic_configuration> </nic_configurations> <dns_servers></dns_servers> </initialization> </vm> </action>
3.7. Searching
The list
method of some services has a search
parameter that can be
used to specify search criteria. When used, the server will only return
objects within the collection that satisfy those criteria. For example,
the following request will return only the virtual machine named myvm
GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms?search=name%3Dmyvm
3.7.1. Maximum results parameter
Use the max
parameter to limit the number of objects returned. For
example, the following request will only return one virtual machine,
regardless of how many are available in the system:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms?max=1
A search request without the max
parameter will return all the
objects. Specifying the max
parameter is recommended to reduce the
impact of requests in the overall performance of the system.
3.7.2. Case sensitivity
By default queries are not case sensitive. For example, the following
request will return the virtual machines named myvm
, MyVM
and MYVM
GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms?search=name%3Dmyvm
The optional case_sensitive
boolean parameter can be used to change this
behaviour. For example, to get exactly the virtual machine named myhost
, and
not MyHost
, send a request like this:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms?search=name%3D=myvm&case_sensitive=true
3.7.3. Search syntax
The search
parameters use the same syntax as the oVirt query
(criteria) [sortby (element) asc|desc]
The sortby
clause is optional and only needed when ordering results.
Example search queries:
Collection | Criteria | Result |
Returns a list of all hosts running virtual machines that are |
Returns a list of all virtual machines running on the specified domain. |
Returns a list of all virtual machines belonging to users with the user
name |
Returns a list of all events with severity higher than |
Returns a list of all events with severity higher than |
The value of the search
parameter must be
URL-encoded to translate
reserved characters, such as operators and spaces. For example, the
equal sign should be encoded as %3D
GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms?search=name%3Dmyvm
3.7.4. Wildcards
The asterisk can be used as part of a value, to indicate that any string
matches, including the emtpy string. For example, the following request
will return all the virtual machines with names beginning with myvm
such as myvm
, myvm2
, myvma
or myvm-webserver
GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms?search=name%3Dmyvm*
3.7.5. Pagination
Some oVirt environments contain large collections of objects.
Retrieving all of them with one request isn’t practical, and hurts
performace. To allow retrieving them page by page the search
supports an optional page
clause. This, combined with the max
parameter, is the basis for paging. For example, to get the first page
of virtual machines, with a page size of 10 virtual machines, send
request like this:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms?search=page%201&max=10
The search parameter is URL-encoded, the actual value of the
search parameter, before encoding, is page 1 , so this is actually
requesting the first page.
Increase the page
value to retrieve the next page:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms?search=page%202&max=10
The page
clause can be used in conjunction with other clauses inside
the search
parameter. For example, the following request will return
the second page of virtual machines, but sorting by name:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms?search=sortby%20name%20page%202&max=10
The API is stateless; it is not possible to retain a state between different requests since all requests are independent from each other. As a result, if a status change occurs between your requests, then the page results may be inconsistent. For example, if you request a specific page from a list of virtual machines, and virtual machines are created or removed before you request the next page, then your results may be missing some of them, or contain duplicates. |
3.8. Following links
The API returns references to related objects as links. For example, when a virtual machine is retrieved it contains links to its disk attachments and network interface cards:
<vm id="123" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123">
<link rel="diskattachments" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/diskattachments"/>
<link rel="nics" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/nics"/>
The complete description of those linked objects can be retrieved by sending separate requests:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/diskattachments GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/nics
However, in some situations it is more convenient for the application using the API to
retrieve the linked information in the same request. This is useful, for example,
when the additional network round trips introduce an unacceptable overhead, or when
the multiple requests complicate the code of the application in an unacceptable
way. For those use cases the API provides a follow
parameter that allows the
application to retrieve the linked information using only one request.
The value of the follow
parameter is a list of strings, separated by commas.
Each of those strings is the path of the linked object. For example, to retrieve
the disk attachments and the NICs in the example above the request should be like
GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123?follow=disk_attachments,nics
That will return an response like this:
<vm id="123" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123">
<disk_attachment id="456" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/diskattachments/456">
<disk id="789" href="/ovirt-engine/api/disks/789"/>
<nic id="234" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/nics/234">
The path to the linked object can be a single word, as in the previous example,
or it can be a sequence of words, separated by dots, to request nested
data. For example, the previous example used disk_attachments
in order to
retrieve the complete description of the disk attachments, but each
disk attachment contains a link to the disk, which wasn’t followed.
In order to also follow the links to the disks, the following request
can be used:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123?follow=disk_attachments.disk
That will result in the following response:
<vm id="123" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123">
<disk_attachment id="456" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/diskattachments/456">
<disk id="789" href="/ovirt-engine/api/disks/789">
<description>My disk</description>
The path can be made as deep as needed. For example, to also get the statistics of the disks:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123?follow=disk_attachments.disk.statistics
Multiple path elements and multiple paths can be combined. For example, to get the disk attachments and the network interface cards, both with their statistics:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123?follow=disk_attachments.disk.statistics,nics.statistics
Almost all the operations that retrieve objects support the follow
parameter, but make sure to explicitly check the reference documentation, as
some operations may not support it, or may provide advice on how to use
it to get the best performance.
Using the follow parameter moves the overhead from the
client side to the server side. When you request additional data, the
server must fetch and merge it with the basic data. That consumes CPU
and memory in the server side, and will in most cases require additional
database queries. That may adversely affect the performance of the server,
especially in large scale environments. Make sure to test your application
in a realistic environment, and use the follow parameter only when
3.9. Permissions
Many of the services that manage a single object provide a reference to
a permissions
service that manages the permissions assigned to that
object. Each permission contains links to the user or group, the role
and the object. For example, the permissions assigned to a specific
virtual machine can be retrieved sending a request like this:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/permissions
The response body will look like this:
<permission id="456" href="/ovirt-engien/api/vms/123/permissions/456">
<user id="789" href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/789"/>
<role id="abc" href="/ovirt-engine/api/roles/abc"/>
<vm id="123" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123"/>
A permission is added to an object sending a POST
request with a
permission representation to this service. Each new permission requires
a role and a user.
3.10. Handling errors
Some errors require further explanation beyond a standard HTTP status
code. For example, the API reports an unsuccessful object state update
or action with a fault
in the response body. The fault contains the
and detail
attributes. For example, when the server receives
a request to create a virtual machine without the mandatory name
attribute it will respond with the following HTTP response line:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
And the following response body:
<reason>Incomplete parameters</reason>
<detail>Vm [name] required for add</detail>
4. Quick Start Examples
The examples in this section show you how to use the REST API to set up a basic oVirt environment and to create a virtual machine. In addition to the standard prerequisites, these examples require the following:
A networked and configured oVirt installation.
An ISO file containing the virtual machine operating system you want to install. This chapter uses CentOS 7 for the installation ISO example.
The API examples use curl
to demonstrate API
requests with a client application. You can use any application that sends
HTTP requests.
The HTTP request headers in this example omit the The |
oVirt generates a unique identifier for the id
attribute for each resource. Identifier codes in this example will
differ from the identifier codes in your oVirt
In many examples, some attributes of the results returned by the API have been omitted, for brevity. See, for example, the Cluster reference for a complete list of attributes.
4.1. Access API entry point
The following request retrieves a representation of the main entry point for version 4 of the API:
GET /ovirt-engine/api HTTP/1.1 Version: 4 Accept: application/xml
The same request, but using the /v4
URL prefix instead of the Version
GET /ovirt-engine/api/v4 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/xml
The same request, using the curl
curl \ --cacert '/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem' \ --request GET \ --header 'Version: 4' \ --header 'Accept: application/xml' \ --user 'admin@internal:mypassword' \ https://myengine.example.com/ovirt-engine/api
The result is an object of type Api:
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters" rel="clusters"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters" rel="datacenters"/>
<name>oVirt Engine</name>
<blank_template href="..." id="..."/>
<root_tag href="..." id="..."/>
When neither the header nor the URL prefix are used, the server will
automatically select a version. The default is version # echo "ENGINE_API_DEFAULT_VERSION=3" > \ /etc/ovirt-engine/engine.conf.d/99-set-default-version.conf # systemctl restart ovirt-engine Changing this parameter affects all users of the API that don’t specify the version explicitly. |
The entry point provides a user with links to the collections in a
virtualization environment. The rel
attribute of each collection link
provides a reference point for each link. The next step in this example
examines the data center collection, which is available through the
The entry point also contains other data such as product_info, special_objects and summary. This data is covered in chapters outside this example.
4.2. List data centers
oVirt creates a Default
data center on installation. This
example uses the Default
data center as the basis for the virtual
The following request retrieves a representation of the data centers:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/xml
The same request, using the curl
# curl \ --cacert '/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem' \ --request GET \ --header 'Version: 4' \ --header 'Accept: application/xml' \ --user 'admin@internal:mypassword' \ https://myengine.example.com/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters
The result will be a list of objects of type DataCenter:
<data_center href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/001" id="001">
<description>The default Data Center</description>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/001/clusters" rel="clusters"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/001/storagedomains" rel="storagedomains"/>
Note the id
of your Default
data center. It identifies this data
center in relation to other resources of your virtual environment.
The data center also contains a link to the service that manages the storage domains attached to the data center:
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/001/storagedomains" rel="storagedomains"/>
That service is used to attach storage domains from the main
collection, which this example covers later.
4.3. List host clusters
oVirt creates a Default
hosts cluster on installation. This
example uses the Default
cluster to group resources in your
oVirt environment.
The following request retrieves a representation of the cluster collection:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusters HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/xml
The same request, using the curl
curl \ --cacert '/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem' \ --request GET \ --header 'Version: 4' \ --header 'Accept: application/xml' \ --user 'admin@internal:mypassword' \ https://myengine.example.com/ovirt-engine/api/clusters
The result will be a list of objects of type Cluster:
<cluster href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/002" id="002">
<description>The default server cluster</description>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/002/networks" rel="networks"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/002" rel="permissions"/>
<type>Intel Nehalem Family</type>
<data_center href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/001" id="001"/>
Note the id
of your Default
host cluster. It identifies this host
cluster in relation to other resources of your virtual environment.
The Default
cluster is associated with the Default
data center
through a relationship using the id
and href
attributes of the
<data_center href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/001" id="001"/>
The networks
link is a reference to the service that manages the networks associated to this cluster. The next
section examines the networks collection in more detail.
4.4. List logical networks
oVirt creates a default ovirtmgmt
network on installation.
This network acts as the management network for oVirt Engine to access
This network is associated with the Default
cluster and is a member of
the Default
data center. This example uses the ovirtmgmt
network to
connect the virtual machines.
The following request retrieves the list of logical networks:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/networks HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/xml
The same request, using the curl
# curl \ --cacert '/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem' \ --request GET \ --header 'Version: 4' \ --header 'Accept: application/xml' \ --user 'admin@internal:mypassword' \ https://myengine.example.com/ovirt-engine/api/networks
The result will be a list of objects of type Network:
<network href="/ovirt-engine/api/networks/003" id="003">
<description>Management Network</description>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/networks/003/permissions" rel="permissions"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/networks/003/vnicprofiles" rel="vnicprofiles"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/networks/003/networklabels" rel="networklabels"/>
<data_center href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/001" id="001"/>
The ovirtmgmt
network is attached to the Default
data center through a
relationship using the data center’s id
The ovirtmgmt
network is also attached to the Default
cluster through a
relationship in the cluster’s network sub-collection.
4.5. List hosts
This example retrieves the list of hosts and shows a host named myhost
registered with the virtualization environment:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/hosts HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/xml
The same request, using the curl
# curl \ --cacert '/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem' \ --request GET \ --header 'Version: 4' \ --header 'Accept: application/xml' \ --user 'admin@internal:mypassword' \ https://myengine.example.com/ovirt-engine/api/hosts
The result will be a list of objects of type Host:
<host href="/ovirt-engine/api/hosts/004" id="004">
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/hosts/004/nics" rel="nics"/>
<name>Intel Core Processor (Haswell, no TSX)</name>
<full_version>7 - 2.1511.el7.centos.2.10</full_version>
<cluster href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/002" id="002"/>
Note the id
of your host. It identifies this host in relation to other
resources of your virtual environment.
This host is a member of the Default
cluster and accessing the nics
sub-collection shows this host has a connection to the ovirtmgmt
4.6. Create NFS data storage
An NFS data storage domain is an exported NFS share attached to a data
center and provides storage for virtualized guest images. Creation of a
new storage domain requires a POST
request, with the storage domain
representation included, sent to the URL of the storage domain
You can enable the wipe after delete option by default on the storage
domain. To configure this specify wipe_after_delete
in the POST
request. This option can be edited after the domain is created, but
doing so will not change the wipe after delete property of disks that
already exist.
The request should be like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/xml Content-type: application/xml
And the request body should be like this:
<description>My data</description>
The same request, using the curl
# curl \ --cacert '/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem' \ --user 'admin@internal:mypassword' \ --request POST \ --header 'Version: 4' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/xml' \ --header 'Accept: application/xml' \ --data ' <storage_domain> <name>mydata</name> <description>My data</description> <type>data</type> <storage> <type>nfs</type> <address>mynfs.example.com</address> <path>/exports/mydata</path> </storage> <host> <name>myhost</name> </host> </storage_domain> ' \ https://myengine.example.com/ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains
The server uses host myhost
to create a NFS data storage domain called
with an export path of mynfs.example.com:/exports/mydata
. The
API also returns the following representation of the newly created
storage domain resource (of type StorageDomain):
<storage_domain href="/ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains/005" id="005">
<description>My data</description>
4.7. Create NFS ISO storage
An NFS ISO storage domain is a mounted NFS share attached to a data
center and provides storage for DVD/CD-ROM ISO and virtual floppy disk
(VFD) image files. Creation of a new storage domain requires a POST
request, with the storage domain representation included, sent to the
URL of the storage domain collection:
The request should be like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/xml Content-type: application/xml
And the request body should be like this:
<description>My ISOs</description>
The same request, using the curl
# curl \ --cacert '/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem' \ --user 'admin@internal:mypassword' \ --request POST \ --header 'Version: 4' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/xml' \ --header 'Accept: application/xml' \ --data ' <storage_domain> <name>myisos</name> <description>My ISOs</description> <type>iso</type> <storage> <type>nfs</type> <address>mynfs.example.com</address> <path>/exports/myisos</path> </storage> <host> <name>myhost</name> </host> </storage_domain> ' \ https://myengine.example.com/ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains
The server uses host myhost
to create a NFS ISO storage domain called
with an export path of mynfs.example.com:/exports/myisos
. The
API also returns the following representation of the newly created
storage domain resource (of type StorageDomain):
<storage_domain href="/ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains/006" id="006">
<description>My ISOs</description>
4.8. Attach storage domains to data center
The following example attaches the mydata
and myisos
storage domains
to the Default
data center.
To attach the mydata
storage domain, send a request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/001/storagedomains HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/xml Content-type: application/xml
With a request body like this:
The same request, using the curl
# curl \ --cacert '/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem' \ --user 'admin@internal:mypassword' \ --request POST \ --header 'Version: 4' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/xml' \ --header 'Accept: application/xml' \ --data ' <storage_domain> <name>mydata</name> </storage_domain> ' \ https://myengine.example.com/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/001/storagedomains
To attach the myisos
storage domain, send a request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/001/storagedomains HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/xml Content-type: application/xml
With a request body like this:
The same request, using the curl
# curl \ --cacert '/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem' \ --user 'admin@internal:mypassword' \ --request POST \ --header 'Version: 4' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/xml' \ --header 'Accept: application/xml' \ --data ' <storage_domain> <name>myisos</name> </storage_domain> ' \ https://myengine.example.com/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/001/storagedomains
4.9. Create virtual machine
The following example creates a virtual machine called myvm
on the
cluster using the virtualization environment’s Blank
template as a basis. The request also defines the virtual machine’s
memory as 512 MiB and sets the boot device to a virtual hard disk.
The request should be contain an object of type Vm describing the virtual machine to create:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Content-type: application/xml
And the request body should be like this:
<description>My VM</description>
The same request, using the curl
# curl \ --cacert '/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem' \ --user 'admin@internal:mypassword' \ --request POST \ --header 'Version: 4' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/xml' \ --header 'Accept: application/xml' \ --data ' <vm> <name>myvm</name> <description>My VM</description> <cluster> <name>Default</name> </cluster> <template> <name>Blank</name> </template> <memory>536870912</memory> <os> <boot> <devices> <device>hd</device> </devices> </boot> </os> </vm> ' \ https://myengine.example.com/ovirt-engine/api/vms
The response body will be an object of the Vm type:
<vm href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/007" id="007">
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/007/diskattachments" rel="diskattachments"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/007/nics" rel="nics"/>
<cluster href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/002" id="002"/>
<original_template href="/ovirt-engine/api/templates/000" id="00"/>
<template href="/ovirt-engine/api/templates/000" id="000"/>
4.10. Create a virtual machine NIC
The following example creates a virtual network interface to connect the
example virtual machine to the ovirtmgmt
The request should be like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/007/nics HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/xml Accept: application/xml
The request body should contain an object of type Nic describing the NIC to be created:
<description>My network interface card</description>
The same request, using the curl
# curl \ --cacert '/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem' \ --user 'admin@internal:mypassword' \ --request POST \ --header 'Version: 4' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/xml' \ --header 'Accept: application/xml' \ --data ' <nic> <name>mynic</name> <description>My network interface card</description> </nic> ' \ https://myengine.example.com/ovirt-engine/api/vms/007/nics
4.11. Create virtual machine disk
The following example creates an 8 GiB copy-on-write disk for the example virtual machine.
The request should be like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/007/diskattachments HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/xml Accept: application/xml
The request body should be an object of type DiskAttachment describing the disk and how it will be attached to the virtual machine:
<description>My disk</description>
The same request, using the curl
# curl \ --cacert '/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem' \ --user 'admin@internal:mypassword' \ --request POST \ --header 'Version: 4' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/xml' \ --header 'Accept: application/xml' \ --data ' <disk_attachment> <bootable>false</bootable> <interface>virtio</interface> <active>true</active> <disk> <description>My disk</description> <format>cow</format> <name>mydisk</name> <provisioned_size>8589934592</provisioned_size> <storage_domains> <storage_domain> <name>mydata</name> </storage_domain> </storage_domains> </disk> </disk_attachment> ' \ https://myengine.example.com/ovirt-engine/api/vms/007/diskattachments
The storage_domains
attribute tells the API to store the disk on the
storage domain.
4.12. Attach ISO image to virtual machine
The boot media for the following virtual machine example requires a CD-ROM or DVD ISO image for an operating system installation. This example uses a CentOS 7 image.
ISO images must be available in the myisos
ISO domain for the virtual
machines to use. You can use ImageTransfers to create an
image transfer and ImageTransfer to upload the ISO
Once the ISO image is uploaded, an API can be used to request the list of files from the ISO storage domain:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains/006/files HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/xml
The same request, using the curl
# curl \ --cacert '/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem' \ --user 'admin@internal:mypassword' \ --request GET \ --header 'Version: 4' \ --header 'Accept: application/xml' \ https://myengine.example.com/ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains/006/files
The server returns the following list of objects of type File, one for each available ISO (or floppy) image:
<file href="..." id="CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal.iso">
An API user attaches the CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal.iso
to the example
virtual machine. Attaching an ISO image is equivalent to using the
Change CD button in the administration or user portal applications.
The request should be like this:
PUT /ovirt-engine/api/vms/007/cdroms/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/xml Content-type: application/xml
The request body should be an object of type Cdrom
containing an inner file
attribute to indicate the identifier of the
ISO (or floppy) image:
<file id="CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal.iso"/>
The same request, using the curl
# curl \ --cacert '/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem' \ --user 'admin@internal:mypassword' \ --request PUT \ --header 'Version: 4' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/xml' \ --header 'Accept: application/xml' \ --data ' <cdrom> <file id="CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal.iso"/> </cdrom> ' \ https://myengine.example.com/ovirt-engine/api/vms/007/cdroms/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
For more details see the documentation of the service that manages virtual machine CD-ROMS.
4.13. Start the virtual machine
The virtual environment is complete and the virtual machine contains all necessary components to function. This example starts the virtual machine using the start method.
The request should be like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/007/start HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/xml Content-type: application/xml
The request body should be like this:
The same request, using the curl
# curl \ --cacert '/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem' \ --user 'admin@internal:mypassword' \ --request POST \ --header 'Version: 4' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/xml' \ --header 'Accept: application/xml' \ --data ' <action> <vm> <os> <boot> <devices> <device>cdrom</device> </devices> </boot> </os> </vm> </action> ' \ https://myengine.example.com/ovirt-engine/api/vms/007/start
The additional request body sets the virtual machine’s boot device to CD-ROM for this boot only. This enables the virtual machine to install the operating system from the attached ISO image. The boot device reverts back to disk for all future boots.
5. Requests
This section enumerates all the requests that are available in the API.
POST /clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}/hostlabels
GET /clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}/hostlabels
DELETE /clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}/hostlabels/{label:id}
DELETE /clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}/hosts/{host:id}
POST /clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}/vmlabels
GET /clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}/vmlabels
DELETE /clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}/vmlabels/{label:id}
DELETE /clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}/vms/{vm:id}
POST /clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/getprofilestatistics
POST /clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/glusterbricks
GET /clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/glusterbricks
DELETE /clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/glusterbricks
POST /clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/glusterbricks/activate
POST /clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/glusterbricks/migrate
POST /clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/glusterbricks/stopmigrate
GET /clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/glusterbricks/{brick:id}
DELETE /clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/glusterbricks/{brick:id}
POST /clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/glusterbricks/{brick:id}/replace
GET /clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/glusterbricks/{brick:id}/statistics
GET /clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/glusterbricks/{brick:id}/statistics/{statistic:id}
POST /clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/rebalance
POST /clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/resetalloptions
POST /clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/resetoption
POST /clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/setoption
POST /clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/start
POST /clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/startprofile
GET /clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/statistics
GET /clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/statistics/{statistic:id}
POST /clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/stopprofile
POST /clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/stoprebalance
GET /clusters/{cluster:id}/networkfilters/{networkfilter:id}
DELETE /cpuprofiles/{profile:id}/permissions/{permission:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}
PUT /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}/hostlabels
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}/hostlabels
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}/hostlabels/{label:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}/hosts
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}/hosts
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}/hosts/{host:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}/vmlabels
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}/vmlabels
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}/vmlabels/{label:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}/vms
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}/vms
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/affinitygroups/{group:id}/vms/{vm:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/cpuprofiles
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/cpuprofiles
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/cpuprofiles/{profile:id}
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/cpuprofiles/{profile:id}
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/enabledfeatures
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/enabledfeatures
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/enabledfeatures/{feature:id}
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/enabledfeatures/{feature:id}
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/externalnetworkproviders
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glusterhooks
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glusterhooks/{hook:id}
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glusterhooks/{hook:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glusterhooks/{hook:id}/disable
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glusterhooks/{hook:id}/enable
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glusterhooks/{hook:id}/resolve
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/getprofilestatistics
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/glusterbricks
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/glusterbricks
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/glusterbricks
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/glusterbricks/activate
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/glusterbricks/migrate
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/glusterbricks/stopmigrate
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/glusterbricks/{brick:id}
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/glusterbricks/{brick:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/glusterbricks/{brick:id}/replace
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/glusterbricks/{brick:id}/statistics
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/glusterbricks/{brick:id}/statistics/{statistic:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/rebalance
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/resetalloptions
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/resetoption
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/setoption
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/start
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/startprofile
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/statistics
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/statistics/{statistic:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/stop
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/stopprofile
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/glustervolumes/{volume:id}/stoprebalance
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/networkfilters
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/networkfilters/{networkfilter:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/networks
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/networks
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/networks/{network:id}
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/networks/{network:id}
PUT /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/networks/{network:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/permissions
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/permissions
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/permissions/{permission:id}
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/permissions/{permission:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/refreshglusterhealstatus
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/resetemulatedmachine
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/syncallnetworks
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/clusters/{cluster:id}/upgrade
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/networks
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/networks
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/networks/{network:id}
PUT /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/networks/{network:id}
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/networks/{network:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/networks/{network:id}/networklabels
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/networks/{network:id}/networklabels
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/networks/{network:id}/networklabels/{label:id}
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/networks/{network:id}/networklabels/{label:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/networks/{network:id}/permissions
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/networks/{network:id}/permissions
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/networks/{network:id}/permissions/{permission:id}
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/networks/{network:id}/permissions/{permission:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/networks/{network:id}/vnicprofiles
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/networks/{network:id}/vnicprofiles
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/networks/{network:id}/vnicprofiles/{profile:id}
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/networks/{network:id}/vnicprofiles/{profile:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/networks/{network:id}/vnicprofiles/{profile:id}/permissions
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/networks/{network:id}/vnicprofiles/{profile:id}/permissions
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/networks/{network:id}/vnicprofiles/{profile:id}/permissions/{permission:id}
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/networks/{network:id}/vnicprofiles/{profile:id}/permissions/{permission:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/storageserverconnections
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/storageserverconnections
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/storageserverconnections/{storageconnection:id}
PUT /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/storageserverconnections/{storageconnection:id}
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/iscsibonds/{iscsibond:id}/storageserverconnections/{storageconnection:id}
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/permissions/{permission:id}
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/permissions/{permission:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/quotas/{quota:id}/permissions
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/quotas/{quota:id}/permissions
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/quotas/{quota:id}/permissions/{permission:id}
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/quotas/{quota:id}/permissions/{permission:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/quotas/{quota:id}/quotaclusterlimits
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/quotas/{quota:id}/quotaclusterlimits
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/quotas/{quota:id}/quotaclusterlimits/{limit:id}
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/quotas/{quota:id}/quotaclusterlimits/{limit:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/quotas/{quota:id}/quotastoragelimits
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/quotas/{quota:id}/quotastoragelimits
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/quotas/{quota:id}/quotastoragelimits/{limit:id}
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/quotas/{quota:id}/quotastoragelimits/{limit:id}
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/activate
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/deactivate
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks
PUT /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}/copy
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}/export
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}/move
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}/permissions
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}/permissions
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}/permissions/{permission:id}
DELETE /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}/permissions/{permission:id}
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}/register
POST /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}/sparsify
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}/statistics
GET /datacenters/{datacenter:id}/storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}/statistics/{statistic:id}
GET /diskprofiles/{diskprofile:id}/permissions/{permission:id}
DELETE /diskprofiles/{diskprofile:id}/permissions/{permission:id}
GET /externalhostproviders/{provider:id}/certificates/{certificate:id}
GET /externalhostproviders/{provider:id}/computeresources/{resource:id}
GET /externalhostproviders/{provider:id}/discoveredhosts/{host:id}
GET /externalhostproviders/{provider:id}/hostgroups/{group:id}
POST /externalhostproviders/{provider:id}/importcertificates
DELETE /groups/{group:id}/roles/{role:id}/permits/{permit:id}
GET /hosts/{host:id}/externalnetworkproviderconfigurations/{configuration:id}
GET /hosts/{host:id}/nics/{nic:id}/linklayerdiscoveryprotocolelements
GET /hosts/{host:id}/nics/{nic:id}/networkattachments/{attachment:id}
PUT /hosts/{host:id}/nics/{nic:id}/networkattachments/{attachment:id}
DELETE /hosts/{host:id}/nics/{nic:id}/networkattachments/{attachment:id}
DELETE /hosts/{host:id}/nics/{nic:id}/networklabels/{label:id}
GET /hosts/{host:id}/nics/{nic:id}/statistics/{statistic:id}
POST /hosts/{host:id}/nics/{nic:id}/updatevirtualfunctionsconfiguration
POST /hosts/{host:id}/nics/{nic:id}/virtualfunctionallowedlabels
GET /hosts/{host:id}/nics/{nic:id}/virtualfunctionallowedlabels
GET /hosts/{host:id}/nics/{nic:id}/virtualfunctionallowedlabels/{label:id}
DELETE /hosts/{host:id}/nics/{nic:id}/virtualfunctionallowedlabels/{label:id}
POST /hosts/{host:id}/nics/{nic:id}/virtualfunctionallowednetworks
GET /hosts/{host:id}/nics/{nic:id}/virtualfunctionallowednetworks
GET /hosts/{host:id}/nics/{nic:id}/virtualfunctionallowednetworks/{network:id}
DELETE /hosts/{host:id}/nics/{nic:id}/virtualfunctionallowednetworks/{network:id}
GET /hosts/{host:id}/numanodes/{node:id}/statistics/{statistic:id}
GET /hosts/{host:id}/storageconnectionextensions/{storageconnectionextension:id}
PUT /hosts/{host:id}/storageconnectionextensions/{storageconnectionextension:id}
DELETE /hosts/{host:id}/storageconnectionextensions/{storageconnectionextension:id}
GET /hosts/{host:id}/unmanagednetworks/{unmanagednetwork:id}
DELETE /hosts/{host:id}/unmanagednetworks/{unmanagednetwork:id}
GET /instancetypes/{instancetype:id}/graphicsconsoles/{console:id}
DELETE /instancetypes/{instancetype:id}/graphicsconsoles/{console:id}
GET /instancetypes/{instancetype:id}/watchdogs/{watchdog:id}
PUT /instancetypes/{instancetype:id}/watchdogs/{watchdog:id}
DELETE /instancetypes/{instancetype:id}/watchdogs/{watchdog:id}
GET /jobs/{job:id}/steps/{step:id}/statistics/{statistic:id}
POST /networks/{network:id}/vnicprofiles/{profile:id}/permissions
GET /networks/{network:id}/vnicprofiles/{profile:id}/permissions
GET /networks/{network:id}/vnicprofiles/{profile:id}/permissions/{permission:id}
DELETE /networks/{network:id}/vnicprofiles/{profile:id}/permissions/{permission:id}
GET /openstackimageproviders/{provider:id}/certificates/{certificate:id}
GET /openstackimageproviders/{provider:id}/images/{image:id}
POST /openstackimageproviders/{provider:id}/images/{image:id}/import
POST /openstackimageproviders/{provider:id}/importcertificates
POST /openstackimageproviders/{provider:id}/testconnectivity
GET /openstacknetworkproviders/{provider:id}/certificates/{certificate:id}
POST /openstacknetworkproviders/{provider:id}/importcertificates
GET /openstacknetworkproviders/{provider:id}/networks/{network:id}
POST /openstacknetworkproviders/{provider:id}/networks/{network:id}/import
POST /openstacknetworkproviders/{provider:id}/networks/{network:id}/subnets
GET /openstacknetworkproviders/{provider:id}/networks/{network:id}/subnets
GET /openstacknetworkproviders/{provider:id}/networks/{network:id}/subnets/{subnet:id}
DELETE /openstacknetworkproviders/{provider:id}/networks/{network:id}/subnets/{subnet:id}
POST /openstacknetworkproviders/{provider:id}/testconnectivity
POST /openstackvolumeproviders/{provider:id}/authenticationkeys
GET /openstackvolumeproviders/{provider:id}/authenticationkeys
GET /openstackvolumeproviders/{provider:id}/authenticationkeys/{key:id}
PUT /openstackvolumeproviders/{provider:id}/authenticationkeys/{key:id}
DELETE /openstackvolumeproviders/{provider:id}/authenticationkeys/{key:id}
GET /openstackvolumeproviders/{provider:id}/certificates/{certificate:id}
POST /openstackvolumeproviders/{provider:id}/importcertificates
POST /openstackvolumeproviders/{provider:id}/testconnectivity
GET /openstackvolumeproviders/{provider:id}/volumetypes/{type:id}
DELETE /schedulingpolicies/{policy:id}/balances/{balance:id}
GET /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/diskprofiles/{profile:id}
DELETE /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/diskprofiles/{profile:id}
POST /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}/copy
POST /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}/export
POST /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}/move
POST /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}/permissions
GET /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}/permissions
GET /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}/permissions/{permission:id}
DELETE /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}/permissions/{permission:id}
POST /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}/reduce
POST /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}/sparsify
GET /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}/statistics
GET /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disks/{disk:id}/statistics/{statistic:id}
GET /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disksnapshots/{snapshot:id}
DELETE /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/disksnapshots/{snapshot:id}
POST /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/images/{image:id}/import
GET /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/permissions/{permission:id}
DELETE /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/permissions/{permission:id}
GET /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/storageconnections/{connection:id}
DELETE /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/storageconnections/{connection:id}
GET /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/templates/{template:id}
DELETE /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/templates/{template:id}
GET /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/templates/{template:id}/disks
GET /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/templates/{template:id}/disks/{disk:id}
POST /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/templates/{template:id}/import
POST /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/templates/{template:id}/register
GET /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/vms/{vm:id}/diskattachments
GET /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/vms/{vm:id}/diskattachments/{attachment:id}
GET /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/vms/{vm:id}/disks/{disk:id}
POST /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/vms/{vm:id}/register
GET /templates/{template:id}/diskattachments/{attachment:id}
DELETE /templates/{template:id}/diskattachments/{attachment:id}
DELETE /templates/{template:id}/graphicsconsoles/{console:id}
GET /users/{user:id}/eventsubscriptions/{eventsubscription:id}
DELETE /users/{user:id}/eventsubscriptions/{eventsubscription:id}
GET /vms/{vm:id}/checkpoints/{checkpoint:id}/disks/{disk:id}
POST /vms/{vm:id}/graphicsconsoles/{console:id}/remoteviewerconnectionfile
GET /vms/{vm:id}/nics/{nic:id}/networkfilterparameters/{parameter:id}
PUT /vms/{vm:id}/nics/{nic:id}/networkfilterparameters/{parameter:id}
DELETE /vms/{vm:id}/nics/{nic:id}/networkfilterparameters/{parameter:id}
GET /vms/{vm:id}/nics/{nic:id}/reporteddevices/{reporteddevice:id}
DELETE /vnicprofiles/{profile:id}/permissions/{permission:id}
6. Services
This section enumerates all the services that are available in the API.
6.1. AffinityGroup
This service manages a single affinity group.
Name | Summary |
Retrieve the affinity group details. |
Remove the affinity group. |
Update the affinity group. |
6.1.1. get GET
Retrieve the affinity group details.
<affinity_group id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">
<cluster id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
The affinity group. |
6.1.2. remove DELETE
Remove the affinity group.
DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/000-000/affinitygroups/123-456
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the removal should be performed asynchronously. |
6.1.3. update PUT
Update the affinity group.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the update should be performed asynchronously. |
In/Out |
The affinity group. |
6.2. AffinityGroupHost
This service manages a single host to affinity group assignment.
Name | Summary |
Remove host from the affinity group. |
6.2.1. remove DELETE
Remove host from the affinity group.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the removal should be performed asynchronously. |
6.3. AffinityGroupHostLabel
This service manages a single host label assigned to an affinity group.
Name | Summary |
Remove this label from the affinity group. |
6.3.1. remove DELETE
Remove this label from the affinity group.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the removal should be performed asynchronously. |
6.4. AffinityGroupHostLabels
This service manages a collection of all host labels assigned to an affinity group.
Name | Summary |
Adds a host label to the affinity group. |
List all host labels assigned to this affinity group. |
6.4.1. add POST
Adds a host label to the affinity group.
For example, to add the label 789
to the affinity group 456
of cluster 123
send a request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/affinitygroups/456/hostlabels
With the following body:
<affinity_label id="789"/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
The AffinityLabel object to add to the affinity group. |
6.4.2. list GET
List all host labels assigned to this affinity group.
The order of the returned labels isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
Host labels assigned to the affinity group. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of host labels to return. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of host labels to return. If not specified, all the labels are returned.
6.5. AffinityGroupHosts
This service manages a collection of all hosts assigned to an affinity group.
Name | Summary |
Adds a host to the affinity group. |
List all hosts assigned to this affinity group. |
6.5.1. add POST
Adds a host to the affinity group.
For example, to add the host 789
to the affinity group 456
of cluster 123
, send a request like
POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/affinitygroups/456/hosts
With the following body:
<host id="789"/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
The host to be added to the affinity group. |
6.5.2. list GET
List all hosts assigned to this affinity group.
The order of the returned hosts isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
The list of hosts assigned to this affinity group. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of hosts to return. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of hosts to return. If not specified, all the hosts are returned.
6.6. AffinityGroupVm
This service manages a single virtual machine to affinity group assignment.
Name | Summary |
Remove this virtual machine from the affinity group. |
6.6.1. remove DELETE
Remove this virtual machine from the affinity group.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the removal should be performed asynchronously. |
6.7. AffinityGroupVmLabel
This service manages a single virtual machine label assigned to an affinity group.
Name | Summary |
Remove this label from the affinity group. |
6.7.1. remove DELETE
Remove this label from the affinity group.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the removal should be performed asynchronously. |
6.8. AffinityGroupVmLabels
This service manages a collection of all virtual machine labels assigned to an affinity group.
Name | Summary |
Adds a virtual machine label to the affinity group. |
List all virtual machine labels assigned to this affinity group. |
6.8.1. add POST
Adds a virtual machine label to the affinity group.
For example, to add the label 789
to the affinity group 456
of cluster 123
send a request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/affinitygroups/456/vmlabels
With the following body:
<affinity_label id="789"/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
The AffinityLabel object to add to the affinity group. |
6.8.2. list GET
List all virtual machine labels assigned to this affinity group.
The order of the returned labels isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
Virtual machine labels assigned to the affinity group. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of virtual machine labels to return. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of virtual machine labels to return. If not specified, all the labels are returned.
6.9. AffinityGroupVms
This service manages a collection of all the virtual machines assigned to an affinity group.
Name | Summary |
Adds a virtual machine to the affinity group. |
List all virtual machines assigned to this affinity group. |
6.9.1. add POST
Adds a virtual machine to the affinity group.
For example, to add the virtual machine 789
to the affinity group 456
of cluster 123
, send a request like
POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/affinitygroups/456/vms
With the following body:
<vm id="789"/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
6.9.2. list GET
List all virtual machines assigned to this affinity group.
The order of the returned virtual machines isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of virtual machines to return. |
Out |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of virtual machines to return. If not specified, all the virtual machines are returned.
6.10. AffinityGroups
The affinity groups service manages virtual machine relationships and dependencies.
Name | Summary |
Create a new affinity group. |
List existing affinity groups. |
6.10.1. add POST
Create a new affinity group.
Post a request like in the example below to create a new affinity group:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/000-000/affinitygroups
And use the following example in its body:
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
The affinity group object to create. |
6.10.2. list GET
List existing affinity groups.
The order of the affinity groups results isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
The list of existing affinity groups. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of affinity groups to return. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of affinity groups to return. If not specified all the affinity groups are returned.
6.11. AffinityLabel
The details of a single affinity label.
Name | Summary |
Retrieves the details of a label. |
Removes a label from the system and clears all assignments of the removed label. |
Updates a label. |
6.11.1. get GET
Retrieves the details of a label.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
6.11.2. remove DELETE
Removes a label from the system and clears all assignments of the removed label.
6.11.3. update PUT
Updates a label. This call will update all metadata, such as the name or description.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
6.12. AffinityLabelHost
This service represents a host that has a specific label when accessed through the affinitylabels/hosts subcollection.
Name | Summary |
Retrieves details about a host that has this label assigned. |
Remove a label from a host. |
6.12.1. get GET
Retrieves details about a host that has this label assigned.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
6.12.2. remove DELETE
Remove a label from a host.
6.13. AffinityLabelHosts
This service represents list of hosts that have a specific label when accessed through the affinitylabels/hosts subcollection.
Name | Summary |
Add a label to a host. |
List all hosts with the label. |
6.13.1. add POST
Add a label to a host.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
6.13.2. list GET
List all hosts with the label.
The order of the returned hosts isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
6.14. AffinityLabelVm
This service represents a vm that has a specific label when accessed through the affinitylabels/vms subcollection.
Name | Summary |
Retrieves details about a vm that has this label assigned. |
Remove a label from a vm. |
6.14.1. get GET
Retrieves details about a vm that has this label assigned.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
6.14.2. remove DELETE
Remove a label from a vm.
6.15. AffinityLabelVms
This service represents list of vms that have a specific label when accessed through the affinitylabels/vms subcollection.
Name | Summary |
Add a label to a vm. |
List all virtual machines with the label. |
6.15.1. add POST
Add a label to a vm.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
6.15.2. list GET
List all virtual machines with the label.
The order of the returned virtual machines isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
6.16. AffinityLabels
Manages the affinity labels available in the system.
Name | Summary |
Creates a new label. |
Lists all labels present in the system. |
6.16.1. add POST
Creates a new label. The label is automatically attached to all entities mentioned in the vms or hosts lists.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
6.16.2. list GET
Lists all labels present in the system.
The order of the returned labels isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
In |
Sets the maximum number of labels to return. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of labels to return. If not specified all the labels are returned.
6.17. Area
This annotation is intended to specify what oVirt area is the annotated concept related to. Currently the following areas are in use, and they are closely related to the oVirt teams, but not necessarily the same:
A concept may be associated to more than one area, or to no area.
The value of this annotation is intended for reporting only, and it doesn’t affect at all the generated code or the validity of the model
6.18. AssignedAffinityLabel
This service represents one label to entity assignment when accessed using the entities/affinitylabels subcollection.
Name | Summary |
Retrieves details about the attached label. |
Removes the label from an entity. |
6.18.1. get GET
Retrieves details about the attached label.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
6.18.2. remove DELETE
Removes the label from an entity. Does not touch the label itself.
6.19. AssignedAffinityLabels
This service is used to list and manipulate affinity labels that are assigned to supported entities when accessed using entities/affinitylabels.
Name | Summary |
Attaches a label to an entity. |
Lists all labels that are attached to an entity. |
6.19.1. add POST
Attaches a label to an entity.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
6.19.2. list GET
Lists all labels that are attached to an entity.
The order of the returned entities isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
6.20. AssignedCpuProfile
Name | Summary |
6.20.1. get GET
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
6.20.2. remove DELETE
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
6.21. AssignedCpuProfiles
Name | Summary |
Add a new cpu profile for the cluster. |
List the CPU profiles assigned to the cluster. |
6.21.1. add POST
Add a new cpu profile for the cluster.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
6.21.2. list GET
List the CPU profiles assigned to the cluster.
The order of the returned CPU profiles isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of profiles to return. |
Out |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of profiles to return. If not specified all the profiles are returned.
6.22. AssignedDiskProfile
Name | Summary |
6.22.1. get GET
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
6.22.2. remove DELETE
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
6.23. AssignedDiskProfiles
Name | Summary |
Add a new disk profile for the storage domain. |
Returns the list of disk profiles assigned to the storage domain. |
6.23.1. add POST
Add a new disk profile for the storage domain.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
6.23.2. list GET
Returns the list of disk profiles assigned to the storage domain.
The order of the returned disk profiles isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of profiles to return. |
Out |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of profiles to return. If not specified all the profiles are returned.
6.24. AssignedPermissions
Represents a permission sub-collection, scoped by user, group or some entity type.
Name | Summary |
Assign a new permission to a user or group for specific entity. |
List all the permissions of the specific entity. |
6.24.1. add POST
Assign a new permission to a user or group for specific entity.
For example, to assign the UserVmManager
role to the virtual machine with id 123
to the user with id 456
send a request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/permissions
With a request body like this:
<user id="456"/>
To assign the SuperUser
role to the system to the user with id 456
send a request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/permissions
With a request body like this:
<user id="456"/>
If you want to assign permission to the group instead of the user please replace the user
element with the
element with proper id
of the group. For example to assign the UserRole
role to the cluster with
id 123
to the group with id 789
send a request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/permissions
With a request body like this:
<group id="789"/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
The permission. |
6.24.2. list GET
List all the permissions of the specific entity.
For example to list all the permissions of the cluster with id 123
send a request like this:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/permissions
<permission id="456">
<cluster id="123"/>
<role id="789"/>
<user id="451"/>
<permission id="654">
<cluster id="123"/>
<role id="789"/>
<group id="127"/>
The order of the returned permissions isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
The list of permissions. |
6.25. AssignedRoles
Represents a roles sub-collection, for example scoped by user.
Name | Summary |
Returns the roles assigned to the permission. |
6.25.1. list GET
Returns the roles assigned to the permission.
The order of the returned roles isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of roles to return. |
Out |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of roles to return. If not specified all the roles are returned.
6.26. AssignedTag
A service to manage assignment of specific tag to specific entities in system.
Name | Summary |
Gets the information about the assigned tag. |
Unassign tag from specific entity in the system. |
6.26.1. get GET
Gets the information about the assigned tag.
For example to retrieve the information about the tag with the id 456
which is assigned to virtual machine
with id 123
send a request like this:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/tags/456
<tag href="/ovirt-engine/api/tags/456" id="456">
<vm href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123" id="123"/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
The assigned tag. |
6.26.2. remove DELETE
Unassign tag from specific entity in the system.
For example to unassign the tag with id 456
from virtual machine with id 123
send a request like this:
DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/tags/456
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
6.27. AssignedTags
A service to manage collection of assignment of tags to specific entities in system.
Name | Summary |
Assign tag to specific entity in the system. |
List all tags assigned to the specific entity. |
6.27.1. add POST
Assign tag to specific entity in the system.
For example to assign tag mytag
to virtual machine with the id 123
send a request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/tags
With a request body like this:
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
The assigned tag. |
6.27.2. list GET
List all tags assigned to the specific entity.
For example to list all the tags of the virtual machine with id 123
send a request like this:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/tags
<tag href="/ovirt-engine/api/tags/222" id="222">
<vm href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123" id="123"/>
The order of the returned tags isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of tags to return. |
Out |
The list of assigned tags. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of tags to return. If not specified all the tags are returned.
6.28. AssignedVnicProfile
Name | Summary |
6.28.1. get GET
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
6.28.2. remove DELETE
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
6.29. AssignedVnicProfiles
Name | Summary |
Add a new virtual network interface card profile for the network. |
Returns the list of VNIC profiles assifned to the network. |
6.29.1. add POST
Add a new virtual network interface card profile for the network.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
6.29.2. list GET
Returns the list of VNIC profiles assifned to the network.
The order of the returned VNIC profiles isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of profiles to return. |
Out |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of profiles to return. If not specified all the profiles are returned.
6.30. AttachedStorageDomain
Name | Summary |
This operation activates an attached storage domain. |
This operation deactivates an attached storage domain. |
6.30.1. activate POST
This operation activates an attached storage domain. Once the storage domain is activated it is ready for use with the data center.
POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/storagedomains/456/activate
The activate action does not take any action specific parameters,
so the request body should contain an empty action
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the activation should be performed asynchronously. |
6.30.2. deactivate POST
This operation deactivates an attached storage domain.
Once the storage domain is deactivated it will not be used with the data center.
For example, to deactivate storage domain 456
, send the following request:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/storagedomains/456/deactivate
With a request body like this:
If the force
parameter is true
then the operation will succeed, even if the OVF update which takes place
before the deactivation of the storage domain failed. If the force
parameter is false
and the OVF update failed,
the deactivation of the storage domain will also fail.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the deactivation should be performed asynchronously. |
In |
Indicates if the operation should succeed and the storage domain should be moved to a deactivated state, even if the OVF update for the storage domain failed. |
Indicates if the operation should succeed and the storage domain should be moved to a deactivated state, even if
the OVF update for the storage domain failed.
For example, to deactivate storage domain 456
using force flag, send the following request:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/storagedomains/456/deactivate
With a request body like this:
This parameter is optional, and the default value is false
6.30.3. get GET
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
6.30.4. remove DELETE
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
6.31. AttachedStorageDomainDisk
Manages a single disk available in a storage domain attached to a data center.
Since version 4.2 of the engine this service is intended only to list disks available in the storage domain, and to register unregistered disks. All the other operations, like copying a disk, moving a disk, etc, have been deprecated and will be removed in the future. To perform those operations use the service that manages all the disks of the system, or the service that manages an specific disk. |
Name | Summary |
Copies a disk to the specified storage domain. |
Exports a disk to an export storage domain. |
Retrieves the description of the disk. |
Moves a disk to another storage domain. |
Registers an unregistered disk. |
Removes a disk. |
Sparsify the disk. |
Updates the disk. |
6.31.1. copy POST
Copies a disk to the specified storage domain.
Since version 4.2 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To copy a disk use the copy operation of the service that manages that disk. |
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Description of the resulting disk. |
In |
The storage domain where the new disk will be created. |
6.31.2. export POST
Exports a disk to an export storage domain.
Since version 4.2 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To export a disk use the export operation of the service that manages that disk. |
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
The export storage domain where the disk should be exported to. |
6.31.3. get GET
Retrieves the description of the disk.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
The description of the disk. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
6.31.4. move POST
Moves a disk to another storage domain.
Since version 4.2 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To move a disk use the move operation of the service that manages that disk. |
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the move should be performed asynchronously. |
In |
Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user. |
In |
The storage domain where the disk will be moved to. |
6.31.5. register POST
Registers an unregistered disk.
6.31.6. remove DELETE
Removes a disk.
Since version 4.2 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To remove a disk use the remove operation of the service that manages that disk. |
6.31.7. sparsify POST
Sparsify the disk.
Since version 4.2 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To remove a disk use the remove operation of the service that manages that disk. |
6.31.8. update PUT
Updates the disk.
Since version 4.2 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To update a disk use the update operation of the service that manages that disk. |
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
The update to apply to the disk. |
6.32. AttachedStorageDomainDisks
Manages the collection of disks available inside an storage domain that is attached to a data center.
Name | Summary |
Adds or registers a disk. |
Retrieve the list of disks that are available in the storage domain. |
6.32.1. add POST
Adds or registers a disk.
Since version 4.2 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To add a new disk use the add operation of the service that manages the disks of the system. To register an unregistered disk use the register operation of the service that manages that disk. |
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
The disk to add or register. |
In |
Indicates if a new disk should be added or if an existing unregistered disk should be registered. |
Indicates if a new disk should be added or if an existing unregistered disk should be registered. If the
value is true
then the identifier of the disk to register needs to be provided. For example, to register
the disk with id 456
send a request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains/123/disks?unregistered=true
With a request body like this:
<disk id="456"/>
If the value is false
then a new disk will be created in the storage domain. In that case the
, format
and name
attributes are mandatory. For example, to create a new
copy on write disk of 1 GiB, send a request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains/123/disks
With a request body like this:
The default value is false
6.32.2. list GET
Retrieve the list of disks that are available in the storage domain.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
List of retrieved disks. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of disks to return. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of disks to return. If not specified all the disks are returned.
6.33. AttachedStorageDomains
Manages the storage domains attached to a data center.
Name | Summary |
Attaches an existing storage domain to the data center. |
Returns the list of storage domains attached to the data center. |
6.33.1. add POST
Attaches an existing storage domain to the data center.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
The storage domain to attach to the data center. |
6.33.2. list GET
Returns the list of storage domains attached to the data center.
The order of the returned storage domains isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of storage domains to return. |
Out |
A list of storage domains that are attached to the data center. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of storage domains to return. If not specified all the storage domains are returned.
6.34. Balance
Name | Summary |
6.34.1. get GET
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
In |
Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
6.34.2. remove DELETE
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
6.35. Balances
Name | Summary |
Add a balance module to a specified user defined scheduling policy. |
Returns the list of balance modules used by the scheduling policy. |
6.35.1. add POST
Add a balance module to a specified user defined scheduling policy.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
6.35.2. list GET
Returns the list of balance modules used by the scheduling policy.
The order of the returned balance modules isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
In |
Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of balances to return. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of balances to return. If not specified all the balances are returned.
6.36. Bookmark
A service to manage a bookmark.
Name | Summary |
Get a bookmark. |
Remove a bookmark. |
Update a bookmark. |
6.36.1. get GET
Get a bookmark.
An example for getting a bookmark:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/bookmarks/123
<bookmark href="/ovirt-engine/api/bookmarks/123" id="123">
<value>vm: name=example*</value>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
The requested bookmark. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
6.36.2. remove DELETE
Remove a bookmark.
An example for removing a bookmark:
DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/bookmarks/123
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
6.36.3. update PUT
Update a bookmark.
An example for updating a bookmark:
PUT /ovirt-engine/api/bookmarks/123
With the request body:
<value>vm: name=new_example*</value>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the update should be performed asynchronously. |
In/Out |
The updated bookmark. |
A service to manage bookmarks.
Name | Summary |
Adding a new bookmark. |
Listing all the available bookmarks. |
6.37.1. add POST
Adding a new bookmark.
Example of adding a bookmark:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/bookmarks
<value>vm: name=new_example*</value>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
The added bookmark. |
6.37.2. list GET
Listing all the available bookmarks.
Example of listing bookmarks:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/bookmarks
<bookmark href="/ovirt-engine/api/bookmarks/123" id="123">
<value>vm: name=database*</value>
<bookmark href="/ovirt-engine/api/bookmarks/456" id="456">
<value>vm: name=example*</value>
The order of the returned bookmarks isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
The list of available bookmarks. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of bookmarks to return. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of bookmarks to return. If not specified all the bookmarks are returned.
6.38. Cluster
A service to manage a specific cluster.
Name | Summary |
Gets information about the cluster. |
Refresh the Gluster heal info for all volumes in cluster. |
Removes the cluster from the system. |
Synchronizes all networks on the cluster. |
Updates information about the cluster. |
Start or finish upgrade process for the cluster based on the action value. |
6.38.1. get GET
Gets information about the cluster.
An example of getting a cluster:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123
<cluster href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123" id="123">
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/resetemulatedmachine" rel="resetemulatedmachine"/>
<description>The default server cluster</description>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/networks" rel="networks"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/permissions" rel="permissions"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/glustervolumes" rel="glustervolumes"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/glusterhooks" rel="glusterhooks"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/affinitygroups" rel="affinitygroups"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/cpuprofiles" rel="cpuprofiles"/>
<type>Intel Nehalem Family</type>
<scheduling_policy href="/ovirt-engine/api/schedulingpolicies/456" id="456"/>
<data_center href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/111" id="111"/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
In |
Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
6.38.2. refreshglusterhealstatus POST
Refresh the Gluster heal info for all volumes in cluster.
For example, Cluster 123
, send a request like
POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/refreshglusterhealstatus
6.38.3. remove DELETE
Removes the cluster from the system.
DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
6.38.4. resetemulatedmachine POST
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the reset should be performed asynchronously. |
6.38.5. syncallnetworks POST
Synchronizes all networks on the cluster.
POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/syncallnetworks
With a request body like this:
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously. |
6.38.6. update PUT
Updates information about the cluster.
Only the specified fields are updated; others remain unchanged.
For example, to update the cluster’s CPU:
PUT /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123
With a request body like this:
<type>Intel Haswell-noTSX Family</type>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the update should be performed asynchronously. |
In/Out |
6.38.7. upgrade POST
Start or finish upgrade process for the cluster based on the action value. This action marks the cluster for upgrade or clears the upgrade running flag on the cluster based on the action value which takes values of start or stop.
POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/upgrade
With a request body like this to mark the cluster for upgrade:
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously. |
In |
The action to be performed. |
6.39. ClusterEnabledFeature
Represents a feature enabled for the cluster.
Name | Summary |
Provides the information about the cluster feature enabled. |
Disables a cluster feature. |
6.39.1. get GET
Provides the information about the cluster feature enabled.
For example, to find details of the enabled feature 456
for cluster 123
, send a request like this:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/enabledfeatures/456
That will return a ClusterFeature object containing the name:
<cluster_feature id="456">
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
Retrieved cluster feature that’s enabled. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
6.39.2. remove DELETE
Disables a cluster feature.
For example, to disable the feature 456
of cluster 123
send a request like this:
DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/enabledfeatures/456
6.40. ClusterEnabledFeatures
Provides information about the additional features that are enabled for this cluster. The features that are enabled are the available features for the cluster level
Name | Summary |
Enable an additional feature for a cluster. |
Lists the additional features enabled for the cluster. |
6.40.1. add POST
Enable an additional feature for a cluster.
For example, to enable a feature 456
on cluster 123
, send a request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/enabledfeatures
The request body should look like this:
<cluster_feature id="456"/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
6.40.2. list GET
Lists the additional features enabled for the cluster.
For example, to get the features enabled for cluster 123
send a request like this:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/enabledfeatures
This will return a list of features:
<cluster_feature id="123">
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
Retrieved features. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
6.41. ClusterExternalProviders
This service lists external providers.
Name | Summary |
Returns the list of external providers. |
6.41.1. list GET
Returns the list of external providers.
The order of the returned list of providers is not guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
6.42. ClusterFeature
Represents a feature enabled for the cluster level
Name | Summary |
Provides the information about the a cluster feature supported by a cluster level. |
6.42.1. get GET
Provides the information about the a cluster feature supported by a cluster level.
For example, to find details of the cluster feature 456
for cluster level 4.1, send a request like this:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusterlevels/4.1/clusterfeatures/456
That will return a ClusterFeature object containing the name:
<cluster_feature id="456">
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
Retrieved cluster feature. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
6.43. ClusterFeatures
Provides information about the cluster features that are supported by a cluster level.
Name | Summary |
Lists the cluster features supported by the cluster level. |
6.43.1. list GET
Lists the cluster features supported by the cluster level.
GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusterlevels/4.1/clusterfeatures
This will return a list of cluster features supported by the cluster level:
<cluster_feature id="123">
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
Retrieved features. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
6.44. ClusterLevel
Provides information about a specific cluster level. See the ClusterLevels service for more information.
Name | Summary |
Provides the information about the capabilities of the specific cluster level managed by this service. |
6.44.1. get GET
Provides the information about the capabilities of the specific cluster level managed by this service.
For example, to find what CPU types are supported by level 3.6 you can send a request like this:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusterlevels/3.6
That will return a ClusterLevel object containing the supported CPU types, and other information which describes the cluster level:
<cluster_level id="3.6">
<name>Intel Nehalem Family</name>
<permit id="1">
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
Retreived cluster level. |
6.45. ClusterLevels
Provides information about the capabilities of different cluster levels supported by the engine. Version 4.0 of the engine supports levels 4.0 and 3.6. Each of these levels support different sets of CPU types, for example. This service provides that information.
Name | Summary |
Lists the cluster levels supported by the system. |
6.45.1. list GET
Lists the cluster levels supported by the system.
GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusterlevels
This will return a list of available cluster levels.
<cluster_level id="4.0">
The order of the returned cluster levels isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
Retrieved cluster levels. |
6.46. ClusterNetwork
A service to manage a specific cluster network.
Name | Summary |
Retrieves the cluster network details. |
Unassigns the network from a cluster. |
Updates the network in the cluster. |
6.46.1. get GET
Retrieves the cluster network details.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
The cluster network. |
6.46.2. remove DELETE
Unassigns the network from a cluster.
6.46.3. update PUT
Updates the network in the cluster.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
The cluster network. |
6.47. ClusterNetworks
A service to manage cluster networks.
Name | Summary |
Assigns the network to a cluster. |
Lists the networks that are assigned to the cluster. |
6.47.1. add POST
Assigns the network to a cluster.
Post a request like in the example below to assign the network to a cluster:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/networks
Use the following example in its body:
<network id="123" />
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
The network object to be assigned to the cluster. |
6.47.2. list GET
Lists the networks that are assigned to the cluster.
The order of the returned clusters isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of networks to return. |
Out |
The list of networks that are assigned to the cluster. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of networks to return. If not specified, all the networks are returned.
6.48. Clusters
A service to manage clusters.
Name | Summary |
Creates a new cluster. |
Returns the list of clusters of the system. |
6.48.1. add POST
Creates a new cluster.
This requires the name
, cpu.type
, and data_center
attributes. Identify the data center with either the id
or name
POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters
With a request body like this:
<type>Intel Nehalem Family</type>
<data_center id="123"/>
To create a cluster with an external network provider to be deployed on every host that is added to the cluster, send a request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters
With a request body containing a reference to the desired provider:
<type>Intel Nehalem Family</type>
<data_center id="123"/>
<external_provider name="ovirt-provider-ovn"/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
6.48.2. list GET
Returns the list of clusters of the system.
The order of the returned clusters is guaranteed only if the sortby
clause is included in the
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the search should be performed taking case into account. |
Out |
In |
Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of clusters to return. |
In |
A query string used to restrict the returned clusters. |
Indicates if the search should be performed taking case into account.
The default value is true
, which means that case is taken into account. To search
ignoring case, set it to false
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of clusters to return. If not specified, all the clusters are returned.
6.49. Copyable
Name | Summary |
6.49.1. copy POST
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the copy should be performed asynchronously. |
6.50. CpuProfile
Name | Summary |
Update the specified cpu profile in the system. |
6.50.1. get GET
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
6.50.2. remove DELETE
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
6.50.3. update PUT
Update the specified cpu profile in the system.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the update should be performed asynchronously. |
In/Out |
6.51. CpuProfiles
Name | Summary |
Add a new cpu profile to the system. |
Returns the list of CPU profiles of the system. |
6.51.1. add POST
Add a new cpu profile to the system.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
6.51.2. list GET
Returns the list of CPU profiles of the system.
The order of the returned list of CPU profiles is random.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of profiles to return. |
Out |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of profiles to return. If not specified, all the profiles are returned.
6.52. DataCenter
A service to manage a data center.
Name | Summary |
Currently, the storage pool manager (SPM) fails to switch to another host if the SPM has uncleared tasks. |
Get a data center. |
Removes the data center. |
Used for manually setting a storage domain in the data center as a master. |
Updates the data center. |
6.52.1. cleanfinishedtasks POST
Currently, the storage pool manager (SPM) fails to switch to another host if the SPM has uncleared tasks. Clearing all finished tasks enables the SPM switching.
For example, to clean all the finished tasks on a data center with ID 123
send a request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/cleanfinishedtasks
With a request body like this:
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously. |
6.52.2. get GET
Get a data center.
An example of getting a data center:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123
<data_center href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123" id="123">
<description>The default Data Center</description>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/clusters" rel="clusters"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/storagedomains" rel="storagedomains"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/permissions" rel="permissions"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/networks" rel="networks"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/quotas" rel="quotas"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/qoss" rel="qoss"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/iscsibonds" rel="iscsibonds"/>
<mac_pool href="/ovirt-engine/api/macpools/456" id="456"/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
In |
Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
6.52.3. remove DELETE
Removes the data center.
DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123
Without any special parameters, the storage domains attached to the data center are detached and then removed from the storage. If something fails when performing this operation, for example if there is no host available to remove the storage domains from the storage, the complete operation will fail.
If the force
parameter is true
then the operation will always succeed, even if something fails while removing
one storage domain, for example. The failure is just ignored and the data center is removed from the database
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
In |
Indicates if the operation should succeed, and the storage domain removed from the database, even if something fails during the operation. |
Indicates if the operation should succeed, and the storage domain removed from the database, even if something fails during the operation.
This parameter is optional, and the default value is false
6.52.4. setmaster POST
Used for manually setting a storage domain in the data center as a master. For example, for setting a storage domain with ID '456' as a master on a data center with ID '123', send a request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/setmaster
With a request body like this:
<storage_domain id="456"/>
The new master storage domain can be also specified by its name.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously. |
In |
The new master storage domain for the data center. |
6.52.5. update PUT
Updates the data center.
The name
, description
, storage_type
, version
, storage_format
and mac_pool
elements are updatable
post-creation. For example, to change the name and description of data center 123
send a request like this:
PUT /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123
With a request body like this:
<description>An updated description for the data center</description>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the update should be performed asynchronously. |
In/Out |
The data center that is being updated. |
6.53. DataCenterNetwork
A service to manage a specific data center network.
Name | Summary |
Retrieves the data center network details. |
Removes the network. |
Updates the network in the data center. |
6.53.1. get GET
Retrieves the data center network details.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
The data center network. |
6.53.2. remove DELETE
Removes the network.
6.53.3. update PUT
Updates the network in the data center.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
The data center network. |
6.54. DataCenterNetworks
A service to manage data center networks.
Name | Summary |
Create a new network in a data center. |
Lists networks in the data center. |
6.54.1. add POST
Create a new network in a data center.
Post a request like in the example below to create a new network in a data center with an ID of 123
POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/networks
Use the following example in its body:
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
The network object to be created in the data center. |
6.54.2. list GET
Lists networks in the data center.
The order of the returned list of networks isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of networks to return. |
Out |
The list of networks which are in the data center. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of networks to return. If not specified, all the networks are returned.
6.55. DataCenters
A service to manage data centers.
Name | Summary |
Creates a new data center. |
Lists the data centers. |
6.55.1. add POST
Creates a new data center.
Creation of a new data center requires the name
and local
elements. For example, to create a data center
named mydc
that uses shared storage (NFS, iSCSI or fibre channel) send a request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters
With a request body like this:
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
The data center that is being added. |
6.55.2. list GET
Lists the data centers.
The following request retrieves a representation of the data centers:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters
The above request performed with curl
curl \
--request GET \
--cacert /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem \
--header "Version: 4" \
--header "Accept: application/xml" \
--user "admin@internal:mypassword" \
This is what an example response could look like:
<data_center href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123" id="123">
<description>The default Data Center</description>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/networks" rel="networks"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/storagedomains" rel="storagedomains"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/permissions" rel="permissions"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/clusters" rel="clusters"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/qoss" rel="qoss"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/iscsibonds" rel="iscsibonds"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/quotas" rel="quotas"/>
Note the id
code of your Default
data center. This code identifies this data center in relation to other
resources of your virtual environment.
The data center also contains a link to the storage domains collection. The data center uses this collection to attach storage domains from the storage domains main collection.
The order of the returned list of data centers is guaranteed only if the sortby
clause is included in the
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the search performed using the |
Out |
In |
Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of data centers to return. |
In |
A query string used to restrict the returned data centers. |
Indicates if the search performed using the search
parameter should be performed taking case into
account. The default value is true
, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search
ignoring case set it to false
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of data centers to return. If not specified all the data centers are returned.
6.56. Disk
Manages a single disk.
Name | Summary |
This operation copies a disk to the specified storage domain. |
Exports a disk to an export storage domain. |
Retrieves the description of the disk. |
Moves a disk to another storage domain. |
Reduces the size of the disk image. |
Refreshes a direct LUN disk with up-to-date information from the storage. |
Removes a disk. |
Sparsify the disk. |
Updates the parameters of the specified disk. |
6.56.1. copy POST
This operation copies a disk to the specified storage domain.
For example, a disk can be copied using the following request:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/disks/123/copy
With a request body like this:
<storage_domain id="456"/>
If the disk profile or the quota currently used by the disk are not defined for the new storage domain, they can be explicitly specified. If they are not specified, the first available disk profile and the default quota are used.
For example, to specify disk profile 987
and quota 753
, send a request body like this:
<storage_domain id="456"/>
<disk_profile id="987"/>
<quota id="753"/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the copy should be performed asynchronously. |
In |
In |
Disk profile for the disk in the new storage domain. |
In |
Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user. |
In |
Quota for the disk in the new storage domain. |
In |
The storage domain where the new disk is created. |
Disk profile for the disk in the new storage domain.
Disk profiles are defined for storage domains, so the old disk profile will not exist in the new storage domain. If this parameter is not used, the first disk profile from the new storage domain to which the user has permissions will be assigned to the disk.
Quota for the disk in the new storage domain.
This optional parameter can be used to specify new quota for the disk, because the current quota may not be defined for the new storage domain. If this parameter is not used and the old quota is not defined for the new storage domain, the default (unlimited) quota will be assigned to the disk.
The storage domain where the new disk is created. This can be specified using the id
or name
attributes. For example, to copy a disk to the storage domain called mydata
, send a request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains/123/disks/789
With a request body like this:
6.56.2. export POST
Exports a disk to an export storage domain.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the export should be performed asynchronously. |
In |
Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user. |
In |
The export storage domain where the disk will be exported to. |
6.56.3. get GET
Retrieves the description of the disk.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if all of the attributes of the disk should be included in the response. |
Out |
The description of the disk. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Indicates if all of the attributes of the disk should be included in the response.
By default the following disk attributes are excluded:
For example, to retrieve the complete representation of disk '123':
GET /ovirt-engine/api/disks/123?all_content=true
6.56.4. move POST
Moves a disk to another storage domain.
For example, to move the disk with identifier 123
to a storage domain with identifier 456
send the following
POST /ovirt-engine/api/disks/123/move
With the following request body:
<storage_domain id="456"/>
If the disk profile or the quota used currently by the disk aren’t defined for the new storage domain, then they can be explicitly specified. If they aren’t then the first available disk profile and the default quota are used.
For example, to explicitly use disk profile 987
quota 753
send a request body like this:
<storage_domain id="456"/>
<disk_profile id="987"/>
<quota id="753"/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the move should be performed asynchronously. |
In |
Disk profile for the disk in the new storage domain. |
In |
Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user. |
In |
Quota for the disk in the new storage domain. |
In |
The storage domain where the disk will be moved to. |
Disk profile for the disk in the new storage domain.
Disk profiles are defined for storage domains, so the old disk profile will not exist in the new storage domain. If this parameter is not used, the first disk profile from the new storage domain to which the user has permissions will be assigned to the disk.
Quota for the disk in the new storage domain.
This optional parameter can be used to specify new quota for the disk, because the current quota may not be defined for the new storage domain. If this parameter is not used and the old quota is not defined for the new storage domain, the default (unlimited) quota will be assigned to the disk.
6.56.5. reduce POST
Reduces the size of the disk image.
Invokes reduce on the logical volume (i.e. this is only applicable for block storage domains). This is applicable for floating disks and disks attached to non-running virtual machines. There is no need to specify the size as the optimal size is calculated automatically.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
6.56.6. refreshlun POST
Refreshes a direct LUN disk with up-to-date information from the storage.
Refreshing a direct LUN disk is useful when:
The LUN was added using the API without the host parameter, and therefore does not contain any information from the storage (see DisksService::add).
New information about the LUN is available on the storage and you want to update the LUN with it.
To refresh direct LUN disk 123
using host 456
, send the following request:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/disks/123/refreshlun
With the following request body:
<host id='456'/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
The host that will be used to refresh the direct LUN disk. |
6.56.7. remove DELETE
Removes a disk.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
6.56.8. sparsify POST
Sparsify the disk.
Sparsification frees space in the disk image that is not used by its filesystem. As a result, the image will occupy less space on the storage.
Currently sparsification works only on disks without snapshots. Disks having derived disks are also not allowed.
6.56.9. update PUT
Updates the parameters of the specified disk.
This operation allows updating the following floating disk properties:
For Image disks:
. -
For LUN disks:
. -
Cinder integration has been replaced by Managed Block Storage.
For Managed Block disks:
. -
For VM attached disks, the
can also be updated.
For example, a disk’s update can be done by using the following request:
PUT /ovirt-engine/api/disks/123
With a request body like this:
Since the backend operation is asynchronous, the disk element that is returned to the user might not be synced with the changed properties.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
The update to apply to the disk. |
6.57. DiskAttachment
This service manages the attachment of a disk to a virtual machine.
Name | Summary |
Returns the details of the attachment, including the bootable flag and link to the disk. |
Removes the disk attachment. |
Update the disk attachment and the disk properties within it. |
6.57.1. get GET
Returns the details of the attachment, including the bootable flag and link to the disk.
An example of getting a disk attachment:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/diskattachments/456
<disk_attachment href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/diskattachments/456" id="456">
<disk href="/ovirt-engine/api/disks/456" id="456"/>
<vm href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123" id="123"/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
6.57.2. remove DELETE
Removes the disk attachment.
This will only detach the disk from the virtual machine, but won’t remove it from
the system, unless the detach_only
parameter is false
An example of removing a disk attachment:
DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/diskattachments/456?detach_only=true
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the disk should only be detached from the virtual machine, but not removed from the system. |
Indicates if the disk should only be detached from the virtual machine, but not removed from the system.
The default value is true
, which won’t remove the disk from the system.
6.57.3. update PUT
Update the disk attachment and the disk properties within it.
PUT /vms/{vm:id}/disksattachments/{attachment:id}
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
6.58. DiskAttachments
This service manages the set of disks attached to a virtual machine. Each attached disk is represented by a DiskAttachment, containing the bootable flag, the disk interface and the reference to the disk.
Name | Summary |
Adds a new disk attachment to the virtual machine. |
List the disk that are attached to the virtual machine. |
6.58.1. add POST
Adds a new disk attachment to the virtual machine. The attachment
parameter can contain just a reference, if
the disk already exists:
<disk id="123"/>
Or it can contain the complete representation of the disk, if the disk doesn’t exist yet:
In this case the disk will be created and then attached to the virtual machine.
In both cases, use the following URL for a virtual machine with an id 345
POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/345/diskattachments
The server accepts requests that don’t contain the active attribute, but the effect is
undefined. In some cases the disk will be automatically activated and in other cases it won’t. To
avoid issues it is strongly recommended to always include the active attribute with the desired
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
The disk attachment to add to the virtual machine. |
6.58.2. list GET
List the disk that are attached to the virtual machine.
The order of the returned list of disks attachments isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
A list of disk attachments that are attached to the virtual machine. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
6.59. DiskProfile
Name | Summary |
Update the specified disk profile in the system. |
6.59.1. get GET
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
6.59.2. remove DELETE
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
6.59.3. update PUT
Update the specified disk profile in the system.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the update should be performed asynchronously. |
In/Out |
6.60. DiskProfiles
Name | Summary |
Add a new disk profile to the system. |
Returns the list of disk profiles of the system. |
6.60.1. add POST
Add a new disk profile to the system.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
6.60.2. list GET
Returns the list of disk profiles of the system.
The order of the returned list of disk profiles isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of profiles to return. |
Out |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of profiles to return. If not specified all the profiles are returned.
6.61. DiskSnapshot
Name | Summary |
6.61.1. get GET
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
6.61.2. remove DELETE
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
6.62. DiskSnapshots
Manages the collection of disk snapshots available in an storage domain.
Name | Summary |
Returns the list of disk snapshots of the storage domain. |
6.62.1. list GET
Returns the list of disk snapshots of the storage domain.
The order of the returned list of disk snapshots isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
If true return also active snapshots. |
In |
If true return also template snapshots. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of snapshots to return. |
Out |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
If true return also active snapshots. If not specified active snapshots are not returned.
If true return also template snapshots. If not specified template snapshots are not returned.
Sets the maximum number of snapshots to return. If not specified all the snapshots are returned.
6.63. Disks
Manages the collection of disks available in the system.
Name | Summary |
Adds a new floating disk. |
Get list of disks. |
6.63.1. add POST
Adds a new floating disk.
There are three types of disks that can be added - disk image, direct LUN and Managed Block disk. Cinder integration has been replaced by Managed Block Storage.
Adding a new image disk:
When creating a new floating image Disk, the API requires the storage_domain
, provisioned_size
and format
Note that block storage domains (i.e., storage domains with the storage type of iSCSI or
FCP) don’t support the combination of the raw format
with sparse=true
, so sparse=false
must be stated
To create a new floating image disk with specified provisioned_size
, format
and name
on a storage domain
with an id 123
, send a request as follows:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/disks
With a request body as follows:
<storage_domain id="123"/>
Adding a new direct LUN disk:
When adding a new floating direct LUN via the API, there are two flavors that can be used:
With a
element - in this case, the host is used for sanity checks (e.g., that the LUN is visible) and to retrieve basic information about the LUN (e.g., size and serial). -
Without a
element - in this case, the operation is a database-only operation, and the storage is never accessed.
To create a new floating direct LUN disk with a host
element with an id 123
, specified alias
, type
with an id 456
(that has the attributes address
, port
and target
send a request as follows:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/disks
With a request body as follows:
<host id="123"/>
<logical_unit id="456">
To create a new floating direct LUN disk without using a host, remove the host
Adding a new Cinder disk:
Cinder integration has been replaced by Managed Block Storage.
Adding a floating disks in order to upload disk snapshots:
Since version 4.2 of the engine it is possible to upload disks with
snapshots. This request should be used to create the base image of the
images chain (The consecutive disk snapshots (images), should be created
using disk-attachments
element when creating a snapshot).
The disk has to be created with the same disk identifier and image identifier
of the uploaded image. I.e. the identifiers should be saved as part of the
backup process. The image identifier can be also fetched using the
qemu-img info
command. For example, if the disk image is stored into
a file named b7a4c6c5-443b-47c5-967f-6abc79675e8b/myimage.img
$ qemu-img info b7a4c6c5-443b-47c5-967f-6abc79675e8b/myimage.img
image: b548366b-fb51-4b41-97be-733c887fe305
file format: qcow2
virtual size: 1.0G (1073741824 bytes)
disk size: 196K
cluster_size: 65536
backing file: ad58716a-1fe9-481f-815e-664de1df04eb
backing file format: raw
To create a disk with with the disk identifier and image identifier obtained
with the qemu-img info
command shown above, send a request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/disks
With a request body as follows:
<disk id="b7a4c6c5-443b-47c5-967f-6abc79675e8b">
<storage_domain id="123"/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
The disk. |
6.63.2. list GET
Get list of disks.
GET /ovirt-engine/api/disks
You will get a XML response which will look like this one:
<disk id="123">
<description>MyDisk description</description>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/disks/123/permissions" rel="permissions"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/disks/123/statistics" rel="statistics"/>
<alias>MyDisk alias</alias>
<disk_profile id="123"/>
<quota id="123"/>
The order of the returned list of disks is guaranteed only if the sortby
clause is included in the
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the search performed using the |
Out |
List of retrieved disks. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of disks to return. |
In |
A query string used to restrict the returned disks. |
Indicates if the search performed using the search
parameter should be performed taking case into
account. The default value is true
, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search
ignoring case set it to false
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of disks to return. If not specified all the disks are returned.
6.64. Domain
A service to view details of an authentication domain in the system.
Name | Summary |
Gets the authentication domain information. |
6.64.1. get GET
Gets the authentication domain information.
GET /ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678
Will return the domain information:
<domain href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678" id="5678">
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678/users" rel="users"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678/groups" rel="groups"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678/users?search={query}" rel="users/search"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678/groups?search={query}" rel="groups/search"/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
The authentication domain. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
6.65. DomainGroup
Name | Summary |
6.65.1. get GET
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
6.66. DomainGroups
Name | Summary |
Returns the list of groups. |
6.66.1. list GET
Returns the list of groups.
The order of the returned list of groups isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the search performed using the |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
In |
Sets the maximum number of groups to return. |
In |
A query string used to restrict the returned groups. |
Indicates if the search performed using the search
parameter should be performed taking case into
account. The default value is true
, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search
ignoring case set it to false
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of groups to return. If not specified all the groups are returned.
6.67. DomainUser
A service to view a domain user in the system.
Name | Summary |
Gets the domain user information. |
6.67.1. get GET
Gets the domain user information.
GET /ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678/users/1234
Will return the domain user information:
<user href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/1234" id="1234">
<domain href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678" id="5678">
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
The domain user. |
6.68. DomainUserGroups
A service that shows a user’s group membership in the AAA extension.
Name | Summary |
Returns the list of groups that the user is a member of. |
6.68.1. list GET
Returns the list of groups that the user is a member of.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
The list of groups that the user is a member of. |
6.69. DomainUsers
A service to list all domain users in the system.
Name | Summary |
List all the users in the domain. |
6.69.1. list GET
List all the users in the domain.
GET /ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678/users
Will return the list of users in the domain:
<user href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678/users/1234" id="1234">
<domain href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678" id="5678">
The order of the returned list of users isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the search performed using the |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of users to return. |
In |
A query string used to restrict the returned users. |
Out |
The list of users in the domain. |
Indicates if the search performed using the search
parameter should be performed taking case into
account. The default value is true
, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search
ignoring case set it to false
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of users to return. If not specified all the users are returned.
6.70. Domains
A service to list all authentication domains in the system.
Name | Summary |
List all the authentication domains in the system. |
6.70.1. list GET
List all the authentication domains in the system.
GET /ovirt-engine/api/domains
Will return the list of domains:
<domain href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678" id="5678">
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678/users" rel="users"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678/groups" rel="groups"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678/users?search={query}" rel="users/search"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678/groups?search={query}" rel="groups/search"/>
The order of the returned list of domains isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
The list of domains. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of domains to return. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of domains to return. If not specified all the domains are returned.
6.71. EngineKatelloErrata
A service to manage Katello errata assigned to the engine. The information is retrieved from Katello.
Name | Summary |
Retrieves the representation of the Katello errata. |
6.71.1. list GET
Retrieves the representation of the Katello errata.
GET /ovirt-engine/api/katelloerrata
You will receive response in XML like this one:
<katello_erratum href="/ovirt-engine/api/katelloerrata/123" id="123">
<description>The description of the erratum</description>
<title>some bug fix update</title>
<solution>Few guidelines regarding the solution</solution>
<summary>Updated packages that fix one bug are now available for XYZ</summary>
The order of the returned list of erratum isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
A representation of Katello errata. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of errata to return. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of errata to return. If not specified all the errata are returned.
6.72. Event
A service to manage an event in the system.
Name | Summary |
Get an event. |
Removes an event from internal audit log. |
6.72.1. get GET
Get an event.
An example of getting an event:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/events/123
<event href="/ovirt-engine/api/events/123" id="123">
<description>Host example.com was added by admin@internal-authz.</description>
<cluster href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/456" id="456"/>
<host href="/ovirt-engine/api/hosts/789" id="789"/>
<user href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/987" id="987"/>
Note that the number of fields changes according to the information that resides on the event. For example, for storage domain related events you will get the storage domain reference, as well as the reference for the data center this storage domain resides in.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
6.72.2. remove DELETE
Removes an event from internal audit log.
An event can be removed by sending following request
DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/events/123
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
6.73. EventSubscription
A service to manage a specific event-subscription in the system.
Name | Summary |
Gets the information about the event-subscription. |
Removes the event-subscription from the system. |
6.73.1. get GET
Gets the information about the event-subscription.
For example to retrieve the information about the subscription of user '123' to the event 'vm_console_detected':
GET /ovirt-engine/api/users/123/vm_console_detected
<event-subscription href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/123/event-subscriptions/vm_console_detected">
<user href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/123" id="123"/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
The event-subscription. |
6.73.2. remove DELETE
Removes the event-subscription from the system.
For example to remove user 123’s subscription to vm_console_detected
DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/users/123/vm_console_detected
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
6.74. EventSubscriptions
Represents a service to manage collection of event-subscription of a user.
Name | Summary |
Add a new event-subscription to the system. |
List the event-subscriptions for the provided user. |
6.74.1. add POST
Add a new event-subscription to the system.
An event-subscription is always added in the context of a user. For example, to add new
event-subscription for host_high_cpu_use
for user 123
, and have the notification
sent to the e-mail address: a@b.com
, send a request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/users/123/eventsubscriptions
With a request body like this:
The event name will become the ID of the new event-subscription entity: GET …/api/users/123/eventsubscriptions/host_high_cpu_use
Note that no user id is provided in the request body. This is because the user-id (in this case 123) is already known to the API from the context. Note also that event-subscription entity contains notification-method field, but it is not provided either in the request body. This is because currently it’s always set to SMTP as SNMP notifications are still unsupported by the API layer.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
The added event-subscription. |
6.74.2. list GET
List the event-subscriptions for the provided user.
For example to list event-subscriptions for user 123
GET /ovirt-engine/api/users/123/event-subscriptions
<event-subscription href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/123/event-subscriptions/host_install_failed">
<user href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/123" id="123"/>
<event-subscription href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/123/event-subscriptions/vm_paused">
<user href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/123" id="123"/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
List of the event-subscriptions for the specified user |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of event-subscriptions to return. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of event-subscriptions to return. If not specified all the event-subscriptions are returned.
6.75. Events
A service to manage events in the system.
Name | Summary |
Adds an external event to the internal audit log. |
Get list of events. |
6.75.1. add POST
Adds an external event to the internal audit log.
This is intended for integration with external systems that detect or produce events relevant for the administrator of the system. For example, an external monitoring tool may be able to detect that a file system is full inside the guest operating system of a virtual machine. This event can be added to the internal audit log sending a request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/events
<description>File system /home is full</description>
Events can also be linked to specific objects. For example, the above event could be linked to the specific
virtual machine where it happened, using the vm
POST /ovirt-engine/api/events
<description>File system /home is full</description>
<vm id="aae98225-5b73-490d-a252-899209af17e9"/>
When using links, like the vm in the previous example, only the id attribute is accepted. The name
attribute, if provided, is simply ignored.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
6.75.2. list GET
Get list of events.
GET /ovirt-engine/api/events
To the above request we get following response:
<event href="/ovirt-engine/api/events/2" id="2">
<description>User admin@internal-authz logged out.</description>
<user href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/57d91d48-00da-0137-0138-000000000244" id="57d91d48-00da-0137-0138-000000000244"/>
<event href="/ovirt-engine/api/events/1" id="1">
<description>User admin logged in.</description>
<user href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/57d91d48-00da-0137-0138-000000000244" id="57d91d48-00da-0137-0138-000000000244"/>
The following events occur:
id="1" - The API logs in the admin user account.
id="2" - The API logs out of the admin user account.
The order of the returned list of events is always garanteed. If the sortby
clause is included in the
parameter, then the events will be ordered according to that clause. If the sortby
clause isn’t
included, then the events will be sorted by the numeric value of the id
attribute, starting with the
highest value. This, combined with the max
parameter, simplifies obtaining the most recent event:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/events?max=1
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the search performed using the |
Out |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Indicates the event index after which events should be returned. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of events to return. |
In |
The events service provides search queries similar to other resource services. |
Indicates if the search performed using the search
parameter should be performed taking case into
account. The default value is true
, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search
ignoring case set it to false
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Indicates the event index after which events should be returned. The indexes of events are
strictly increasing, so when this parameter is used only the events with greater indexes
will be returned. For example, the following request will return only the events
with indexes greater than 123
GET /ovirt-engine/api/events?from=123
This parameter is optional, and if not specified then the first event returned will be most recently generated.
Sets the maximum number of events to return. If not specified all the events are returned.
The events service provides search queries similar to other resource services.
We can search by providing specific severity.
GET /ovirt-engine/api/events?search=severity%3Dnormal
To the above request we get a list of events which severity is equal to normal
<event href="/ovirt-engine/api/events/2" id="2">
<description>User admin@internal-authz logged out.</description>
<user href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/57d91d48-00da-0137-0138-000000000244" id="57d91d48-00da-0137-0138-000000000244"/>
<event href="/ovirt-engine/api/events/1" id="1">
<description>Affinity Rules Enforcement Manager started.</description>
A virtualization environment generates a large amount of events after a period of time. However, the API only displays a default number of events for one search query. To display more than the default, the API separates results into pages with the page command in a search query. The following search query tells the API to paginate results using a page value in combination with the sortby clause:
sortby time asc page 1
Below example paginates event resources. The URL-encoded request is:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/events?search=sortby%20time%20asc%20page%201
Increase the page value to view the next page of results.
GET /ovirt-engine/api/events?search=sortby%20time%20asc%20page%202
6.75.3. undelete POST
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the un-delete should be performed asynchronously. |
6.76. ExternalComputeResource
Manages a single external compute resource.
Compute resource is a term of host external provider. The external provider also needs to know to where the provisioned host needs to register. The login details of the engine are saved as a compute resource in the external provider side.
Name | Summary |
Retrieves external compute resource details. |
6.76.1. get GET
Retrieves external compute resource details.
For example, to get the details of compute resource 234
of provider 123
, send a request like this:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/computeresources/234
It will return a response like this:
<external_compute_resource href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/computeresources/234" id="234">
<external_host_provider href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123" id="123"/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
External compute resource information |
6.77. ExternalComputeResources
Manages a collection of external compute resources.
Compute resource is a term of host external provider. The external provider also needs to know to where the provisioned host needs to register. The login details of the engine is saved as a compute resource in the external provider side.
Name | Summary |
Retrieves a list of external compute resources. |
6.77.1. list GET
Retrieves a list of external compute resources.
For example, to retrieve the compute resources of external host provider 123
, send a request like this:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/computeresources
It will return a response like this:
<external_compute_resource href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/computeresources/234" id="234">
<external_host_provider href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123" id="123"/>
The order of the returned list of compute resources isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of resources to return. |
Out |
List of external computer resources. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of resources to return. If not specified all the resources are returned.
6.78. ExternalDiscoveredHost
This service manages a single discovered host.
Name | Summary |
Get discovered host info. |
6.78.1. get GET
Get discovered host info.
Retrieves information about an host that is managed in external provider management system, such as Foreman. The information includes hostname, address, subnet, base image and more.
For example, to get the details of host 234
from provider 123
, send a request like this:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/discoveredhosts/234
The result will be like this:
<external_discovered_host href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/discoveredhosts/234" id="234">
<last_report>2017-04-24 11:05:41 UTC</last_report>
<external_host_provider href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123" id="123"/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
Host’s hardware and config information. |
6.79. ExternalDiscoveredHosts
This service manages external discovered hosts.
Name | Summary |
Get list of discovered hosts' information. |
6.79.1. list GET
Get list of discovered hosts' information.
Discovered hosts are fetched from third-party providers such as Foreman.
To list all discovered hosts for provider 123
send the following:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/discoveredhost
<external_discovered_host href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/discoveredhosts/456" id="456">
<last_report>2017-04-24 11:05:41 UTC</last_report>
<external_host_provider href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123" id="123"/>
<external_discovered_host href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/discoveredhosts/789" id="789">
<last_report>2017-04-24 11:05:41 UTC</last_report>
<external_host_provider href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123" id="123"/>
The order of the returned list of hosts isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
List of discovered hosts |
In |
Sets the maximum number of hosts to return. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of hosts to return. If not specified all the hosts are returned.
6.80. ExternalHost
Name | Summary |
6.80.1. get GET
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
6.81. ExternalHostGroup
This service manages a single host group information.
Host group is a term of host provider - the host group includes provision details that are applied to new discovered host. Information such as subnet, operating system, domain, etc.
Name | Summary |
Get host group information. |
6.81.1. get GET
Get host group information.
For example, to get the details of hostgroup 234
of provider 123
, send a request like this:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/hostgroups/234
It will return a response like this:
<external_host_group href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/hostgroups/234" id="234">
<operating_system_name>RedHat 7.3</operating_system_name>
<external_host_provider href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123" id="123"/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
Host group information. |
6.82. ExternalHostGroups
This service manages hostgroups.
Name | Summary |
Get host groups list from external host provider. |
6.82.1. list GET
Get host groups list from external host provider.
Host group is a term of host providers - the host group includes provision details. This API returns all possible hostgroups exposed by the external provider.
For example, to get the details of all host groups of provider 123
, send a request like this:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/hostgroups
The response will be like this:
<external_host_group href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/hostgroups/234" id="234">
<operating_system_name>RedHat 7.3</operating_system_name>
<external_host_provider href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123" id="123"/>
The order of the returned list of host groups isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
List of all hostgroups available for external host provider |
In |
Sets the maximum number of groups to return. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of groups to return. If not specified all the groups are returned.
6.83. ExternalHostProvider
Represents an external host provider, such as Foreman or Satellite.
See https://www.theforeman.org/ for more details on Foreman. See https://access.redhat.com/products/red-hat-satellite for more details on Red Hat Satellite.
Name | Summary |
Get external host provider information Host provider, Foreman or Satellite, can be set as an external provider in ovirt. |
Import the SSL certificates of the external host provider. |
In order to test connectivity for external provider we need to run following request where 123 is an id of a provider. |
Update the specified external host provider in the system. |
6.83.1. get GET
Get external host provider information
Host provider, Foreman or Satellite, can be set as an external provider in ovirt. To see details about specific host providers attached to ovirt use this API.
For example, to get the details of host provider 123
, send a request like this:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123
The response will be like this:
<external_host_provider href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123" id="123">
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
6.83.2. importcertificates POST
Import the SSL certificates of the external host provider.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
6.83.3. remove DELETE
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
6.83.4. testconnectivity POST
In order to test connectivity for external provider we need to run following request where 123 is an id of a provider.
POST /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/testconnectivity
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the test should be performed asynchronously. |
6.83.5. update PUT
Update the specified external host provider in the system.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the update should be performed asynchronously. |
In/Out |
6.84. ExternalHostProviders
Name | Summary |
Add a new external host provider to the system. |
Returns the list of external host providers. |
6.84.1. add POST
Add a new external host provider to the system.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
6.84.2. list GET
Returns the list of external host providers.
The order of the returned list of host providers isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of providers to return. |
Out |
In |
A query string used to restrict the returned external host providers. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of providers to return. If not specified all the providers are returned.
6.85. ExternalHosts
Name | Summary |
Return the list of external hosts. |
6.85.1. list GET
Return the list of external hosts.
The order of the returned list of hosts isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
In |
Sets the maximum number of hosts to return. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of hosts to return. If not specified all the hosts are returned.
6.86. ExternalNetworkProviderConfiguration
Describes how an external network provider is provisioned by the system on the host.
Name | Summary |
Returns the information about an external network provider on the host. |
6.86.1. get GET
Returns the information about an external network provider on the host.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
6.87. ExternalNetworkProviderConfigurations
A service to list all external network providers provisioned by the system on the host.
Name | Summary |
Returns the list of all external network providers on the host. |
6.87.1. list GET
Returns the list of all external network providers on the host.
The order of the returned list of networks is not guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
6.88. ExternalProvider
Provides capability to manage external providers.
Name | Summary |
Import the SSL certificates of the external host provider. |
In order to test connectivity for external provider we need to run following request where 123 is an id of a provider. |
6.88.1. importcertificates POST
Import the SSL certificates of the external host provider.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
6.88.2. testconnectivity POST
In order to test connectivity for external provider we need to run following request where 123 is an id of a provider.
POST /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/testconnectivity
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the test should be performed asynchronously. |
6.89. ExternalProviderCertificate
A service to view specific certificate for external provider.
Name | Summary |
Get specific certificate. |
6.89.1. get GET
Get specific certificate.
GET /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/certificate/0
And here is sample response:
<certificate id="0">
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
The details of the certificate. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
6.90. ExternalProviderCertificates
A service to view certificates for external provider.
Name | Summary |
Returns the chain of certificates presented by the external provider. |
6.90.1. list GET
Returns the chain of certificates presented by the external provider.
GET /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/certificates
And here is sample response:
<certificate id="789">...</certificate>
The order of the returned certificates is always guaranteed to be the sign order: the first is the certificate of the server itself, the second the certificate of the CA that signs the first, so on.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
List containing certificate details. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of certificates to return. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of certificates to return. If not specified all the certificates are returned.
6.91. ExternalTemplateImports
Provides capability to import external templates. Currently supports OVA only.
Name | Summary |
This operation is used to import a template from external hypervisor. |
6.91.1. add POST
This operation is used to import a template from external hypervisor.
For example import of a template OVA can be facilitated using the following request:
POST /externaltemplateimports
With request body of type ExternalTemplateImport, for example:
<cluster id="2b18aca2-4469-11eb-9449-482ae35a5f83" />
<storage_domain id="8bb5ade5-e988-4000-8b93-dbfc6717fe50" />
<host id="8bb5ade5-e988-4000-8b93-dbfc6717fe50" />
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
6.92. ExternalVmImports
Provides capability to import external virtual machines.
Name | Summary |
This operation is used to import a virtual machine from external hypervisor, such as KVM, XEN or VMware. |
6.92.1. add POST
This operation is used to import a virtual machine from external hypervisor, such as KVM, XEN or VMware.
For example import of a virtual machine from VMware can be facilitated using the following request:
POST /externalvmimports
With request body of type ExternalVmImport, for example:
<cluster id="360014051136c20574f743bdbd28177fd" />
<storage_domain id="8bb5ade5-e988-4000-8b93-dbfc6717fe50" />
<drivers_iso id="virtio-win-1.6.7.iso" />
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
6.93. FenceAgent
A service to manage fence agent for a specific host.
Name | Summary |
Gets details of this fence agent. |
Removes a fence agent for a specific host. |
Update a fencing-agent. |
6.93.1. get GET
Gets details of this fence agent.
GET /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/fenceagents/0
And here is sample response:
<agent id="0">
<options>name1=value1, name2=value2</options>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
Fence agent details. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
6.93.2. remove DELETE
Removes a fence agent for a specific host.
DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/fenceagents/0
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
6.93.3. update PUT
Update a fencing-agent.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
Fence agent details. |
In |
Indicates if the update should be performed asynchronously. |
6.94. FenceAgents
A service to manage fence agents for a specific host.
Name | Summary |
Add a new fencing-agent to the host. |
Returns the list of fencing agents configured for the host. |
6.94.1. add POST
Add a new fencing-agent to the host.
POST /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/fenceagents
You should consult the /usr/sbin/fence_<agent_name> manual page for
the legal parameters to [name1=value1, name2=value2,...] in the options field.
If any parameter in options appears by name that means that it is mandatory.
For example in <options>slot=7[,name1=value1, name2=value2,...]</options>
slot is mandatory.
apc, bladecenter, wti fencing agent/s sample request:
<options>slot=7[,name1=value1, name2=value2,...]</options>
apc_snmp, hpblade, ilo, ilo2, ilo_ssh, redfish, rsa fencing agent/s sample request:
<options>[name1=value1, name2=value2,...]</options>
cisco_ucs, drac5, eps fencing agent/s sample request:
<options>slot=7[,name1=value1, name2=value2,...]</options>
drac7, ilo3, ilo4, ipmilan, rsb fencing agent/s sample request:
<options>[name1=value1, name2=value2,...]</options>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
6.94.2. list GET
Returns the list of fencing agents configured for the host.
GET /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/fenceagents
And here is sample response:
<agent id="0">
<options>name1=value1, name2=value2</options>
The order of the returned list of fencing agents isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
List of fence agent details. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of agents to return. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of agents to return. If not specified all the agents are returned.
6.95. File
Name | Summary |
6.95.1. get GET
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
6.96. Files
Provides a way for clients to list available files.
This service is specifically targeted to ISO storage domains, which contain ISO images and virtual floppy disks (VFDs) that an administrator uploads.
The addition of a CD-ROM device to a virtual machine requires an ISO image from the files of an ISO storage domain.
Name | Summary |
Returns the list of ISO images and virtual floppy disks available in the storage domain. |
6.96.1. list GET
Returns the list of ISO images and virtual floppy disks available in the storage domain. The order of the returned list is not guaranteed.
If the refresh
parameter is false
, the returned list may not reflect recent changes to the storage domain;
for example, it may not contain a new ISO file that was recently added. This is because the
server caches the list of files to improve performance. To get the very latest results, set the refresh
parameter to true
The default value of the refresh
parameter is true
, but it can be changed using the configuration value
# engine-config -s ForceRefreshDomainFilesByDefault=false
Setting the value of the refresh parameter to true has an impact on the performance of the
server. Use it only if necessary.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the search performed using the |
Out |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of files to return. |
In |
Indicates whether the list of files should be refreshed from the storage domain, rather than showing cached results that are updated at certain intervals. |
In |
A query string used to restrict the returned files. |
Indicates if the search performed using the search
parameter should take case into
account. The default value is true
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of files to return. If not specified, all the files are returned.
6.97. Filter
Name | Summary |
6.97.1. get GET
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user. |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
6.97.2. remove DELETE
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
6.98. Filters
Manages the filters used by an scheduling policy.
Name | Summary |
Add a filter to a specified user defined scheduling policy. |
Returns the list of filters used by the scheduling policy. |
6.98.1. add POST
Add a filter to a specified user defined scheduling policy.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
6.98.2. list GET
Returns the list of filters used by the scheduling policy.
The order of the returned list of filters isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user. |
Out |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of filters to return. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of filters to return. If not specified all the filters are returned.
6.100. GlusterBrick
This service manages a single gluster brick.
Name | Summary |
Get details of a brick. |
Removes a brick. |
Replaces this brick with a new one. |
6.100.1. get GET
Get details of a brick.
Retrieves status details of brick from underlying gluster volume with header All-Content
set to true
. This is
the equivalent of running gluster volume status <volumename> <brickname> detail
For example, to get the details of brick 234
of gluster volume 123
, send a request like this:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks/234
Which will return a response body like this:
<brick id="234">
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
6.100.2. remove DELETE
Removes a brick.
Removes a brick from the underlying gluster volume and deletes entries from database. This can be used only when removing a single brick without data migration. To remove multiple bricks and with data migration, use migrate instead.
For example, to delete brick 234
from gluster volume 123
, send a request like this:
DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks/234
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
6.100.3. replace POST
Replaces this brick with a new one.
This operation has been deprecated since version 3.5 of the engine and will be removed in the future. Use add brick(s) and migrate brick(s) instead. |
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the replacement should be performed asynchronously. |
In |
6.101. GlusterBricks
This service manages the gluster bricks in a gluster volume
Name | Summary |
Activate the bricks post data migration of remove brick operation. |
Adds a list of bricks to gluster volume. |
Lists the bricks of a gluster volume. |
Start migration of data prior to removing bricks. |
Removes bricks from gluster volume. |
Stops migration of data from bricks for a remove brick operation. |
6.101.1. activate POST
Activate the bricks post data migration of remove brick operation.
Used to activate brick(s) once the data migration from bricks is complete but user no longer wishes to remove bricks. The bricks that were previously marked for removal will now be used as normal bricks.
For example, to retain the bricks that on glustervolume 123
from which data was migrated, send a request like
POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks/activate
With a request body like this:
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the activation should be performed asynchronously. |
In |
The list of bricks that need to be re-activated. |
6.101.2. add POST
Adds a list of bricks to gluster volume.
Used to expand a gluster volume by adding bricks. For replicated volume types, the parameter replica_count
needs to be passed. In case the replica count is being increased, then the number of bricks needs to be
equivalent to the number of replica sets.
For example, to add bricks to gluster volume 123
, send a request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks
With a request body like this:
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In/Out |
The list of bricks to be added to the volume |
In |
Replica count of volume post add operation. |
In |
Stripe count of volume post add operation. |
6.101.3. list GET
Lists the bricks of a gluster volume.
For example, to list bricks of gluster volume 123
, send a request like this:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks
Provides an output as below:
<brick id="234">
<brick id="233">
The order of the returned list is based on the brick order provided at gluster volume creation.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
In |
Sets the maximum number of bricks to return. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of bricks to return. If not specified all the bricks are returned.
6.101.4. migrate POST
Start migration of data prior to removing bricks.
Removing bricks is a two-step process, where the data on bricks to be removed, is first migrated to remaining bricks. Once migration is completed the removal of bricks is confirmed via the API remove. If at any point, the action needs to be cancelled stopmigrate has to be called.
For instance, to delete a brick from a gluster volume with id 123
, send a request:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks/migrate
With a request body like this:
The migration process can be tracked from the job id returned from the API using job and steps in job using step
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the migration should be performed asynchronously. |
In |
List of bricks for which data migration needs to be started. |
6.101.5. remove DELETE
Removes bricks from gluster volume.
The recommended way to remove bricks without data loss is to first migrate the data using stopmigrate and then removing them. If migrate was not called on bricks prior to remove, the bricks are removed without data migration which may lead to data loss.
For example, to delete the bricks from gluster volume 123
, send a request like this:
DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks
With a request body like this:
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
In |
The list of bricks to be removed |
In |
Replica count of volume post add operation. |
6.101.6. stopmigrate POST
Stops migration of data from bricks for a remove brick operation.
To cancel data migration that was started as part of the 2-step remove brick process in case the user wishes to continue using the bricks. The bricks that were marked for removal will function as normal bricks post this operation.
For example, to stop migration of data from the bricks of gluster volume 123
, send a request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks/stopmigrate
With a request body like this:
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously. |
In |
List of bricks for which data migration needs to be stopped. |
6.102. GlusterHook
Name | Summary |
Resolves status conflict of hook among servers in cluster by disabling Gluster hook in all servers of the cluster. |
Resolves status conflict of hook among servers in cluster by disabling Gluster hook in all servers of the cluster. |
Removes the this Gluster hook from all servers in cluster and deletes it from the database. |
Resolves missing hook conflict depending on the resolution type. |
6.102.1. disable POST
Resolves status conflict of hook among servers in cluster by disabling Gluster hook in all servers of the
cluster. This updates the hook status to DISABLED
in database.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously. |
6.102.2. enable POST
Resolves status conflict of hook among servers in cluster by disabling Gluster hook in all servers of the
cluster. This updates the hook status to DISABLED
in database.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously. |
6.102.3. get GET
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
6.102.4. remove DELETE
Removes the this Gluster hook from all servers in cluster and deletes it from the database.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
6.102.5. resolve POST
Resolves missing hook conflict depending on the resolution type.
resolves by copying hook stored in engine database to all servers where the hook is missing. The
engine maintains a list of all servers where hook is missing.
resolves conflict in hook content by copying hook stored in engine database to all servers where
the hook is missing. The engine maintains a list of all servers where the content is conflicting. If a host
id is passed as parameter, the hook content from the server is used as the master to copy to other servers
in cluster.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously. |
In |
In |
6.103. GlusterHooks
Name | Summary |
Returns the list of hooks. |
6.103.1. list GET
Returns the list of hooks.
The order of the returned list of hooks isn’t guaranteed.
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
In |
Sets the maximum number of hooks to return. |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.
Sets the maximum number of hooks to return. If not specified all the hooks are returned.
6.104. GlusterVolume
This service manages a single gluster volume.
Name | Summary |
Get the gluster volume details. |
Get gluster volume profile statistics. |
Rebalance the gluster volume. |
Removes the gluster volume. |
Resets all the options set in the gluster volume. |
Resets a particular option in the gluster volume. |
Sets a particular option in the gluster volume. |
Starts the gluster volume. |
Start profiling the gluster volume. |
Stops the gluster volume. |
Stop profiling the gluster volume. |
Stop rebalancing the gluster volume. |
6.104.1. get GET
Get the gluster volume details.
For example, to get details of a gluster volume with identifier 123
in cluster 456
, send a request like this:
GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/456/glustervolumes/123
This GET request will return the following output:
<gluster_volume id="123">
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/456/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks" rel="glusterbricks"/>
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates which inner links should be followed. |
Out |
Representation of the gluster volume. |
6.104.2. getprofilestatistics POST
Get gluster volume profile statistics.
For example, to get profile statistics for a gluster volume with identifier 123
in cluster 456
, send a
request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/456/glustervolumes/123/getprofilestatistics
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
Out |
Gluster volume profiling information returned from the action. |
6.104.3. rebalance POST
Rebalance the gluster volume.
Rebalancing a gluster volume helps to distribute the data evenly across all the bricks. After expanding or shrinking a gluster volume (without migrating data), we need to rebalance the data among the bricks. In a non-replicated volume, all bricks should be online to perform the rebalance operation. In a replicated volume, at least one of the bricks in the replica should be online.
For example, to rebalance a gluster volume with identifier 123
in cluster 456
, send a request like this:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/456/glustervolumes/123/rebalance
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the rebalance should be performed asynchronously. |
In |
If set to true, rebalance will only fix the layout so that new data added to the volume is distributed across all the hosts. |
In |
Indicates if the rebalance should be force started. |
If set to true, rebalance will only fix the layout so that new data added to the volume is distributed
across all the hosts. But it will not migrate/rebalance the existing data. Default is false
Indicates if the rebalance should be force started. The rebalance command can be executed with the force
option even when the older clients are connected to the cluster. However, this could lead to a data loss
situation. Default is false
6.104.4. remove DELETE
Removes the gluster volume.
For example, to remove a volume with identifier 123
in cluster 456
, send a request like this:
DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/456/glustervolumes/123
Name | Type | Direction | Summary |
In |
Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously. |
6.104.5. resetalloptions POST
Resets all the options set in the gluster volume.
For example, to reset all options in a gluster volume with identifier 123
in cluster 456
, send a request like
POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/456/glustervolumes/123/resetalloptions