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PatternFly 4 Create New VM

Create New VM

The PatternFly 4 version of the create new VM modal features the same functionality as the current one but an updated look. homepagepf4-1

Create New VM- Create NIC

If the user were to create a NIC for the VM, this is what it would look like in PatternFly 4. homepagepf4-2

Create New VM- Create Disk

If the user were to create a disk for the VM, this is what it would look like in PatternFly 4. homepagepf4-3

Create New VM- Review

The user can review their selections before creating the VM. homepagepf4-2

Create New VM- VM is Being Created

The top part of the review screen features the status of the VM that is being created.

Create New VM Design Documentation

To view the full create new VM in PatternFly 4 documentation you can view it and comment on it here: