Top module


class AffinityGroupHostLabelService

This service manages a single host label assigned to an affinity group.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Remove this label from the affinity group.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the removal should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AffinityGroupHostLabelsService

This service manages a collection of all host labels assigned to an affinity group.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, label, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Adds a host label to the affinity group. For example, to add the label 789 to the affinity group 456 of cluster 123, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/affinitygroups/456/hostlabels

With the following body:

<affinity_label id="789"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


The AffinityLabel object to add to the affinity group.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def label_service(

self, id)

Access the service that manages the host label assignment to this affinity group.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List all host labels assigned to this affinity group. The order of the returned labels isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of host labels to return. If not specified, all the labels are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AffinityGroupHostService

This service manages a single host to affinity group assignment.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Remove host from the affinity group.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the removal should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AffinityGroupHostsService

This service manages a collection of all hosts assigned to an affinity group.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, host, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Adds a host to the affinity group. For example, to add the host 789 to the affinity group 456 of cluster 123, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/affinitygroups/456/hosts

With the following body:

<host id="789"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


The host to be added to the affinity group.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def host_service(

self, id_or_name)

Access the service that manages the host assignment to this affinity group by host id or name.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List all hosts assigned to this affinity group. The order of the returned hosts isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of hosts to return. If not specified, all the hosts are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AffinityGroupService

This service manages a single affinity group.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieve the affinity group details.

<affinity_group id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">
  <cluster id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def host_labels_service(


Returns a reference to the service that manages the list of all host labels attached to this affinity group.

def hosts_service(


Returns a reference to the service that manages the list of all hosts attached to this affinity group.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Remove the affinity group.

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/000-000/affinitygroups/123-456

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the removal should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, group, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update the affinity group.

This method supports the following parameters:


The affinity group.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def vm_labels_service(


Returns a reference to the service that manages the list of all virtual machine labels attached to this affinity group.

def vms_service(


Returns a reference to the service that manages the list of all virtual machines attached to this affinity group.

class AffinityGroupVmLabelService

This service manages a single virtual machine label assigned to an affinity group.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Remove this label from the affinity group.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the removal should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AffinityGroupVmLabelsService

This service manages a collection of all virtual machine labels assigned to an affinity group.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, label, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Adds a virtual machine label to the affinity group. For example, to add the label 789 to the affinity group 456 of cluster 123, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/affinitygroups/456/vmlabels

With the following body:

<affinity_label id="789"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


The AffinityLabel object to add to the affinity group.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def label_service(

self, id)

Access the service that manages the virtual machine label assignment to this affinity group.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List all virtual machine labels assigned to this affinity group. The order of the returned labels isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of virtual machine labels to return. If not specified, all the labels are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AffinityGroupVmService

This service manages a single virtual machine to affinity group assignment.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Remove this virtual machine from the affinity group.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the removal should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AffinityGroupVmsService

This service manages a collection of all the virtual machines assigned to an affinity group.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, vm, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Adds a virtual machine to the affinity group. For example, to add the virtual machine 789 to the affinity group 456 of cluster 123, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/affinitygroups/456/vms

With the following body:

<vm id="789"/>

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List all virtual machines assigned to this affinity group. The order of the returned virtual machines isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of virtual machines to return. If not specified, all the virtual machines are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def vm_service(

self, id)

Access the service that manages the virtual machine assignment to this affinity group.

class AffinityGroupsService

The affinity groups service manages virtual machine relationships and dependencies.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, group, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Create a new affinity group. Post a request like in the example below to create a new affinity group:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/000-000/affinitygroups

And use the following example in its body:


This method supports the following parameters:


The affinity group object to create.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def group_service(

self, id)

Access the affinity group service that manages the affinity group specified by an ID.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List existing affinity groups. The order of the affinity groups results isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of affinity groups to return. If not specified all the affinity groups are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AffinityLabelHostService

This service represents a host that has a specific label when accessed through the affinitylabels/hosts subcollection.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves details about a host that has this label assigned.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Remove a label from a host.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AffinityLabelHostsService

This service represents list of hosts that have a specific label when accessed through the affinitylabels/hosts subcollection.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, host, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a label to a host.

def host_service(

self, id)

A link to the specific label-host assignment to allow label removal.

def list(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List all hosts with the label. The order of the returned hosts isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AffinityLabelService

The details of a single affinity label.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves the details of a label.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def hosts_service(


List all hosts with this label.

def remove(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes a label from the system and clears all assignments of the removed label.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, label, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates a label. This call will update all metadata, such as the name or description.

def vms_service(


List all virtual machines with this label.

class AffinityLabelVmService

This service represents a vm that has a specific label when accessed through the affinitylabels/vms subcollection.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves details about a vm that has this label assigned.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Remove a label from a vm.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AffinityLabelVmsService

This service represents list of vms that have a specific label when accessed through the affinitylabels/vms subcollection.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, vm, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a label to a vm.

def list(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List all virtual machines with the label. The order of the returned virtual machines isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def vm_service(

self, id)

A link to the specific label-vm assignment to allow label removal.

class AffinityLabelsService

Manages the affinity labels available in the system.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, label, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Creates a new label. The label is automatically attached to all entities mentioned in the vms or hosts lists.

def label_service(

self, id)

Link to a single label details.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Lists all labels present in the system. The order of the returned labels isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of labels to return. If not specified all the labels are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AreaService

This annotation is intended to specify what oVirt area is the annotated concept related to. Currently the following areas are in use, and they are closely related to the oVirt teams, but not necessarily the same: - Infrastructure - Network - SLA - Storage - Virtualization A concept may be associated to more than one area, or to no area. The value of this annotation is intended for reporting only, and it doesn’t affect at all the generated code or the validity of the model

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • AreaService
  • ovirtsdk4.service.Service
  • __builtin__.object


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AssignedAffinityLabelService

This service represents one label to entity assignment when accessed using the entities/affinitylabels subcollection.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves details about the attached label.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes the label from an entity. Does not touch the label itself.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AssignedAffinityLabelsService

This service is used to list and manipulate affinity labels that are assigned to supported entities when accessed using entities/affinitylabels.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, label, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Attaches a label to an entity.

def label_service(

self, id)

Link to the specific entity-label assignment to allow removal.

def list(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Lists all labels that are attached to an entity. The order of the returned entities isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AssignedCpuProfileService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AssignedCpuProfilesService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, profile, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new cpu profile for the cluster.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List the CPU profiles assigned to the cluster. The order of the returned CPU profiles isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of profiles to return. If not specified all the profiles are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def profile_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AssignedDiskProfileService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AssignedDiskProfilesService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, profile, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new disk profile for the storage domain.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of disk profiles assigned to the storage domain. The order of the returned disk profiles isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of profiles to return. If not specified all the profiles are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def profile_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AssignedPermissionsService

Represents a permission sub-collection, scoped by user, group or some entity type.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, permission, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Assign a new permission to a user or group for specific entity. For example, to assign the UserVmManager role to the virtual machine with id 123 to the user with id 456 send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/permissions

With a request body like this:

  <user id="456"/>

To assign the SuperUser role to the system to the user with id 456 send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/permissions

With a request body like this:

  <user id="456"/>

If you want to assign permission to the group instead of the user please replace the user element with the group element with proper id of the group. For example to assign the UserRole role to the cluster with id 123 to the group with id 789 send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/permissions

With a request body like this:

  <group id="789"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


The permission.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_cluster_permission(

self, permission, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new permission on the cluster to the group in the system.

This method supports the following parameters:


The permission.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_data_center_permission(

self, permission, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new permission on the data center to the group in the system.

This method supports the following parameters:


The permission.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_group_level(

self, permission, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new group level permission for a given virtual machine.

This method supports the following parameters:


The permission.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_host_permission(

self, permission, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new permission on the host to the group in the system.

This method supports the following parameters:


The permission.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_storage_domain_permission(

self, permission, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new permission on the storage domain to the group in the system.

This method supports the following parameters:


The permission.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_template_permission(

self, permission, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new permission on the template to the group in the system.

This method supports the following parameters:


The permission.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_user_level(

self, permission, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new user level permission for a given virtual machine.

This method supports the following parameters:


The permission.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_vm_permission(

self, permission, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new permission on the vm to the group in the system.

This method supports the following parameters:


The permission.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_vm_pool_permission(

self, permission, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new permission on the vm pool to the group in the system.

This method supports the following parameters:


The permission.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def list(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List all the permissions of the specific entity. For example to list all the permissions of the cluster with id 123 send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/permissions
  <permission id="456">
    <cluster id="123"/>
    <role id="789"/>
    <user id="451"/>
  <permission id="654">
    <cluster id="123"/>
    <role id="789"/>
    <group id="127"/>

The order of the returned permissions isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def permission_service(

self, id)

Sub-resource locator method, returns individual permission resource on which the remainder of the URI is dispatched.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AssignedRolesService

Represents a roles sub-collection, for example scoped by user.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the roles assigned to the permission. The order of the returned roles isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of roles to return. If not specified all the roles are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def role_service(

self, id)

Sub-resource locator method, returns individual role resource on which the remainder of the URI is dispatched.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AssignedTagService

A service to manage assignment of specific tag to specific entities in system.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Gets the information about the assigned tag. For example to retrieve the information about the tag with the id 456 which is assigned to virtual machine with id 123 send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/tags/456
<tag href="/ovirt-engine/api/tags/456" id="456">
  <vm href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123" id="123"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Unassign tag from specific entity in the system. For example to unassign the tag with id 456 from virtual machine with id 123 send a request like this:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/tags/456

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AssignedTagsService

A service to manage collection of assignment of tags to specific entities in system.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, tag, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Assign tag to specific entity in the system. For example to assign tag mytag to virtual machine with the id 123 send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/tags

With a request body like this:


This method supports the following parameters:


The assigned tag.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List all tags assigned to the specific entity. For example to list all the tags of the virtual machine with id 123 send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/tags
  <tag href="/ovirt-engine/api/tags/222" id="222">
    <vm href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123" id="123"/>

The order of the returned tags isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of tags to return. If not specified all the tags are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def tag_service(

self, id)

Reference to the service that manages assignment of specific tag.

class AssignedVnicProfileService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def permissions_service(


def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AssignedVnicProfilesService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, profile, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new virtual network interface card profile for the network.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of VNIC profiles assifned to the network. The order of the returned VNIC profiles isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of profiles to return. If not specified all the profiles are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def profile_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AttachedStorageDomainDiskService

Manages a single disk available in a storage domain attached to a data center. IMPORTANT: Since version 4.2 of the engine this service is intended only to list disks available in the storage domain, and to register unregistered disks. All the other operations, like copying a disk, moving a disk, etc, have been deprecated and will be removed in the future. To perform those operations use the service that manages all the disks of the system or the service that manages a specific disk.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.__init__

def copy(

self, disk=None, storage_domain=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Copies a disk to the specified storage domain. IMPORTANT: Since version 4.2 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To copy a disk use the copy operation of the service that manages that disk.

This method supports the following parameters:


Description of the resulting disk.


The storage domain where the new disk will be created.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def export(

self, storage_domain=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Exports a disk to an export storage domain. IMPORTANT: Since version 4.2 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To export a disk use the export operation of the service that manages that disk.

This method supports the following parameters:


The export storage domain where the disk should be exported to.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves the description of the disk.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def move(

self, async_=None, filter=None, storage_domain=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Moves a disk to another storage domain. IMPORTANT: Since version 4.2 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To move a disk use the move operation of the service that manages that disk.

This method supports the following parameters:


The storage domain where the disk will be moved to.


Indicates if the move should be performed asynchronously.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def permissions_service(


Reference to the service that manages the permissions assigned to the disk.

def register(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Registers an unregistered disk.

def remove(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes a disk. IMPORTANT: Since version 4.2 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To remove a disk use the remove operation of the service that manages that disk.

def service(

self, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.service

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def sparsify(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Sparsify the disk. IMPORTANT: Since version 4.2 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To remove a disk use the remove operation of the service that manages that disk.

def statistics_service(


Inheritance: MeasurableService.statistics_service

def update(

self, disk, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates the disk. IMPORTANT: Since version 4.2 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To update a disk use the update operation of the service that manages that disk.

This method supports the following parameters:


The update to apply to the disk.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class AttachedStorageDomainDisksService

Manages the collection of disks available inside an storage domain that is attached to a data center.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, disk, unregistered=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Adds or registers a disk. IMPORTANT: Since version 4.2 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To add a new disk use the add operation of the service that manages the disks of the system. To register an unregistered disk use the register operation of the service that manages that disk.

This method supports the following parameters:


The disk to add or register.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def disk_service(

self, id)

Reference to the service that manages a specific disk.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieve the list of disks that are available in the storage domain.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of disks to return. If not specified all the disks are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AttachedStorageDomainService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def activate(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This operation activates an attached storage domain. Once the storage domain is activated it is ready for use with the data center.

POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/storagedomains/456/activate

The activate action does not take any action specific parameters, so the request body should contain an empty action:


This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the activation should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def deactivate(

self, async_=None, force=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This operation deactivates an attached storage domain. Once the storage domain is deactivated it will not be used with the data center. For example, to deactivate storage domain 456, send the following request:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/storagedomains/456/deactivate

With a request body like this:


If the force parameter is true then the operation will succeed, even if the OVF update which takes place before the deactivation of the storage domain failed. If the force parameter is false and the OVF update failed, the deactivation of the storage domain will also fail.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the deactivation should be performed asynchronously.


Indicates if the operation should succeed and the storage domain should be moved to a deactivated state, even if the OVF update for the storage domain failed. For example, to deactivate storage domain 456 using force flag, send the following request:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/storagedomains/456/deactivate

With a request body like this:


This parameter is optional, and the default value is false.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def disks_service(


def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class AttachedStorageDomainsService

Manages the storage domains attached to a data center.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, storage_domain, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Attaches an existing storage domain to the data center.

This method supports the following parameters:


The storage domain to attach to the data center.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of storage domains attached to the data center. The order of the returned storage domains isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of storage domains to return. If not specified all the storage domains are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def storage_domain_service(

self, id)

class BalanceService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, filter=None, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class BalancesService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, balance, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a balance module to a specified user defined scheduling policy.

def balance_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, filter=None, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of balance modules used by the scheduling policy. The order of the returned balance modules isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of balances to return. If not specified all the balances are returned.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class BookmarkService

A service to manage a bookmark.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get a bookmark. An example for getting a bookmark:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/bookmarks/123
<bookmark href="/ovirt-engine/api/bookmarks/123" id="123">
  <value>vm: name=example*</value>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Remove a bookmark. An example for removing a bookmark:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/bookmarks/123

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, bookmark, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update a bookmark. An example for updating a bookmark:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/bookmarks/123

With the request body:

  <value>vm: name=new_example*</value>

This method supports the following parameters:


The updated bookmark.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class BookmarksService

A service to manage bookmarks.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, bookmark, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Adding a new bookmark. Example of adding a bookmark:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/bookmarks
  <value>vm: name=new_example*</value>

This method supports the following parameters:


The added bookmark.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def bookmark_service(

self, id)

A reference to the service managing a specific bookmark.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Listing all the available bookmarks. Example of listing bookmarks:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/bookmarks
  <bookmark href="/ovirt-engine/api/bookmarks/123" id="123">
    <value>vm: name=database*</value>
  <bookmark href="/ovirt-engine/api/bookmarks/456" id="456">
    <value>vm: name=example*</value>

The order of the returned bookmarks isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of bookmarks to return. If not specified all the bookmarks are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ClusterEnabledFeatureService

Represents a feature enabled for the cluster.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Provides the information about the cluster feature enabled. For example, to find details of the enabled feature 456 for cluster 123, send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/enabledfeatures/456

That will return a ClusterFeature object containing the name:

<cluster_feature id="456">

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Disables a cluster feature. For example, to disable the feature 456 of cluster 123 send a request like this:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/enabledfeatures/456

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ClusterEnabledFeaturesService

Provides information about the additional features that are enabled for this cluster. The features that are enabled are the available features for the cluster level

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, feature, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Enable an additional feature for a cluster. For example, to enable a feature 456 on cluster 123, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/enabledfeatures

The request body should look like this:

<cluster_feature id="456"/>

def feature_service(

self, id)

A reference to the service that provides information about a specific feature enabled for the cluster.

def list(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Lists the additional features enabled for the cluster. For example, to get the features enabled for cluster 123 send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/enabledfeatures

This will return a list of features:

  <cluster_feature id="123">

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ClusterExternalProvidersService

This service lists external providers.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of external providers. The order of the returned list of providers is not guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ClusterFeatureService

Represents a feature enabled for the cluster level

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Provides the information about the a cluster feature supported by a cluster level. For example, to find details of the cluster feature 456 for cluster level 4.1, send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusterlevels/4.1/clusterfeatures/456

That will return a ClusterFeature object containing the name:

<cluster_feature id="456">

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ClusterFeaturesService

Provides information about the cluster features that are supported by a cluster level.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def feature_service(

self, id)

Reference to the service that provides information about a specific feature.

def list(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Lists the cluster features supported by the cluster level.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusterlevels/4.1/clusterfeatures

This will return a list of cluster features supported by the cluster level:

  <cluster_feature id="123">

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ClusterLevelService

Provides information about a specific cluster level. See the ClusterLevels service for more information.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def cluster_features_service(


Reference to the service that manages the collection of supported features for this cluster level.

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Provides the information about the capabilities of the specific cluster level managed by this service. For example, to find what CPU types are supported by level 3.6 you can send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusterlevels/3.6

That will return a ClusterLevel object containing the supported CPU types, and other information which describes the cluster level:

<cluster_level id="3.6">
      <name>Intel Nehalem Family</name>
    <permit id="1">

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ClusterLevelsService

Provides information about the capabilities of different cluster levels supported by the engine. Version 4.0 of the engine supports levels 4.0 and 3.6. Each of these levels support different sets of CPU types, for example. This service provides that information.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def level_service(

self, id)

Reference to the service that provides information about an specific cluster level.

def list(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Lists the cluster levels supported by the system.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusterlevels

This will return a list of available cluster levels.

  <cluster_level id="4.0">

The order of the returned cluster levels isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ClusterNetworkService

A service to manage a specific cluster network.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves the cluster network details.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Unassigns the network from a cluster.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, network, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates the network in the cluster.

This method supports the following parameters:


The cluster network.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class ClusterNetworksService

A service to manage cluster networks.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, network, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Assigns the network to a cluster. Post a request like in the example below to assign the network to a cluster:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/networks

Use the following example in its body:

<network id="123" />

This method supports the following parameters:


The network object to be assigned to the cluster.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Lists the networks that are assigned to the cluster. The order of the returned clusters isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of networks to return. If not specified, all the networks are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def network_service(

self, id)

Access the cluster network service that manages the cluster network specified by an ID.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ClusterService

A service to manage a specific cluster.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def affinity_groups_service(


A reference to the service that manages affinity groups.

def cpu_profiles_service(


A reference to the service that manages assigned CPU profiles for the cluster.

def enabled_features_service(


A reference to the service that manages the collection of enabled features for the cluster.

def external_network_providers_service(


A reference to the service that manages the collection of external network providers.

def get(

self, filter=None, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Gets information about the cluster. An example of getting a cluster:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123
<cluster href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123" id="123">
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/resetemulatedmachine" rel="resetemulatedmachine"/>
  <description>The default server cluster</description>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/networks" rel="networks"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/permissions" rel="permissions"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/glustervolumes" rel="glustervolumes"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/glusterhooks" rel="glusterhooks"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/affinitygroups" rel="affinitygroups"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/cpuprofiles" rel="cpuprofiles"/>
    <type>Intel Nehalem Family</type>
  <scheduling_policy href="/ovirt-engine/api/schedulingpolicies/456" id="456"/>
  <data_center href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/111" id="111"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def gluster_hooks_service(


A reference to the service that manages the Gluster hooks for the cluster.

def gluster_volumes_service(


A reference to the service that manages Gluster volumes for the cluster.

def network_filters_service(


A sub-collection with all the supported network filters for the cluster.

def networks_service(


A reference to the service that manages assigned networks for the cluster.

def permissions_service(


A reference to permissions.

def refresh_gluster_heal_status(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Refresh the Gluster heal info for all volumes in cluster. For example, Cluster 123, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/refreshglusterhealstatus

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes the cluster from the system.

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def reset_emulated_machine(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the reset should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def sync_all_networks(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Synchronizes all networks on the cluster.

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/syncallnetworks

With a request body like this:


This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def update(

self, cluster, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates information about the cluster. Only the specified fields are updated; others remain unchanged. For example, to update the cluster’s CPU:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123

With a request body like this:

    <type>Intel Haswell-noTSX Family</type>

def upgrade(

self, async_=None, correlation_id=None, upgrade_action=None, upgrade_percent_complete=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Start, update or finish upgrade process for the cluster based on the action value. This action marks the cluster for upgrade, updates the progress, or clears the upgrade running flag on the cluster based on the action value which takes values of start, stop or update_progress.

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/upgrade

With a request body like this to mark the cluster for upgrade:


After starting the upgrade, use a request body like this to update the progress to 15%:


This method supports the following parameters:


The action to be performed.


Explicitly set the upgrade correlation identifier. Use to correlate events detailing the cluster upgrade to the upgrade itself. If not specificed, the correlation id from Correlation-Id http header will be used.


Update the upgrade’s progress as a percent complete of the total process.


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class ClustersService

A service to manage clusters.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, cluster, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Creates a new cluster. This requires the name, cpu.type, and data_center attributes. Identify the data center with either the id or name attribute.

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters

With a request body like this:

    <type>Intel Nehalem Family</type>
  <data_center id="123"/>

To create a cluster with an external network provider to be deployed on every host that is added to the cluster, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters

With a request body containing a reference to the desired provider:

    <type>Intel Nehalem Family</type>
  <data_center id="123"/>
    <external_provider name="ovirt-provider-ovn"/>

def cluster_service(

self, id)

A reference to the service that manages a specific cluster.

def list(

self, case_sensitive=None, filter=None, follow=None, max=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of clusters of the system. The order of the returned clusters is guaranteed only if the sortby clause is included in the search parameter.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of clusters to return. If not specified, all the clusters are returned.


A query string used to restrict the returned clusters.


Indicates if the search should be performed taking case into account. The default value is true, which means that case is taken into account. To search ignoring case, set it to false.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class CopyableService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def copy(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the copy should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class CpuProfileService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def permissions_service(


def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, profile, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update the specified cpu profile in the system.

class CpuProfilesService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, profile, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new cpu profile to the system.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of CPU profiles of the system. The order of the returned list of CPU profiles is random.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of profiles to return. If not specified, all the profiles are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def profile_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class DataCenterNetworkService

A service to manage a specific data center network.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves the data center network details.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes the network.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, network, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates the network in the data center.

This method supports the following parameters:


The data center network.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class DataCenterNetworksService

A service to manage data center networks.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, network, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Create a new network in a data center. Post a request like in the example below to create a new network in a data center with an ID of 123.

POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/networks

Use the following example in its body:


This method supports the following parameters:


The network object to be created in the data center.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Lists networks in the data center. The order of the returned list of networks isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of networks to return. If not specified, all the networks are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def network_service(

self, id)

Access the data center network service that manages the data center network specified by an ID.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class DataCenterService

A service to manage a data center.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def clean_finished_tasks(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Currently, the storage pool manager (SPM) fails to switch to another host if the SPM has uncleared tasks. Clearing all finished tasks enables the SPM switching. For example, to clean all the finished tasks on a data center with ID 123 send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/cleanfinishedtasks

With a request body like this:


This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def clusters_service(


def get(

self, filter=None, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get a data center. An example of getting a data center:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123
<data_center href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123" id="123">
  <description>The default Data Center</description>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/clusters" rel="clusters"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/storagedomains" rel="storagedomains"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/permissions" rel="permissions"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/networks" rel="networks"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/quotas" rel="quotas"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/qoss" rel="qoss"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/iscsibonds" rel="iscsibonds"/>
  <mac_pool href="/ovirt-engine/api/macpools/456" id="456"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def iscsi_bonds_service(


Reference to the iSCSI bonds service.

def networks_service(


Returns a reference to the service, that manages the networks, that are associated with the data center.

def permissions_service(


Reference to the permissions service.

def qoss_service(


Reference to the QOSs service.

def quotas_service(


Reference to the quotas service.

def remove(

self, force=None, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes the data center.

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123

Without any special parameters, the storage domains attached to the data center are detached and then removed from the storage. If something fails when performing this operation, for example if there is no host available to remove the storage domains from the storage, the complete operation will fail. If the force parameter is true then the operation will always succeed, even if something fails while removing one storage domain, for example. The failure is just ignored and the data center is removed from the database anyway.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the operation should succeed, and the storage domain removed from the database, even if something fails during the operation. This parameter is optional, and the default value is false.


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def set_master(

self, async_=None, storage_domain=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Used for manually setting a storage domain in the data center as a master. For example, for setting a storage domain with ID '456' as a master on a data center with ID '123', send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/setmaster

With a request body like this:

  <storage_domain id="456"/>

The new master storage domain can be also specified by its name.

This method supports the following parameters:


The new master storage domain for the data center.


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def storage_domains_service(


Attach and detach storage domains to and from a data center. For attaching a single storage domain we should use the following POST request:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/storagedomains

With a request body like this:


For detaching a single storage domain we should use the following DELETE request:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/storagedomains/123

def update(

self, data_center, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates the data center. The name, description, storage_type, version, storage_format and mac_pool elements are updatable post-creation. For example, to change the name and description of data center 123 send a request like this:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123

With a request body like this:

  <description>An updated description for the data center</description>

This method supports the following parameters:


The data center that is being updated.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class DataCentersService

A service to manage data centers.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, data_center, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Creates a new data center. Creation of a new data center requires the name and local elements. For example, to create a data center named mydc that uses shared storage (NFS, iSCSI or fibre channel) send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters

With a request body like this:


This method supports the following parameters:


The data center that is being added.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def data_center_service(

self, id)

Reference to the service that manages a specific data center.

def list(

self, case_sensitive=None, filter=None, follow=None, max=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Lists the data centers. The following request retrieves a representation of the data centers:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters

The above request performed with curl:

curl         --request GET         --cacert /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem         --header "Version: 4"         --header "Accept: application/xml"         --user "admin@internal:mypassword"

This is what an example response could look like:

<data_center href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123" id="123">
  <description>The default Data Center</description>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/networks" rel="networks"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/storagedomains" rel="storagedomains"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/permissions" rel="permissions"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/clusters" rel="clusters"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/qoss" rel="qoss"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/iscsibonds" rel="iscsibonds"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/quotas" rel="quotas"/>

Note the id code of your Default data center. This code identifies this data center in relation to other resources of your virtual environment. The data center also contains a link to the storage domains collection. The data center uses this collection to attach storage domains from the storage domains main collection. The order of the returned list of data centers is guaranteed only if the sortby clause is included in the search parameter.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of data centers to return. If not specified all the data centers are returned.


A query string used to restrict the returned data centers.


Indicates if the search performed using the search parameter should be performed taking case into account. The default value is true, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search ignoring case set it to false.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class DiskAttachmentService

This service manages the attachment of a disk to a virtual machine.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the details of the attachment, including the bootable flag and link to the disk. An example of getting a disk attachment:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/diskattachments/456
<disk_attachment href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/diskattachments/456" id="456">
  <disk href="/ovirt-engine/api/disks/456" id="456"/>
  <vm href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123" id="123"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, detach_only=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes the disk attachment. This will only detach the disk from the virtual machine, but won’t remove it from the system, unless the detach_only parameter is false. An example of removing a disk attachment:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/diskattachments/456?detach_only=true

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the disk should only be detached from the virtual machine, but not removed from the system. The default value is true, which won’t remove the disk from the system.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, disk_attachment, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update the disk attachment and the disk properties within it.

PUT /vms/{vm:id}/disksattachments/{attachment:id}

class DiskAttachmentsService

This service manages the set of disks attached to a virtual machine. Each attached disk is represented by a DiskAttachment, containing the bootable flag, the disk interface and the reference to the disk.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, attachment, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Adds a new disk attachment to the virtual machine. The attachment parameter can contain just a reference, if the disk already exists:

  <disk id="123"/>

Or it can contain the complete representation of the disk, if the disk doesn’t exist yet:


In this case the disk will be created and then attached to the virtual machine. In both cases, use the following URL for a virtual machine with an id 345:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/345/diskattachments
The server accepts requests that don’t contain the active attribute, but the effect is undefined. In some cases the disk will be automatically activated and in other cases it won’t. To avoid issues it is strongly recommended to always include the active attribute with the desired value.

This method supports the following parameters:


The disk attachment to add to the virtual machine.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_providing_disk_id(

self, attachment, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


The disk attachment to add to the virtual machine.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_signature1(

self, attachment, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


The disk attachment to add to the virtual machine.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def attachment_service(

self, id)

Reference to the service that manages a specific attachment.

def list(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List the disk that are attached to the virtual machine. The order of the returned list of disks attachments isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class DiskProfileService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def permissions_service(


def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, profile, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update the specified disk profile in the system.

class DiskProfilesService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, profile, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new disk profile to the system.

def disk_profile_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of disk profiles of the system. The order of the returned list of disk profiles isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of profiles to return. If not specified all the profiles are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class DiskService

Manages a single disk.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.__init__

def convert(

self, disk=None, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Converts disk format and/or preallocation mode. For example, to convert the disk format from preallocated-cow to a sparse-raw image, send a request like the following:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/disks/123/convert

With the following request body:


This method supports the following parameters:


The description of the disk.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def copy(

self, async_=None, disk=None, disk_profile=None, filter=None, quota=None, storage_domain=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This operation copies a disk to the specified storage domain. For example, a disk can be copied using the following request:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/disks/123/copy

With a request body like this:

  <storage_domain id="456"/>

If the disk profile or the quota currently used by the disk are not defined for the new storage domain, they can be explicitly specified. If they are not specified, the first available disk profile and the default quota are used. For example, to specify disk profile 987 and quota 753, send a request body like this:

  <storage_domain id="456"/>
  <disk_profile id="987"/>
  <quota id="753"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


The storage domain where the new disk is created. This can be specified using the id or name attributes. For example, to copy a disk to the storage domain called mydata, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains/123/disks/789

With a request body like this:


Disk profile for the disk in the new storage domain. Disk profiles are defined for storage domains, so the old disk profile will not exist in the new storage domain. If this parameter is not used, the first disk profile from the new storage domain to which the user has permissions will be assigned to the disk.


Quota for the disk in the new storage domain. This optional parameter can be used to specify new quota for the disk, because the current quota may not be defined for the new storage domain. If this parameter is not used and the old quota is not defined for the new storage domain, the default (unlimited) quota will be assigned to the disk.


Indicates if the copy should be performed asynchronously.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def disk_snapshots_service(


Reference to the service that manages the DiskSnapshots. For example, to list all disk snapshots under the disks resource '123':

GET /ovirt-engine/api/disks/123/disksnapshots

For example, to retrieve a specific disk snapshot '789' under the disk resource '123':

GET /ovirt-engine/api/disks/123/disksnapshots/789

def export(

self, async_=None, filter=None, storage_domain=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Exports a disk to an export storage domain.

This method supports the following parameters:


The export storage domain where the disk will be exported to.


Indicates if the export should be performed asynchronously.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def get(

self, all_content=None, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves the description of the disk.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if all of the attributes of the disk should be included in the response. By default the following disk attributes are excluded:

  • vms For example, to retrieve the complete representation of disk '123':

GET /ovirt-engine/api/disks/123?all_content=true

Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def move(

self, async_=None, disk_profile=None, filter=None, quota=None, storage_domain=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Moves a disk to another storage domain. For example, to move the disk with identifier 123 to a storage domain with identifier 456 send the following request:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/disks/123/move

With the following request body:

  <storage_domain id="456"/>

If the disk profile or the quota used currently by the disk aren’t defined for the new storage domain, then they can be explicitly specified. If they aren’t then the first available disk profile and the default quota are used. For example, to explicitly use disk profile 987 and quota 753 send a request body like this:

  <storage_domain id="456"/>
  <disk_profile id="987"/>
  <quota id="753"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


The storage domain where the disk will be moved to.


Disk profile for the disk in the new storage domain. Disk profiles are defined for storage domains, so the old disk profile will not exist in the new storage domain. If this parameter is not used, the first disk profile from the new storage domain to which the user has permissions will be assigned to the disk.


Quota for the disk in the new storage domain. This optional parameter can be used to specify new quota for the disk, because the current quota may not be defined for the new storage domain. If this parameter is not used and the old quota is not defined for the new storage domain, the default (unlimited) quota will be assigned to the disk.


Indicates if the move should be performed asynchronously.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def permissions_service(


Reference to the service that manages the permissions assigned to the disk.

def reduce(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Reduces the size of the disk image. Invokes reduce on the logical volume (i.e. this is only applicable for block storage domains). This is applicable for floating disks and disks attached to non-running virtual machines. There is no need to specify the size as the optimal size is calculated automatically.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def refresh_lun(

self, host=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Refreshes a direct LUN disk with up-to-date information from the storage. Refreshing a direct LUN disk is useful when: - The LUN was added using the API without the host parameter, and therefore does not contain any information from the storage (see DisksService::add). - New information about the LUN is available on the storage and you want to update the LUN with it. To refresh direct LUN disk 123 using host 456, send the following request:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/disks/123/refreshlun

With the following request body:

  <host id='456'/>

This method supports the following parameters:


The host that will be used to refresh the direct LUN disk.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes a disk.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.service

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def sparsify(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Sparsify the disk. Sparsification frees space in the disk image that is not used by its filesystem. As a result, the image will occupy less space on the storage. Currently sparsification works only on disks without snapshots. Disks having derived disks are also not allowed.

def statistics_service(


Inheritance: MeasurableService.statistics_service

def update(

self, disk, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates the parameters of the specified disk. This operation allows updating the following floating disk properties: * For Image disks: provisioned_size, alias, description, wipe_after_delete, shareable, backup and disk_profile. * For LUN disks: alias, description and shareable. * Cinder integration has been replaced by Managed Block Storage. * For Managed Block disks: provisioned_size, alias and description. * For VM attached disks, the qcow_version can also be updated. For example, a disk’s update can be done by using the following request:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/disks/123

With a request body like this:


Since the backend operation is asynchronous, the disk element that is returned to the user might not be synced with the changed properties.

This method supports the following parameters:


The update to apply to the disk.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class DiskSnapshotService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class DiskSnapshotsService

Manages the collection of disk snapshots available in an storage domain.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, follow=None, include_active=None, include_template=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of disk snapshots of the storage domain. The order of the returned list of disk snapshots isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of snapshots to return. If not specified all the snapshots are returned.


If true return also active snapshots. If not specified active snapshots are not returned.


If true return also template snapshots. If not specified template snapshots are not returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def snapshot_service(

self, id)

class DisksService

Manages the collection of disks available in the system.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, disk, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Adds a new floating disk. There are three types of disks that can be added - disk image, direct LUN and Managed Block disk. Cinder integration has been replaced by Managed Block Storage. Adding a new image disk: When creating a new floating image Disk, the API requires the storage_domain, provisioned_size and format attributes. Note that block storage domains (i.e. storage domains with the storage type of iSCSI or FCP) don’t support the combination of the raw format with sparse=true, so sparse=false must be stated explicitly. To create a new floating image disk with specified provisioned_size, format and name on a storage domain with an id 123 and enabled for incremental backup, send a request as follows:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/disks

With a request body as follows:

    <storage_domain id="123"/>

Adding a new direct LUN disk: When adding a new floating direct LUN via the API, there are two flavors that can be used: . With a host element - in this case, the host is used for sanity checks (e.g., that the LUN is visible) and to retrieve basic information about the LUN (e.g., size and serial). . Without a host element - in this case, the operation is a database-only operation, and the storage is never accessed. To create a new floating direct LUN disk with a host element with an id 123, specified alias, type and logical_unit with an id 456 (that has the attributes address, port and target), send a request as follows:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/disks

With a request body as follows:

    <host id="123"/>
      <logical_unit id="456">

To create a new floating direct LUN disk without using a host, remove the host element. Adding a new Cinder disk: Cinder integration has been replaced by Managed Block Storage. Adding a floating disks in order to upload disk snapshots: Since version 4.2 of the engine it is possible to upload disks with snapshots. This request should be used to create the base image of the images chain (The consecutive disk snapshots (images), should be created using disk-attachments element when creating a snapshot). The disk has to be created with the same disk identifier and image identifier of the uploaded image. I.e. the identifiers should be saved as part of the backup process. The image identifier can be also fetched using the qemu-img info command. For example, if the disk image is stored into a file named b7a4c6c5-443b-47c5-967f-6abc79675e8b/myimage.img:

$ qemu-img info b7a4c6c5-443b-47c5-967f-6abc79675e8b/myimage.img
image: b548366b-fb51-4b41-97be-733c887fe305
file format: qcow2
virtual size: 1.0G (1073741824 bytes)
disk size: 196K
cluster_size: 65536
backing file: ad58716a-1fe9-481f-815e-664de1df04eb
backing file format: raw

To create a disk with with the disk identifier and image identifier obtained with the qemu-img info command shown above, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/disks

With a request body as follows:

<disk id="b7a4c6c5-443b-47c5-967f-6abc79675e8b">
    <storage_domain id="123"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


The disk.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_lun(

self, disk, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new lun disk to the storage domain.

This method supports the following parameters:


The disk.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_on_storage_domain(

self, disk, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new disk to the storage domain with the specified size allocating space from the storage domain.

This method supports the following parameters:


The disk.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def disk_service(

self, id)

Reference to a service managing a specific disk.

def list(

self, case_sensitive=None, follow=None, max=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get list of disks.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/disks

You will get a XML response which will look like this one:

  <disk id="123">
    <description>MyDisk description</description>
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/disks/123/permissions" rel="permissions"/>
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/disks/123/statistics" rel="statistics"/>
    <alias>MyDisk alias</alias>
    <disk_profile id="123"/>
    <quota id="123"/>

The order of the returned list of disks is guaranteed only if the sortby clause is included in the search parameter.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of disks to return. If not specified all the disks are returned.


A query string used to restrict the returned disks.


Indicates if the search performed using the search parameter should be performed taking case into account. The default value is true, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search ignoring case set it to false.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class DomainGroupService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class DomainGroupsService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def group_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, case_sensitive=None, follow=None, max=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of groups. The order of the returned list of groups isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of groups to return. If not specified all the groups are returned.


A query string used to restrict the returned groups.


Indicates if the search performed using the search parameter should be performed taking case into account. The default value is true, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search ignoring case set it to false.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class DomainService

A service to view details of an authentication domain in the system.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Gets the authentication domain information. Usage:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678

Will return the domain information:

<domain href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678" id="5678">
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678/users" rel="users"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678/groups" rel="groups"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678/users?search={query}" rel="users/search"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678/groups?search={query}" rel="groups/search"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def groups_service(


Reference to a service to manage domain groups.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def users_service(


Reference to a service to manage domain users.

class DomainUserGroupsService

A service that shows a user’s group membership in the AAA extension.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of groups that the user is a member of.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class DomainUserService

A service to view a domain user in the system.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Gets the domain user information. Usage:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678/users/1234

Will return the domain user information:

<user href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/1234" id="1234">
  <domain href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678" id="5678">

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class DomainUsersService

A service to list all domain users in the system.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, case_sensitive=None, follow=None, max=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List all the users in the domain. Usage:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678/users

Will return the list of users in the domain:

  <user href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678/users/1234" id="1234">
    <domain href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678" id="5678">

The order of the returned list of users isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of users to return. If not specified all the users are returned.


A query string used to restrict the returned users.


Indicates if the search performed using the search parameter should be performed taking case into account. The default value is true, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search ignoring case set it to false.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def user_service(

self, id)

Reference to a service to view details of a domain user.

class DomainsService

A service to list all authentication domains in the system.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def domain_service(

self, id)

Reference to a service to view details of a domain.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List all the authentication domains in the system. Usage:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/domains

Will return the list of domains:

  <domain href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678" id="5678">
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678/users" rel="users"/>
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678/groups" rel="groups"/>
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678/users?search={query}" rel="users/search"/>
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/5678/groups?search={query}" rel="groups/search"/>

The order of the returned list of domains isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of domains to return. If not specified all the domains are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class EngineKatelloErrataService

A service to manage Katello errata assigned to the engine. The information is retrieved from Katello.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

Inheritance: KatelloErrataService.__init__

def katello_erratum_service(

self, id)

Inheritance: KatelloErrataService.katello_erratum_service

Reference to the Katello erratum service. Use this service to view the erratum by its id.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Inheritance: KatelloErrataService.list

Retrieves the representation of the Katello errata.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/katelloerrata

You will receive response in XML like this one:

  <katello_erratum href="/ovirt-engine/api/katelloerrata/123" id="123">
    <description>The description of the erratum</description>
    <title>some bug fix update</title>
    <solution>Few guidelines regarding the solution</solution>
    <summary>Updated packages that fix one bug are now available for XYZ</summary>

The order of the returned list of erratum isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of errata to return. If not specified all the errata are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Inheritance: KatelloErrataService.service

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class EventService

A service to manage an event in the system.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get an event. An example of getting an event:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/events/123
<event href="/ovirt-engine/api/events/123" id="123">
  <description>Host was added by admin@internal-authz.</description>
  <cluster href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/456" id="456"/>
  <host href="/ovirt-engine/api/hosts/789" id="789"/>
  <user href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/987" id="987"/>

Note that the number of fields changes according to the information that resides on the event. For example, for storage domain related events you will get the storage domain reference, as well as the reference for the data center this storage domain resides in.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes an event from internal audit log. An event can be removed by sending following request

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/events/123

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class EventSubscriptionService

A service to manage a specific event-subscription in the system.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Gets the information about the event-subscription. For example to retrieve the information about the subscription of user '123' to the event 'vm_console_detected':

GET /ovirt-engine/api/users/123/vm_console_detected
<event-subscription href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/123/event-subscriptions/vm_console_detected">
  <user href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/123" id="123"/>

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes the event-subscription from the system. For example to remove user 123’s subscription to vm_console_detected event:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/users/123/vm_console_detected

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class EventSubscriptionsService

Represents a service to manage collection of event-subscription of a user.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, event_subscription, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new event-subscription to the system. An event-subscription is always added in the context of a user. For example, to add new event-subscription for host_high_cpu_use for user 123, and have the notification sent to the e-mail address:, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/users/123/eventsubscriptions

With a request body like this:


The event name will become the ID of the new event-subscription entity: GET …​/api/users/123/eventsubscriptions/host_high_cpu_use Note that no user id is provided in the request body. This is because the user-id (in this case 123) is already known to the API from the context. Note also that event-subscription entity contains notification-method field, but it is not provided either in the request body. This is because currently it’s always set to SMTP as SNMP notifications are still unsupported by the API layer.

This method supports the following parameters:


The added event-subscription.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def event_subscription_service(

self, id)

Reference to the service that manages a specific event-subscription.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List the event-subscriptions for the provided user. For example to list event-subscriptions for user 123:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/users/123/event-subscriptions
  <event-subscription href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/123/event-subscriptions/host_install_failed">
    <user href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/123" id="123"/>
  <event-subscription href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/123/event-subscriptions/vm_paused">
    <user href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/123" id="123"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of event-subscriptions to return. If not specified all the event-subscriptions are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class EventsService

A service to manage events in the system.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, event, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Adds an external event to the internal audit log. This is intended for integration with external systems that detect or produce events relevant for the administrator of the system. For example, an external monitoring tool may be able to detect that a file system is full inside the guest operating system of a virtual machine. This event can be added to the internal audit log sending a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/events
  <description>File system /home is full</description>

Events can also be linked to specific objects. For example, the above event could be linked to the specific virtual machine where it happened, using the vm link:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/events
  <description>File system /home is full</description>
  <vm id="aae98225-5b73-490d-a252-899209af17e9"/>
When using links, like the vm in the previous example, only the id attribute is accepted. The name attribute, if provided, is simply ignored.

def event_service(

self, id)

Reference to the service that manages a specific event.

def list(

self, case_sensitive=None, follow=None, from_=None, max=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get list of events.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/events

To the above request we get following response:

  <event href="/ovirt-engine/api/events/2" id="2">
    <description>User admin@internal-authz logged out.</description>
    <user href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/57d91d48-00da-0137-0138-000000000244" id="57d91d48-00da-0137-0138-000000000244"/>
  <event href="/ovirt-engine/api/events/1" id="1">
    <description>User admin logged in.</description>
    <user href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/57d91d48-00da-0137-0138-000000000244" id="57d91d48-00da-0137-0138-000000000244"/>

The following events occur: * id="1" - The API logs in the admin user account. * id="2" - The API logs out of the admin user account. The order of the returned list of events is always garanteed. If the sortby clause is included in the search parameter, then the events will be ordered according to that clause. If the sortby clause isn’t included, then the events will be sorted by the numeric value of the id attribute, starting with the highest value. This, combined with the max parameter, simplifies obtaining the most recent event:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/events?max=1

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates the event index after which events should be returned. The indexes of events are strictly increasing, so when this parameter is used only the events with greater indexes will be returned. For example, the following request will return only the events with indexes greater than 123:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/events?from=123

This parameter is optional, and if not specified then the first event returned will be most recently generated.


Sets the maximum number of events to return. If not specified all the events are returned.


The events service provides search queries similar to other resource services. We can search by providing specific severity.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/events?search=severity%3Dnormal

To the above request we get a list of events which severity is equal to normal:

  <event href="/ovirt-engine/api/events/2" id="2">
    <description>User admin@internal-authz logged out.</description>
    <user href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/57d91d48-00da-0137-0138-000000000244" id="57d91d48-00da-0137-0138-000000000244"/>
  <event href="/ovirt-engine/api/events/1" id="1">
    <description>Affinity Rules Enforcement Manager started.</description>

A virtualization environment generates a large amount of events after a period of time. However, the API only displays a default number of events for one search query. To display more than the default, the API separates results into pages with the page command in a search query. The following search query tells the API to paginate results using a page value in combination with the sortby clause:

sortby time asc page 1

Below example paginates event resources. The URL-encoded request is:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/events?search=sortby%20time%20asc%20page%201

Increase the page value to view the next page of results.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/events?search=sortby%20time%20asc%20page%202

Indicates if the search performed using the search parameter should be performed taking case into account. The default value is true, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search ignoring case set it to false.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def undelete(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the un-delete should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class ExternalComputeResourceService

Manages a single external compute resource. Compute resource is a term of host external provider. The external provider also needs to know to where the provisioned host needs to register. The login details of the engine are saved as a compute resource in the external provider side.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves external compute resource details. For example, to get the details of compute resource 234 of provider 123, send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/computeresources/234

It will return a response like this:

<external_compute_resource href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/computeresources/234" id="234">
  <external_host_provider href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123" id="123"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ExternalComputeResourcesService

Manages a collection of external compute resources. Compute resource is a term of host external provider. The external provider also needs to know to where the provisioned host needs to register. The login details of the engine is saved as a compute resource in the external provider side.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves a list of external compute resources. For example, to retrieve the compute resources of external host provider 123, send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/computeresources

It will return a response like this:

  <external_compute_resource href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/computeresources/234" id="234">
    <external_host_provider href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123" id="123"/>

The order of the returned list of compute resources isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of resources to return. If not specified all the resources are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def resource_service(

self, id)

This service manages compute resource instance

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ExternalDiscoveredHostService

This service manages a single discovered host.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get discovered host info. Retrieves information about an host that is managed in external provider management system, such as Foreman. The information includes hostname, address, subnet, base image and more. For example, to get the details of host 234 from provider 123, send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/discoveredhosts/234

The result will be like this:

<external_discovered_host href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/discoveredhosts/234" id="234">
 <last_report>2017-04-24 11:05:41 UTC</last_report>
 <external_host_provider href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123" id="123"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ExternalDiscoveredHostsService

This service manages external discovered hosts.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def host_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get list of discovered hosts' information. Discovered hosts are fetched from third-party providers such as Foreman. To list all discovered hosts for provider 123 send the following:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/discoveredhost
 <external_discovered_host href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/discoveredhosts/456" id="456">
  <last_report>2017-04-24 11:05:41 UTC</last_report>
  <external_host_provider href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123" id="123"/>
 <external_discovered_host href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/discoveredhosts/789" id="789">
  <last_report>2017-04-24 11:05:41 UTC</last_report>
  <external_host_provider href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123" id="123"/>

The order of the returned list of hosts isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of hosts to return. If not specified all the hosts are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ExternalHostGroupService

This service manages a single host group information. Host group is a term of host provider - the host group includes provision details that are applied to new discovered host. Information such as subnet, operating system, domain, etc.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get host group information. For example, to get the details of hostgroup 234 of provider 123, send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/hostgroups/234

It will return a response like this:

<external_host_group href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/hostgroups/234" id="234">
  <operating_system_name>RedHat 7.3</operating_system_name>
  <external_host_provider href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123" id="123"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ExternalHostGroupsService

This service manages hostgroups.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def group_service(

self, id)

This service manages hostgroup instance.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get host groups list from external host provider. Host group is a term of host providers - the host group includes provision details. This API returns all possible hostgroups exposed by the external provider. For example, to get the details of all host groups of provider 123, send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/hostgroups

The response will be like this:

  <external_host_group href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/hostgroups/234" id="234">
    <operating_system_name>RedHat 7.3</operating_system_name>
    <external_host_provider href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123" id="123"/>

The order of the returned list of host groups isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of groups to return. If not specified all the groups are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ExternalHostProviderService

Represents an external host provider, such as Foreman or Satellite. See Foreman documentation for details. See Satellite documentation for details.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

Inheritance: ExternalProviderService.__init__

def certificates_service(


Inheritance: ExternalProviderService.certificates_service

A service to view certificates for this external provider.

def compute_resources_service(


def discovered_hosts_service(


def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get external host provider information Host provider, Foreman or Satellite, can be set as an external provider in ovirt. To see details about specific host providers attached to ovirt use this API. For example, to get the details of host provider 123, send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123

The response will be like this:

<external_host_provider href="/ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123" id="123">

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def host_groups_service(


def hosts_service(


def import_certificates(

self, certificates=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Inheritance: ExternalProviderService.import_certificates

Import the SSL certificates of the external host provider.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Inheritance: ExternalProviderService.service

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def test_connectivity(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Inheritance: ExternalProviderService.test_connectivity

In order to test connectivity for external provider we need to run following request where 123 is an id of a provider.

POST /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/testconnectivity

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the test should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def update(

self, provider, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update the specified external host provider in the system.

class ExternalHostProvidersService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, provider, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new external host provider to the system.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of external host providers. The order of the returned list of host providers isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of providers to return. If not specified all the providers are returned.


A query string used to restrict the returned external host providers.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def provider_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ExternalHostService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ExternalHostsService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def host_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Return the list of external hosts. The order of the returned list of hosts isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of hosts to return. If not specified all the hosts are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ExternalNetworkProviderConfigurationService

Describes how an external network provider is provisioned by the system on the host.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the information about an external network provider on the host.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ExternalNetworkProviderConfigurationsService

A service to list all external network providers provisioned by the system on the host.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def configuration_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of all external network providers on the host. The order of the returned list of networks is not guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ExternalProviderCertificateService

A service to view specific certificate for external provider.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get specific certificate.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/certificate/0

And here is sample response:

<certificate id="0">

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ExternalProviderCertificatesService

A service to view certificates for external provider.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def certificate_service(

self, id)

Reference to service that manages a specific certificate for this external provider.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the chain of certificates presented by the external provider.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/certificates

And here is sample response:

  <certificate id="789">...</certificate>

The order of the returned certificates is always guaranteed to be the sign order: the first is the certificate of the server itself, the second the certificate of the CA that signs the first, so on.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of certificates to return. If not specified all the certificates are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ExternalProviderService

Provides capability to manage external providers.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def certificates_service(


A service to view certificates for this external provider.

def import_certificates(

self, certificates=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Import the SSL certificates of the external host provider.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def test_connectivity(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

In order to test connectivity for external provider we need to run following request where 123 is an id of a provider.

POST /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/testconnectivity

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the test should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class ExternalTemplateImportsService

Provides capability to import external templates. Currently supports OVA only.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, import_, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This operation is used to import a template from external hypervisor. For example import of a template OVA can be facilitated using the following request:

POST /externaltemplateimports

With request body of type ExternalTemplateImport, for example:

  <cluster id="2b18aca2-4469-11eb-9449-482ae35a5f83" />
  <storage_domain id="8bb5ade5-e988-4000-8b93-dbfc6717fe50" />
  <host id="8bb5ade5-e988-4000-8b93-dbfc6717fe50" />

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ExternalVmImportsService

Provides capability to import external virtual machines.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, import_, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This operation is used to import a virtual machine from external hypervisor, such as KVM, XEN or VMware. For example import of a virtual machine from VMware can be facilitated using the following request:

POST /externalvmimports

With request body of type ExternalVmImport, for example:

  <cluster id="360014051136c20574f743bdbd28177fd" />
  <storage_domain id="8bb5ade5-e988-4000-8b93-dbfc6717fe50" />
  <drivers_iso id="virtio-win-1.6.7.iso" />

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class FenceAgentService

A service to manage fence agent for a specific host.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Gets details of this fence agent.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/fenceagents/0

And here is sample response:

<agent id="0">
  <options>name1=value1, name2=value2</options>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes a fence agent for a specific host.

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/fenceagents/0

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, agent, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update a fencing-agent.

This method supports the following parameters:


Fence agent details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class FenceAgentsService

A service to manage fence agents for a specific host.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, agent, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new fencing-agent to the host.

POST /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/fenceagents
You should consult the /usr/sbin/fence_<agent_name> manual page for
the legal parameters to [name1=value1, name2=value2,...] in the options field.
If any parameter in options appears by name that means that it is mandatory.
For example in <options>slot=7[,name1=value1, name2=value2,...]</options>
slot is mandatory.

apc, bladecenter, wti fencing agent/s sample request:

    <options>slot=7[,name1=value1, name2=value2,...]</options>
apc_snmp, hpblade, ilo, ilo2, ilo_ssh, redfish, rsa fencing agent/s sample request:
    <options>[name1=value1, name2=value2,...]</options>
cisco_ucs, drac5, eps fencing agent/s sample request:
    <options>slot=7[,name1=value1, name2=value2,...]</options>
drac7, ilo3, ilo4, ipmilan, rsb fencing agent/s sample request:
    <options>[name1=value1, name2=value2,...]</options>

def agent_service(

self, id)

Reference to service that manages a specific fence agent for this host.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of fencing agents configured for the host.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/fenceagents

And here is sample response:

  <agent id="0">
    <options>name1=value1, name2=value2</options>

The order of the returned list of fencing agents isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of agents to return. If not specified all the agents are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class FileService

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • FileService
  • ovirtsdk4.service.Service
  • __builtin__.object


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class FilesService

Provides a way for clients to list available files. This service is specifically targeted to ISO storage domains, which contain ISO images and virtual floppy disks (VFDs) that an administrator uploads. The addition of a CD-ROM device to a virtual machine requires an ISO image from the files of an ISO storage domain.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def file_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, case_sensitive=None, follow=None, max=None, refresh=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of ISO images and virtual floppy disks available in the storage domain. The order of the returned list is not guaranteed. If the refresh parameter is false, the returned list may not reflect recent changes to the storage domain; for example, it may not contain a new ISO file that was recently added. This is because the server caches the list of files to improve performance. To get the very latest results, set the refresh parameter to true. The default value of the refresh parameter is true, but it can be changed using the configuration value ForceRefreshDomainFilesByDefault:

# engine-config -s ForceRefreshDomainFilesByDefault=false
Setting the value of the refresh parameter to true has an impact on the performance of the server. Use it only if necessary.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of files to return. If not specified, all the files are returned.


A query string used to restrict the returned files.


Indicates if the search performed using the search parameter should take case into account. The default value is true.


Indicates whether the list of files should be refreshed from the storage domain, rather than showing cached results that are updated at certain intervals.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class FilterService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, filter=None, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class FiltersService

Manages the filters used by an scheduling policy.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, filter, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a filter to a specified user defined scheduling policy.

def filter_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, filter=None, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of filters used by the scheduling policy. The order of the returned list of filters isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of filters to return. If not specified all the filters are returned.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class FollowService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class GlusterBrickService

This service manages a single gluster brick.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.__init__

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get details of a brick. Retrieves status details of brick from underlying gluster volume with header All-Content set to true. This is the equivalent of running gluster volume status <volumename> <brickname> detail. For example, to get the details of brick 234 of gluster volume 123, send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks/234

Which will return a response body like this:

<brick id="234">

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes a brick. Removes a brick from the underlying gluster volume and deletes entries from database. This can be used only when removing a single brick without data migration. To remove multiple bricks and with data migration, use migrate instead. For example, to delete brick 234 from gluster volume 123, send a request like this:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks/234

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def replace(

self, async_=None, force=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Replaces this brick with a new one. IMPORTANT: This operation has been deprecated since version 3.5 of the engine and will be removed in the future. Use add brick(s) and migrate brick(s) instead.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the replacement should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.service

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def statistics_service(


Inheritance: MeasurableService.statistics_service

class GlusterBricksService

This service manages the gluster bricks in a gluster volume

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def activate(

self, async_=None, bricks=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Activate the bricks post data migration of remove brick operation. Used to activate brick(s) once the data migration from bricks is complete but user no longer wishes to remove bricks. The bricks that were previously marked for removal will now be used as normal bricks. For example, to retain the bricks that on glustervolume 123 from which data was migrated, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks/activate

With a request body like this:


This method supports the following parameters:


The list of bricks that need to be re-activated.


Indicates if the activation should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add(

self, bricks, replica_count=None, stripe_count=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Adds a list of bricks to gluster volume. Used to expand a gluster volume by adding bricks. For replicated volume types, the parameter replica_count needs to be passed. In case the replica count is being increased, then the number of bricks needs to be equivalent to the number of replica sets. For example, to add bricks to gluster volume 123, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks

With a request body like this:


This method supports the following parameters:


The list of bricks to be added to the volume


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def brick_service(

self, id)

Returns a reference to the service managing a single gluster brick.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Lists the bricks of a gluster volume. For example, to list bricks of gluster volume 123, send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks

Provides an output as below:

  <brick id="234">
  <brick id="233">

The order of the returned list is based on the brick order provided at gluster volume creation.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of bricks to return. If not specified all the bricks are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def migrate(

self, async_=None, bricks=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Start migration of data prior to removing bricks. Removing bricks is a two-step process, where the data on bricks to be removed, is first migrated to remaining bricks. Once migration is completed the removal of bricks is confirmed via the API remove. If at any point, the action needs to be cancelled stopmigrate has to be called. For instance, to delete a brick from a gluster volume with id 123, send a request:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks/migrate

With a request body like this:


The migration process can be tracked from the job id returned from the API using job and steps in job using step

This method supports the following parameters:


List of bricks for which data migration needs to be started.


Indicates if the migration should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, bricks=None, replica_count=None, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes bricks from gluster volume. The recommended way to remove bricks without data loss is to first migrate the data using stopmigrate and then removing them. If migrate was not called on bricks prior to remove, the bricks are removed without data migration which may lead to data loss. For example, to delete the bricks from gluster volume 123, send a request like this:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks

With a request body like this:


This method supports the following parameters:


The list of bricks to be removed


Replica count of volume post add operation.


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def stop_migrate(

self, async_=None, bricks=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Stops migration of data from bricks for a remove brick operation. To cancel data migration that was started as part of the 2-step remove brick process in case the user wishes to continue using the bricks. The bricks that were marked for removal will function as normal bricks post this operation. For example, to stop migration of data from the bricks of gluster volume 123, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks/stopmigrate

With a request body like this:


This method supports the following parameters:


List of bricks for which data migration needs to be stopped. This list should match the arguments passed to migrate.


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class GlusterHookService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def disable(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Resolves status conflict of hook among servers in cluster by disabling Gluster hook in all servers of the cluster. This updates the hook status to DISABLED in database.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def enable(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Resolves status conflict of hook among servers in cluster by disabling Gluster hook in all servers of the cluster. This updates the hook status to DISABLED in database.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes the this Gluster hook from all servers in cluster and deletes it from the database.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def resolve(

self, async_=None, host=None, resolution_type=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Resolves missing hook conflict depending on the resolution type. For ADD resolves by copying hook stored in engine database to all servers where the hook is missing. The engine maintains a list of all servers where hook is missing. For COPY resolves conflict in hook content by copying hook stored in engine database to all servers where the hook is missing. The engine maintains a list of all servers where the content is conflicting. If a host id is passed as parameter, the hook content from the server is used as the master to copy to other servers in cluster.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class GlusterHooksService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def hook_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of hooks. The order of the returned list of hooks isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of hooks to return. If not specified all the hooks are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class GlusterVolumeService

This service manages a single gluster volume.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.__init__

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get the gluster volume details. For example, to get details of a gluster volume with identifier 123 in cluster 456, send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/456/glustervolumes/123

This GET request will return the following output:

<gluster_volume id="123">
 <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/456/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks" rel="glusterbricks"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def get_profile_statistics(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get gluster volume profile statistics. For example, to get profile statistics for a gluster volume with identifier 123 in cluster 456, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/456/glustervolumes/123/getprofilestatistics

def gluster_bricks_service(


Reference to a service managing gluster bricks.

def rebalance(

self, async_=None, fix_layout=None, force=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Rebalance the gluster volume. Rebalancing a gluster volume helps to distribute the data evenly across all the bricks. After expanding or shrinking a gluster volume (without migrating data), we need to rebalance the data among the bricks. In a non-replicated volume, all bricks should be online to perform the rebalance operation. In a replicated volume, at least one of the bricks in the replica should be online. For example, to rebalance a gluster volume with identifier 123 in cluster 456, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/456/glustervolumes/123/rebalance

This method supports the following parameters:


If set to true, rebalance will only fix the layout so that new data added to the volume is distributed across all the hosts. But it will not migrate/rebalance the existing data. Default is false.


Indicates if the rebalance should be force started. The rebalance command can be executed with the force option even when the older clients are connected to the cluster. However, this could lead to a data loss situation. Default is false.


Indicates if the rebalance should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes the gluster volume. For example, to remove a volume with identifier 123 in cluster 456, send a request like this:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/456/glustervolumes/123

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def reset_all_options(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Resets all the options set in the gluster volume. For example, to reset all options in a gluster volume with identifier 123 in cluster 456, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/456/glustervolumes/123/resetalloptions

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the reset should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def reset_option(

self, async_=None, force=None, option=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Resets a particular option in the gluster volume. For example, to reset a particular option option1 in a gluster volume with identifier 123 in cluster 456, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/456/glustervolumes/123/resetoption

With the following request body:

 <option name="option1"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Option to reset.


Indicates if the reset should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.service

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def set_option(

self, async_=None, option=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Sets a particular option in the gluster volume. For example, to set option1 with value value1 in a gluster volume with identifier 123 in cluster 456, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/456/glustervolumes/123/setoption

With the following request body:

 <option name="option1" value="value1"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Option to set.


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def start(

self, async_=None, force=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Starts the gluster volume. A Gluster Volume should be started to read/write data. For example, to start a gluster volume with identifier 123 in cluster 456, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/456/glustervolumes/123/start

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the volume should be force started. If a gluster volume is started already but few/all bricks are down then force start can be used to bring all the bricks up. Default is false.


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def start_profile(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Start profiling the gluster volume. For example, to start profiling a gluster volume with identifier 123 in cluster 456, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/456/glustervolumes/123/startprofile

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def statistics_service(


Inheritance: MeasurableService.statistics_service

def stop(

self, async_=None, force=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Stops the gluster volume. Stopping a volume will make its data inaccessible. For example, to stop a gluster volume with identifier 123 in cluster 456, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/456/glustervolumes/123/stop

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def stop_profile(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Stop profiling the gluster volume. For example, to stop profiling a gluster volume with identifier 123 in cluster 456, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/456/glustervolumes/123/stopprofile

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def stop_rebalance(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Stop rebalancing the gluster volume. For example, to stop rebalancing a gluster volume with identifier 123 in cluster 456, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/456/glustervolumes/123/stoprebalance

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class GlusterVolumesService

This service manages a collection of gluster volumes available in a cluster.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, volume, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Creates a new gluster volume. The volume is created based on properties of the volume parameter. The properties name, volume_type and bricks are required. For example, to add a volume with name myvolume to the cluster 123, send the following request:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/glustervolumes

With the following request body:


This method supports the following parameters:


The gluster volume definition from which to create the volume is passed as input and the newly created volume is returned.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def list(

self, case_sensitive=None, follow=None, max=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Lists all gluster volumes in the cluster. For example, to list all Gluster Volumes in cluster 456, send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/456/glustervolumes

The order of the returned list of volumes isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of volumes to return. If not specified all the volumes are returned.


A query string used to restrict the returned volumes.


Indicates if the search performed using the search parameter should be performed taking case into account. The default value is true, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search ignoring case set it to false.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def volume_service(

self, id)

Reference to a service managing gluster volume.

class GroupService

Manages a group of users. Use this service to either get groups details or remove groups. In order to add new groups please use service that manages the collection of groups.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Gets the system group information. Usage:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/groups/123

Will return the group information:

<group href="/ovirt-engine/api/groups/123" id="123">
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/groups/123/roles" rel="roles"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/groups/123/permissions" rel="permissions"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/groups/123/tags" rel="tags"/>
  <domain href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/ABCDEF" id="ABCDEF">

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def permissions_service(


Reference to the service that manages the collection of permissions assigned to this system group.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes the system group. Usage:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/groups/123

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def roles_service(


Reference to the service that manages the collection of roles assigned to this system group.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def tags_service(


Reference to the service that manages the collection of tags assigned to this system group.

class GroupsService

Manages the collection of groups of users.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, group, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add group from a directory service. Please note that domain name is name of the authorization provider. For example, to add the Developers group from the internal-authz authorization provider send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/groups

With a request body like this:


This method supports the following parameters:


The group to be added.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def group_service(

self, id)

Reference to the service that manages a specific group.

def list(

self, case_sensitive=None, follow=None, max=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List all the groups in the system. Usage:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/groups

Will return the list of groups:

  <group href="/ovirt-engine/api/groups/123" id="123">
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/groups/123/roles" rel="roles"/>
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/groups/123/permissions" rel="permissions"/>
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/groups/123/tags" rel="tags"/>
    <domain href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/ABCDEF" id="ABCDEF">

The order of the returned list of groups isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of groups to return. If not specified all the groups are returned.


A query string used to restrict the returned groups.


Indicates if the search performed using the search parameter should be performed taking case into account. The default value is true, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search ignoring case set it to false.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class HostCpuUnitsService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the List of all host’s CPUs with detailed information about the topology (socket, core) and with information about the current CPU pinning.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class HostDeviceService

A service to access a particular device of a host.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieve information about a particular host’s device. An example of getting a host device:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/devices/456
<host_device href="/ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/devices/456" id="456">
  <host href="/ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123" id="123"/>
  <parent_device href="/ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/devices/789" id="789">

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class HostDevicesService

A service to access host devices.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def device_service(

self, id)

Reference to the service that can be used to access a specific host device.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List the devices of a host. The order of the returned list of devices isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of devices to return. If not specified all the devices are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class HostHookService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class HostHooksService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def hook_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of hooks configured for the host. The order of the returned list of hooks is random.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of hooks to return. If not specified, all the hooks are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class HostNicService

A service to manage a network interface of a host.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.__init__

def get(

self, all_content=None, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if all of the attributes of the host network interface should be included in the response. By default the following attributes are excluded:

  • virtual_functions_configuration For example, to retrieve the complete representation network interface '456' of host '123':

GET /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/nics/456?all_content=true
These attributes are not included by default because retrieving them impacts performance. They are seldom used and require additional queries to the database. Use this parameter with caution and only when specifically required.

Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

A reference to information elements received by LLDP on the NIC.

def network_attachments_service(


Reference to the service that manages the network attachments assigned to this network interface.

def network_labels_service(


Reference to the service that manages the network labels assigned to this network interface.

def service(

self, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.service

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def statistics_service(


Inheritance: MeasurableService.statistics_service

def update_virtual_functions_configuration(

self, async_=None, virtual_functions_configuration=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

The action updates virtual function configuration in case the current resource represents an SR-IOV enabled NIC. The input should be consisted of at least one of the following properties: - allNetworksAllowed - numberOfVirtualFunctions Please see the HostNicVirtualFunctionsConfiguration type for the meaning of the properties.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the update should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def virtual_function_allowed_labels_service(


Retrieves sub-collection resource of network labels that are allowed on an the virtual functions in case that the current resource represents an SR-IOV physical function NIC.

def virtual_function_allowed_networks_service(


Retrieves sub-collection resource of networks that are allowed on an the virtual functions in case that the current resource represents an SR-IOV physical function NIC.

class HostNicsService

A service to manage the network interfaces of a host.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, all_content=None, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of network interfaces of the host. The order of the returned list of network interfaces isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of NICs to return. If not specified all the NICs are returned.


Indicates if all of the attributes of the host network interface should be included in the response. By default the following attributes are excluded:

  • virtual_functions_configuration For example, to retrieve the complete representation of network interface '456' of host '123':

GET /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/nics?all_content=true
These attributes are not included by default because retrieving them impacts performance. They are seldom used and require additional queries to the database. Use this parameter with caution and only when specifically required.

Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def nic_service(

self, id)

Reference to the service that manages a single network interface.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class HostNumaNodeService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.__init__

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.service

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def statistics_service(


Inheritance: MeasurableService.statistics_service

class HostNumaNodesService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of NUMA nodes of the host. The order of the returned list of NUMA nodes isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of nodes to return. If not specified all the nodes are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def node_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class HostService

A service to manage a host.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.__init__

def activate(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Activates the host for use, for example to run virtual machines.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the activation should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def affinity_labels_service(


List of scheduling labels assigned to this host.

def approve(

self, activate=None, async_=None, cluster=None, host=None, reboot=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Approve a pre-installed Hypervisor host for usage in the virtualization environment. This action also accepts an optional cluster element to define the target cluster for this host.

This method supports the following parameters:


The host to approve.


The cluster where the host will be added after it is approved.


Indicates if the approval should be performed asynchronously.


When set to 'true', this host will be activated after its approval completes. When set to 'false' the host will remain in 'maintenance' status after its approval. Absence of this parameter will be interpreted as 'true', since the desired default behavior is activating the host after approval.


Indicates if the host should be rebooted after successful installation. The default value is true.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def approve_using_root_password(

self, activate=None, async_=None, cluster=None, host=None, reboot=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


The host to approve.


The cluster where the host will be added after it is approved.


Indicates if the approval should be performed asynchronously.


When set to 'true', this host will be activated after its approval completes. When set to 'false' the host will remain in 'maintenance' status after its approval. Absence of this parameter will be interpreted as 'true', since the desired default behavior is activating the host after approval.


Indicates if the host should be rebooted after successful installation. The default value is true.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def approve_using_ssh(

self, activate=None, async_=None, cluster=None, host=None, reboot=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Approve the specified host to be added to the engine by using ssh authentication. This occurs when the host registers itself with the engine.

This method supports the following parameters:


The host to approve.


The cluster where the host will be added after it is approved.


Indicates if the approval should be performed asynchronously.


When set to 'true', this host will be activated after its approval completes. When set to 'false' the host will remain in 'maintenance' status after its approval. Absence of this parameter will be interpreted as 'true', since the desired default behavior is activating the host after approval.


Indicates if the host should be rebooted after successful installation. The default value is true.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def commit_net_config(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Marks the network configuration as good and persists it inside the host. An API user commits the network configuration to persist a host network interface attachment or detachment, or persist the creation and deletion of a bonded interface. IMPORTANT: Networking configuration is only committed after the engine has established that host connectivity is not lost as a result of the configuration changes. If host connectivity is lost, the host requires a reboot and automatically reverts to the previous networking configuration. For example, to commit the network configuration of host with id 123 send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/commitnetconfig

With a request body like this:

Since {engine-name} 4.3, it is possible to also specify commit_on_success in the setupnetworks request, in which case the new configuration is automatically saved in the {hypervisor-name} upon completing the setup and re-establishing connectivity between the {hypervisor-name} and {engine-name}, and without waiting for a separate commitnetconfig request.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def copy_host_networks(

self, async_=None, source_host=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Copy the network configuration of the specified host to current host. IMPORTANT: Any network attachments that are not present on the source host will be erased from the target host by the copy operation. To copy networks from another host, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/copyhostnetworks

With a request body like this:

   <source_host id="456"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


The host to copy networks from.


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def cpu_units_service(


A reference to the list of all host’s CPUs with detailed information about the topology (socket, core) and with information about the current CPU pinning.

def deactivate(

self, async_=None, reason=None, stop_gluster_service=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Deactivates the host to perform maintenance tasks.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the deactivation should be performed asynchronously.


Indicates if the gluster service should be stopped as part of deactivating the host. It can be used while performing maintenance operations on the gluster host. Default value for this variable is false.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def devices_service(


A reference to the host devices service. Use this service to view the devices of the host object.

def discover_iscsi(

self, async_=None, iscsi=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Discovers iSCSI targets on the host, using the initiator details. Returns a list of IscsiDetails objects containing the discovered data. For example, to discover iSCSI targets available in, from host 123, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/discoveriscsi

With a request body like this:


The result will be like this:

When using this method to discover iscsi targets, you can use an FQDN or an IP address, but you must use the iscsi details from the discovered targets results to log in using the iscsilogin method.

This method supports the following parameters:


The target iSCSI device.


Indicates if the discovery should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def enroll_certificate(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Enrolls the certificate of the host. Useful in case you get a warning that it is about to expire or has already expired.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the enrollment should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def external_network_provider_configurations_service(


External network providers provisioned by the system on the host.

def fence(

self, async_=None, fence_type=None, maintenance_after_restart=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Controls the host’s power management device. For example, to start the host. This can be done via:

#!/bin/sh -ex
curl         --verbose         --cacert /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem         --user "${user}:${password}"         --request POST         --header "Version: 4"         --header "Content-Type: application/xml"         --header "Accept: application/xml"         --data '
'         "${url}/hosts/123/fence"

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the fencing should be performed asynchronously.


Indicates if host should be put into maintenance after restart.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def fence_agents_service(


A reference to the fence agents service. Use this service to manage fence and power management agents on the host object.

def force_select_spm(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

To manually set a host as the storage pool manager (SPM).

POST /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/forceselectspm

With a request body like this:


This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def get(

self, all_content=None, filter=None, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Gets the host details.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates if all of the attributes of the host should be included in the response. By default the following attributes are excluded:

  • hosted_engine For example, to retrieve the complete representation of host '123':

GET /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123?all_content=true
These attributes are not included by default because retrieving them impacts performance. They are seldom used and require additional queries to the database. Use this parameter with caution and only when specifically required.

Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def hooks_service(


A reference to the host hooks service. Use this service to view the hooks available in the host object.

def install(

self, activate=None, async_=None, deploy_hosted_engine=None, host=None, image=None, reboot=None, root_password=None, ssh=None, undeploy_hosted_engine=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Installs the latest version of VDSM and related software on the host. The action also performs every configuration steps on the host which is done during adding host to the engine: kdump configuration, hosted-engine deploy, kernel options changes, etc. The host type defines additional parameters for the action. Example of installing a host, using curl and JSON, plain:

curl         --verbose         --cacert /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem         --request PUT         --header "Content-Type: application/json"         --header "Accept: application/json"         --header "Version: 4"         --user "admin@internal:..."         --data '
  "root_password": "myrootpassword"
'         ""

Example of installing a host using curl and JSON with hosted engine components:

curl         curl         --verbose         --cacert /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem         --request PUT         --header "Content-Type: application/json"         --header "Accept: application/json"         --header "Version: 4"         --user "admin@internal:..."         --data '
  "root_password": "myrootpassword"
"deploy_hosted_engine" : "true"
'         ""
Since version 4.1.2 of the engine, when a host is reinstalled we override the host firewall definitions by default.

This method supports the following parameters:


When set to 'true', this host will be activated after its installation completes. When set to 'false' the host will remain in 'maintenance' status after its installation. Absence of this parameter will be interpreted as 'true', since the desired default behavior is activating the host after install.


The password of the root user used to connect to the host via SSH.


The SSH details used to connect to the host.


The override_iptables property is used to indicate if the firewall configuration should be replaced by the default one.


When installing {hypervisor-name}, an ISO image file is required.


Indicates if the installation should be performed asynchronously.


When set to true this host will also deploy the self-hosted engine components. A missing value is treated as true i.e deploy. Omitting this parameter means false and will not perform any operation in the self-hosted engine area.


When set to true this host will un-deploy the self-hosted engine components, and this host will not function as part of the High Availability cluster. A missing value is treated as true i.e un-deploy. Omitting this parameter means false and will not perform any operation in the self-hosted engine area.


Indicates if the host should be rebooted after successful installation. The default value is true.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def install_using_root_password(

self, activate=None, async_=None, deploy_hosted_engine=None, host=None, image=None, reboot=None, root_password=None, ssh=None, undeploy_hosted_engine=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Install VDSM and other packages required to get the host ready to be used in the engine providing the root password. This has been deprecated.

This method supports the following parameters:


When set to 'true', this host will be activated after its installation completes. When set to 'false' the host will remain in 'maintenance' status after its installation. Absence of this parameter will be interpreted as 'true', since the desired default behavior is activating the host after install.


The password of the root user used to connect to the host via SSH.


The SSH details used to connect to the host.


The override_iptables property is used to indicate if the firewall configuration should be replaced by the default one.


When installing {hypervisor-name}, an ISO image file is required.


Indicates if the installation should be performed asynchronously.


When set to true this host will also deploy the self-hosted engine components. A missing value is treated as true i.e deploy. Omitting this parameter means false and will not perform any operation in the self-hosted engine area.


When set to true this host will un-deploy the self-hosted engine components, and this host will not function as part of the High Availability cluster. A missing value is treated as true i.e un-deploy. Omitting this parameter means false and will not perform any operation in the self-hosted engine area.


Indicates if the host should be rebooted after successful installation. The default value is true.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def install_using_ssh(

self, activate=None, async_=None, deploy_hosted_engine=None, host=None, image=None, reboot=None, root_password=None, ssh=None, undeploy_hosted_engine=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Install VDSM and other packages required to get the host ready to be used in the engine providing the SSH password.

This method supports the following parameters:


When set to 'true', this host will be activated after its installation completes. When set to 'false' the host will remain in 'maintenance' status after its installation. Absence of this parameter will be interpreted as 'true', since the desired default behavior is activating the host after install.


The password of the root user used to connect to the host via SSH.


The SSH details used to connect to the host.


The override_iptables property is used to indicate if the firewall configuration should be replaced by the default one.


When installing {hypervisor-name}, an ISO image file is required.


Indicates if the installation should be performed asynchronously.


When set to true this host will also deploy the self-hosted engine components. A missing value is treated as true i.e deploy. Omitting this parameter means false and will not perform any operation in the self-hosted engine area.


When set to true this host will un-deploy the self-hosted engine components, and this host will not function as part of the High Availability cluster. A missing value is treated as true i.e un-deploy. Omitting this parameter means false and will not perform any operation in the self-hosted engine area.


Indicates if the host should be rebooted after successful installation. The default value is true.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def iscsi_discover(

self, async_=None, iscsi=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method has been deprecated since Engine version 4.4.6. DiscoverIscsi should be used instead. Discovers iSCSI targets on the host, using the initiator details. Returns an array of strings containing the discovered data. For example, to discover iSCSI targets available in, from host 123, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/iscsidiscover

With a request body like this:


This method supports the following parameters:


The target iSCSI device.


Indicates if the discovery should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def iscsi_login(

self, async_=None, iscsi=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Login to iSCSI targets on the host, using the target details. IMPORTANT: When using this method to log in, you must use the iscsi details from the discovered targets results in the discoveriscsi method.

This method supports the following parameters:


The target iSCSI device.


Indicates if the login should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def katello_errata_service(


A reference to the service that can show the applicable errata available on the host. This information is taken from Katello.

def network_attachments_service(


A reference to the network attachments service. You can use this service to attach Logical networks to host interfaces.

def nics_service(


A reference to the service that manages the network interface devices on the host.

def numa_nodes_service(


A reference to the service that manage NUMA nodes for the host.

def permissions_service(


A reference to the host permission service. Use this service to manage permissions on the host object.

def refresh(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Refresh the host devices and capabilities.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the refresh should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, force=None, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Remove the host from the system.

#!/bin/sh -ex
curl         --verbose         --cacert /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem         --user "${user}:${password}"         --request DELETE         --header "Version: 4"         "${url}/hosts/1ff7a191-2f3b-4eff-812b-9f91a30c3acc"

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates that the host should be removed even if it is non-responsive, or if it is part of a Gluster Storage cluster and has volume bricks on it.


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.service

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def setup_networks(

self, async_=None, check_connectivity=None, commit_on_success=None, connectivity_timeout=None, modified_bonds=None, modified_labels=None, modified_network_attachments=None, removed_bonds=None, removed_labels=None, removed_network_attachments=None, synchronized_network_attachments=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method is used to change the configuration of the network interfaces of a host. For example, if you have a host with three network interfaces eth0, eth1 and eth2 and you want to configure a new bond using eth0 and eth1, and put a VLAN on top of it. Using a simple shell script and the curl command line HTTP client that can be done as follows:

#!/bin/sh -ex
curl         --verbose         --cacert /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem         --user "${user}:${password}"         --request POST         --header "Version: 4"         --header "Content-Type: application/xml"         --header "Accept: application/xml"         --data '
'         "${url}/hosts/1ff7a191-2f3b-4eff-812b-9f91a30c3acc/setupnetworks"
This is valid for version 4 of the API. In previous versions some elements were represented as XML attributes instead of XML elements. In particular the options and ip elements were represented as follows:
<options name="mode" value="4"/>
<options name="miimon" value="100"/>
<ip address="" netmask=""/>

The same thing can be done using the Python SDK with the following code:

# Find the service that manages the collection of hosts:
hosts_service = connection.system_service().hosts_service()
# Find the host:
host = hosts_service.list(search='name=myhost')[0]
# Find the service that manages the host:
host_service = hosts_service.host_service(
# Configure the network adding a bond with two slaves and attaching it to a
# network with an static IP address:
# After modifying the network configuration it is very important to make it
# persistent:
To make sure that the network configuration has been saved in the host, and that it will be applied when the host is rebooted, remember to call commitnetconfig. IMPORTANT: Since {engine-name} 4.3, it is possible to also specify commit_on_success in the setupnetworks request, in which case the new configuration is automatically saved in the {hypervisor-name} upon completing the setup and re-establishing connectivity between the {hypervisor-name} and {engine-name}, and without waiting for a separate commitnetconfig request.

This method supports the following parameters:


A list of network attachments that will be synchronized.


Specifies whether to automatically save the configuration in the {hypervisor-name} upon completing the setup and re-establishing connectivity between the {hypervisor-name} and {engine-name}, and without waiting for a separate commitnetconfig request. The default value is false, which means that the configuration will not be saved automatically.


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def statistics_service(


Inheritance: MeasurableService.statistics_service

def storage_connection_extensions_service(


A reference to storage connection extensions.

def storage_service(


A reference to the service that manages the host’s storage.

def sync_all_networks(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

To synchronize all networks on the host, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/syncallnetworks

With a request body like this:


This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def tags_service(


A reference to the host tags service. Use this service to manage tags on the host object.

def unmanaged_networks_service(


A reference to unmanaged networks.

def unregistered_storage_domains_discover(

self, async_=None, iscsi=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Discovers the block Storage Domains which are candidates to be imported to the setup. For FCP no arguments are required.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the discovery should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def update(

self, host, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update the host properties. For example, to update a the kernel command line of a host send a request like this:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123

With request body like this:


def update_using_root_password(

self, host, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update the specified host in the system. This is deprecated and is provided only for backwards compatibility.

def update_using_ssh(

self, host, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates the specified host in the system.

def upgrade(

self, async_=None, image=None, reboot=None, timeout=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Upgrades VDSM and selected software on the host.

This method supports the following parameters:


This property is no longer relevant, since Vintage Node is no longer supported, and has been deprecated.


Indicates if the host should be rebooted after the upgrade. By default the host is rebooted. NOTE: This parameter is ignored for {hypervisor-name}, which is always rebooted after the upgrade.


Indicates if the upgrade should be performed asynchronously.


Upgrade timeout. The maximum time to wait for upgrade to finish in minutes. Default value is specified by ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK_EXEC_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT configration option.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def upgrade_check(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Check if there are upgrades available for the host. If there are upgrades available an icon will be displayed next to host status icon in the Administration Portal. Audit log messages are also added to indicate the availability of upgrades. The upgrade can be started from the webadmin or by using the upgrade host action.

class HostStorageService

A service to manage host storages.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, follow=None, report_status=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get list of storages.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/storage

The XML response you get will be like this one:

  <host_storage id="123">

The order of the returned list of storages isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the status of the LUNs in the storage should be checked. Checking the status of the LUN is an heavy weight operation and this data is not always needed by the user. This parameter will give the option to not perform the status check of the LUNs. The default is true for backward compatibility. Here an example with the LUN status :

<host_storage id="123">
    <logical_unit id="123">
  <host id="123"/>

Here an example without the LUN status :

<host_storage id="123">
    <logical_unit id="123">
  <host id="123"/>

Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def storage_service(

self, id)

Reference to a service managing the storage.

class HostsService

A service that manages hosts.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, host, activate=None, deploy_hosted_engine=None, reboot=None, undeploy_hosted_engine=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Creates a new host. The host is created based on the attributes of the host parameter. The name, address, and root_password properties are required. For example, to add a host, send the following request:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/hosts

With the following request body:

The root_password element is only included in the client-provided initial representation and is not exposed in the representations returned from subsequent requests. IMPORTANT: Since version 4.1.2 of the engine, when a host is newly added, the host’s firewall definitions are overridden by default. To add a hosted engine host, use the optional deploy_hosted_engine parameter:
POST /ovirt-engine/api/hosts?deploy_hosted_engine=true

If the cluster has a default external network provider that is supported for automatic deployment, the external network provider is deployed when adding the host. Only external network providers for OVN are supported for the automatic deployment. To deploy an external network provider other than the one defined in the clusters, overwrite the external network provider when adding hosts, by sending the following request:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/hosts

With a request body that contains a reference to the desired provider in the external_network_provider_configuration:

      <external_network_provider name="ovirt-provider-ovn"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


The host definition with which the new host is created is passed as a parameter, and the newly created host is returned.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_using_root_password(

self, host, activate=None, deploy_hosted_engine=None, reboot=None, undeploy_hosted_engine=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new host to the system providing the host root password. This has been deprecated and provided for backwards compatibility.

This method supports the following parameters:


The host definition with which the new host is created is passed as a parameter, and the newly created host is returned.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_using_ssh(

self, host, activate=None, deploy_hosted_engine=None, reboot=None, undeploy_hosted_engine=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new host to the system providing the ssh password, fingerprint or public key.

This method supports the following parameters:


The host definition with which the new host is created is passed as a parameter, and the newly created host is returned.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def host_service(

self, id)

A Reference to service managing a specific host.

def list(

self, all_content=None, case_sensitive=None, check_vms_in_affinity_closure=None, filter=None, follow=None, max=None, migration_target_of=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get a list of all available hosts. For example, to list the hosts send the following request:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/hosts

The response body will be similar to this:

  <host href="/ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123" id="123">
  <host href="/ovirt-engine/api/hosts/456" id="456">

The order of the returned list of hosts is guaranteed only if the sortby clause is included in the search parameter.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of hosts to return. If not specified all the hosts are returned.


A query string used to restrict the returned hosts.


Indicates if the search performed using the search parameter should be performed taking case into account. The default value is true, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search ignoring case set it to false.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates if all of the attributes of the hosts should be included in the response. By default the following host attributes are excluded:

  • hosted_engine For example, to retrieve the complete representation of the hosts:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/hosts?all_content=true
These attributes are not included by default because retrieving them impacts performance. They are seldom used and require additional queries to the database. Use this parameter with caution and only when specifically required.

Accepts a comma-separated list of virtual machine IDs and returns the hosts that these virtual machines can be migrated to. For example, to retrieve the list of hosts to which the virtual machine with ID 123 and the virtual machine with ID 456 can be migrated to, send the following request:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/hosts?migration_target_of=123,456

This parameter can be used with migration_target_of to get valid migration targets for the listed virtual machines and all other virtual machines that are in positive enforcing affinity with the listed virtual machines. This is useful in case the virtual machines will be migrated together with others in positive affinity groups. The default value is false.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/hosts?migration_target_of=123,456&check_vms_in_affinity_closure=true

Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class IconService

A service to manage an icon (read-only).

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • IconService
  • ovirtsdk4.service.Service
  • __builtin__.object


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get an icon.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/icons/123

You will get a XML response like this one:

<icon id="123">
  <data>Some binary data here</data>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class IconsService

A service to manage icons.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def icon_service(

self, id)

Reference to the service that manages an specific icon.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get a list of icons.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/icons

You will get a XML response which is similar to this one:

  <icon id="123">

The order of the returned list of icons isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of icons to return. If not specified all the icons are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ImageService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def import_(

self, async_=None, cluster=None, disk=None, import_as_template=None, storage_domain=None, template=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Imports an image. If the import_as_template parameter is true then the image will be imported as a template, otherwise it will be imported as a disk. When imported as a template, the name of the template can be specified by the optional parameter. If that parameter is not specified, then the name of the template will be automatically assigned by the engine as GlanceTemplate-x (where x will be seven random hexadecimal characters). When imported as a disk, the name of the disk can be specified by the optional parameter. If that parameter is not specified, then the name of the disk will be automatically assigned by the engine as GlanceDisk-x (where x will be the seven hexadecimal characters of the image identifier). It is recommended to always explicitly specify the template or disk name, to avoid these automatic names generated by the engine.

This method supports the following parameters:


The cluster to which the image should be imported if the import_as_template parameter is set to true.


The disk to import.


Specifies if a template should be created from the imported disk.


The name of the template being created if the import_as_template parameter is set to true.


The storage domain to which the disk should be imported.


Indicates if the import should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ImageTransferService

This service provides a mechanism to control an image transfer. The client will have to create a transfer by using add of the image transfers service, stating the image to transfer data to/from. After doing that, the transfer is managed by this service. Using oVirt’s Python’s SDK: Uploading a disk with id 123 (on a random host in the data center):

transfers_service = system_service.image_transfers_service()
transfer = transfers_service.add(

Uploading a disk with id 123 on host id 456:

transfers_service = system_service.image_transfers_service()
transfer = transfers_service.add(

If the user wishes to download a disk rather than upload, he/she should specify download as the direction attribute of the transfer. This will grant a read permission from the image, instead of a write permission. E.g:

transfers_service = system_service.image_transfers_service()
transfer = transfers_service.add(

Transfers have phases, which govern the flow of the upload/download. A client implementing such a flow should poll/check the transfer’s phase and act accordingly. All the possible phases can be found in ImageTransferPhase. After adding a new transfer, its phase will be initializing. The client will have to poll on the transfer’s phase until it changes. When the phase becomes transferring, the session is ready to start the transfer. For example:

transfer_service = transfers_service.image_transfer_service(
while transfer.phase == types.ImageTransferPhase.INITIALIZING:
   transfer = transfer_service.get()

At that stage, if the phase of the transfer is paused_system, the session was not successfully established. This can happen if ovirt-imageio is not running in the selected host.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def cancel(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Cancel the image transfer session. This terminates the transfer operation and removes the partial image.

def extend(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Extend the image transfer session.

def finalize(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

After finishing to transfer the data, finalize the transfer. This will make sure that the data being transferred is valid and fits the image entity that was targeted in the transfer. Specifically, will verify that if the image entity is a QCOW disk, the data uploaded is indeed a QCOW file, and that the image doesn’t have a backing file.

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get the image transfer entity.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def pause(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Pause the image transfer session.

def resume(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Resume the image transfer session. The client will need to poll the transfer’s phase until it is different than resuming. For example:

transfer_service = transfers_service.image_transfer_service(
transfer = transfer_service.get()
while transfer.phase == types.ImageTransferPhase.RESUMING:
   transfer = transfer_service.get()

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ImageTransfersService

This service manages image transfers, for performing Image I/O API in {product-name}. Please refer to image transfer for further documentation.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, image_transfer, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new image transfer. An image, disk or disk snapshot needs to be specified in order to make a new transfer. IMPORTANT: The image attribute is deprecated since version 4.2 of the engine. Use the disk or snapshot attributes instead. Creating a new image transfer for downloading or uploading a disk: To create an image transfer to download or upload a disk with id 123, send the following request:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/imagetransfers

With a request body like this:

  <disk id="123"/>

Creating a new image transfer for downloading or uploading a disk_snapshot: To create an image transfer to download or upload a disk_snapshot with id 456, send the following request:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/imagetransfers

With a request body like this:

  <snapshot id="456"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


The image transfer to add.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_for_disk(

self, image_transfer, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


The image transfer to add.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_for_image(

self, image_transfer, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


The image transfer to add.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_for_snapshot(

self, image_transfer, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


The image transfer to add.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def image_transfer_service(

self, id)

Returns a reference to the service that manages an specific image transfer.

def list(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves the list of image transfers that are currently being performed. The order of the returned list of image transfers is not guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class ImagesService

Manages the set of images available in an storage domain or in an OpenStack image provider.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def image_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of images available in the storage domain or provider. The order of the returned list of images isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of images to return. If not specified all the images are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class InstanceTypeGraphicsConsoleService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Gets graphics console configuration of the instance type.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Remove the graphics console from the instance type.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class InstanceTypeGraphicsConsolesService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, console, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add new graphics console to the instance type.

def console_service(

self, id)

Returns a reference to the service that manages a specific instance type graphics console.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Lists all the configured graphics consoles of the instance type. The order of the returned list of graphics consoles isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of consoles to return. If not specified all the consoles are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class InstanceTypeNicService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Gets network interface configuration of the instance type.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Remove the network interface from the instance type.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, nic, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates the network interface configuration of the instance type.

class InstanceTypeNicsService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, nic, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add new network interface to the instance type.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Lists all the configured network interface of the instance type. The order of the returned list of network interfaces isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of NICs to return. If not specified all the NICs are returned.


A query string used to restrict the returned templates.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def nic_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class InstanceTypeService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get a specific instance type and it’s attributes.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/instancetypes/123

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def graphics_consoles_service(


Reference to the service that manages the graphic consoles that are attached to this instance type.

def nics_service(


Reference to the service that manages the NICs that are attached to this instance type.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes a specific instance type from the system. If a virtual machine was created using an instance type X after removal of the instance type the virtual machine’s instance type will be set to custom.

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/instancetypes/123

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, instance_type, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update a specific instance type and it’s attributes. All the attributes are editable after creation. If a virtual machine was created using an instance type X and some configuration in instance type X was updated, the virtual machine’s configuration will be updated automatically by the engine.

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/instancetypes/123

For example, to update the memory of instance type 123 to 1 GiB and set the cpu topology to 2 sockets and 1 core, send a request like this:


def watchdogs_service(


Reference to the service that manages the watchdogs that are attached to this instance type.

class InstanceTypeWatchdogService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Gets watchdog configuration of the instance type.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Remove a watchdog from the instance type.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, watchdog, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates the watchdog configuration of the instance type.

class InstanceTypeWatchdogsService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, watchdog, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add new watchdog to the instance type.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Lists all the configured watchdogs of the instance type. The order of the returned list of watchdogs isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of watchdogs to return. If not specified all the watchdogs are returned.


A query string used to restrict the returned templates.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def watchdog_service(

self, id)

class InstanceTypesService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, instance_type, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Creates a new instance type. This requires only a name attribute and can include all hardware configurations of the virtual machine.

POST /ovirt-engine/api/instancetypes

With a request body like this:


Creating an instance type with all hardware configurations with a request body like this:

  <custom_cpu_model>AMD Opteron_G2</custom_cpu_model>
    <policy id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"/>

def instance_type_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, case_sensitive=None, follow=None, max=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Lists all existing instance types in the system. The order of the returned list of instance types isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of instance types to return. If not specified all the instance types are returned.


A query string used to restrict the returned templates.


Indicates if the search performed using the search parameter should be performed taking case into account. The default value is true, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search ignoring case set it to false.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class IscsiBondService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def networks_service(


def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes of an existing iSCSI bond. For example, to remove the iSCSI bond 456 send a request like this:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/iscsibonds/456

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def storage_server_connections_service(


def update(

self, bond, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates an iSCSI bond. Updating of an iSCSI bond can be done on the name and the description attributes only. For example, to update the iSCSI bond 456 of data center 123, send a request like this:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/iscsibonds/1234

The request body should look like this:

   <description>My iSCSI bond</description>

This method supports the following parameters:


The iSCSI bond to update.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class IscsiBondsService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, bond, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Create a new iSCSI bond on a data center. For example, to create a new iSCSI bond on data center 123 using storage connections 456 and 789, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/iscsibonds

The request body should look like this:

    <storage_connection id="456"/>
    <storage_connection id="789"/>
    <network id="abc"/>

def iscsi_bond_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of iSCSI bonds configured in the data center. The order of the returned list of iSCSI bonds isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of bonds to return. If not specified all the bonds are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class JobService

A service to manage a job.

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • JobService
  • ovirtsdk4.service.Service
  • __builtin__.object


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def clear(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Set an external job execution to be cleared by the system. For example, to set a job with identifier 123 send the following request:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/jobs/clear

With the following request body:


This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def end(

self, async_=None, force=None, succeeded=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Marks an external job execution as ended. For example, to terminate a job with identifier 123 send the following request:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/jobs/end

With the following request body:


This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the job should be forcibly terminated.


Indicates if the job should be marked as successfully finished or as failed. This parameter is optional, and the default value is true.


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves a job.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123

You will receive response in XML like this one:

<job href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123" id="123">
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123/clear" rel="clear"/>
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123/end" rel="end"/>
  <description>Adding Disk</description>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123/steps" rel="steps"/>
  <owner href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/456" id="456"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def steps_service(


List all the steps of the job. The order of the returned list of steps isn’t guaranteed.

class JobsService

A service to manage jobs.

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • JobsService
  • ovirtsdk4.service.Service
  • __builtin__.object


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, job, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add an external job. For example, to add a job with the following request:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/jobs

With the following request body:

  <description>Doing some work</description>

The response should look like:

<job href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123" id="123">
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123/clear" rel="clear"/>
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123/end" rel="end"/>
  <description>Doing some work</description>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123/steps" rel="steps"/>
  <owner href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/456" id="456"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Job that will be added.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def job_service(

self, id)

Reference to the job service.

def list(

self, case_sensitive=None, follow=None, max=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves the representation of the jobs.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/jobs

You will receive response in XML like this one:

  <job href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123" id="123">
      <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123/clear" rel="clear"/>
      <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123/end" rel="end"/>
    <description>Adding Disk</description>
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123/steps" rel="steps"/>
    <owner href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/456" id="456"/>

The order of the returned list of jobs isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


A query string used to restrict the returned jobs.


Indicates if the search performed using the search parameter should be performed taking case into account. The default value is true, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search ignoring case set it to false.


Sets the maximum number of jobs to return. If not specified all the jobs are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class KatelloErrataService

A service to manage Katello errata. The information is retrieved from Katello.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def katello_erratum_service(

self, id)

Reference to the Katello erratum service. Use this service to view the erratum by its id.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves the representation of the Katello errata.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/katelloerrata

You will receive response in XML like this one:

  <katello_erratum href="/ovirt-engine/api/katelloerrata/123" id="123">
    <description>The description of the erratum</description>
    <title>some bug fix update</title>
    <solution>Few guidelines regarding the solution</solution>
    <summary>Updated packages that fix one bug are now available for XYZ</summary>

The order of the returned list of erratum isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of errata to return. If not specified all the errata are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class KatelloErratumService

A service to manage a Katello erratum.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves a Katello erratum.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/katelloerrata/123

You will receive response in XML like this one:

<katello_erratum href="/ovirt-engine/api/katelloerrata/123" id="123">
  <description>The description of the erratum</description>
  <title>some bug fix update</title>
  <solution>Few guidelines regarding the solution</solution>
  <summary>Updated packages that fix one bug are now available for XYZ</summary>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class LinkLayerDiscoveryProtocolService

A service to fetch information elements received by Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP).

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Fetches information elements received by LLDP.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class MacPoolService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def permissions_service(


Returns a reference to the service that manages the permissions that are associated with the MacPool.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes a MAC address pool. For example, to remove the MAC address pool having id 123 send a request like this:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/macpools/123

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, pool, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates a MAC address pool. The name, description, allow_duplicates, and ranges attributes can be updated. For example, to update the MAC address pool of id 123 send a request like this:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/macpools/123

With a request body like this:

  <description>An updated MAC address pool</description>

class MacPoolsService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, pool, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Creates a new MAC address pool. Creation of a MAC address pool requires values for the name and ranges attributes. For example, to create MAC address pool send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/macpools

With a request body like this:

  <description>A MAC address pool</description>

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Return the list of MAC address pools of the system. The returned list of MAC address pools isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of pools to return. If not specified all the pools are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def mac_pool_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class MeasurableService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def statistics_service(


class MoveableService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def move(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the move should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class NetworkAttachmentService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, attachment, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update the specified network attachment on the host.

class NetworkAttachmentsService

Manages the set of network attachments of a host or host NIC.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, attachment, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new network attachment to the network interface.

def attachment_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of network attachments of the host or host NIC. The order of the returned list of network attachments isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of attachments to return. If not specified all the attachments are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class NetworkFilterService

Manages a network filter.

<network_filter id="00000019-0019-0019-0019-00000000026b">

Please note that version is referring to the minimal support version for the specific filter.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves a representation of the network filter.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class NetworkFiltersService

Represents a readonly network filters sub-collection. The network filter enables to filter packets send to/from the VM’s nic according to defined rules. For more information please refer to NetworkFilter service documentation Network filters are supported in different versions, starting from version 3.0. A network filter is defined for each vnic profile. A vnic profile is defined for a specific network. A network can be assigned to several different clusters. In the future, each network will be defined in cluster level. Currently, each network is being defined at data center level. Potential network filters for each network are determined by the network’s data center compatibility version V. V must be >= the network filter version in order to configure this network filter for a specific network. Please note, that if a network is assigned to cluster with a version supporting a network filter, the filter may not be available due to the data center version being smaller then the network filter’s version. Example of listing all of the supported network filters for a specific cluster:

GET http://localhost:8080/ovirt-engine/api/clusters/{cluster:id}/networkfilters


  <network_filter id="00000019-0019-0019-0019-00000000026c">
  <network_filter id="00000019-0019-0019-0019-00000000026b">
  <network_filter id="00000019-0019-0019-0019-00000000026a">

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves the representations of the network filters. The order of the returned list of network filters isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def network_filter_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class NetworkLabelService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes a label from a logical network. For example, to remove the label exemplary from a logical network having id 123 send the following request:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/networks/123/networklabels/exemplary

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class NetworkLabelsService

Manages the ser of labels attached to a network or to a host NIC.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, label, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Attaches label to logical network. You can attach labels to a logical network to automate the association of that logical network with physical host network interfaces to which the same label has been attached. For example, to attach the label mylabel to a logical network having id 123 send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/networks/123/networklabels

With a request body like this:

<network_label id="mylabel"/>

def label_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of labels attached to the network or host NIC. The order of the returned list of labels isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of labels to return. If not specified all the labels are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class NetworkService

A service managing a network

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Gets a logical network. For example:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/networks/123

Will respond:

<network href="/ovirt-engine/api/networks/123" id="123">
  <description>Default Management Network</description>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/networks/123/permissions" rel="permissions"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/networks/123/vnicprofiles" rel="vnicprofiles"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/networks/123/networklabels" rel="networklabels"/>
  <data_center href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/456" id="456"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def network_labels_service(


Reference to the service that manages the network labels assigned to this network.

def permissions_service(


Reference to the service that manages the permissions assigned to this network.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes a logical network, or the association of a logical network to a data center. For example, to remove the logical network 123 send a request like this:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/networks/123

Each network is bound exactly to one data center. So if we disassociate network with data center it has the same result as if we would just remove that network. However it might be more specific to say we’re removing network 456 of data center 123. For example, to remove the association of network 456 to data center 123 send a request like this:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/networks/456
To remove an external logical network, the network has to be removed directly from its provider by OpenStack Networking API. The entity representing the external network inside {product-name} is removed automatically, if auto_sync is enabled for the provider, otherwise the entity has to be removed using this method.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, network, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates a logical network. The name, description, ip, vlan, stp and display attributes can be updated. For example, to update the description of the logical network 123 send a request like this:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/networks/123

With a request body like this:

  <description>My updated description</description>

The maximum transmission unit of a network is set using a PUT request to specify the integer value of the mtu attribute. For example, to set the maximum transmission unit send a request like this:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/networks/456

With a request body like this:

Updating external networks is not propagated to the provider.

def vnic_profiles_service(


Reference to the service that manages the vNIC profiles assigned to this network.

class NetworksService

Manages logical networks. The engine creates a default ovirtmgmt network on installation. This network acts as the management network for access to hypervisor hosts. This network is associated with the Default cluster and is a member of the Default data center.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, network, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Creates a new logical network, or associates an existing network with a data center. Creation of a new network requires the name and data_center elements. For example, to create a network named mynetwork for data center 123 send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/networks

With a request body like this:

  <data_center id="123"/>

To associate the existing network 456 with the data center 123 send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/networks

With a request body like this:


To create a network named exnetwork on top of an external OpenStack network provider 456 send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/networks
  <external_provider id="456"/>
  <data_center id="123"/>

def list(

self, case_sensitive=None, follow=None, max=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List logical networks. For example:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/networks

Will respond:

  <network href="/ovirt-engine/api/networks/123" id="123">
    <description>Default Management Network</description>
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/networks/123/permissions" rel="permissions"/>
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/networks/123/vnicprofiles" rel="vnicprofiles"/>
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/networks/123/networklabels" rel="networklabels"/>
    <data_center href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/456" id="456"/>

The order of the returned list of networks is guaranteed only if the sortby clause is included in the search parameter.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of networks to return. If not specified all the networks are returned.


A query string used to restrict the returned networks.


Indicates if the search performed using the search parameter should be performed taking case into account. The default value is true, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search ignoring case set it to false.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def network_service(

self, id)

Reference to the service that manages a specific network.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class NicNetworkFilterParameterService

This service manages a parameter for a network filter.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves a representation of the network filter parameter.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes the filter parameter. For example, to remove the filter parameter with id 123 on NIC 456 of virtual machine 789 send a request like this:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/vms/789/nics/456/networkfilterparameters/123

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, parameter, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates the network filter parameter. For example, to update the network filter parameter having with with id 123 on NIC 456 of virtual machine 789 send a request like this:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/vms/789/nics/456/networkfilterparameters/123

With a request body like this:


This method supports the following parameters:


The network filter parameter that is being updated.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class NicNetworkFilterParametersService

This service manages a collection of parameters for network filters.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, parameter, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a network filter parameter. For example, to add the parameter for the network filter on NIC 456 of virtual machine 789 send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/789/nics/456/networkfilterparameters

With a request body like this:


This method supports the following parameters:


The network filter parameter that is being added.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def list(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves the representations of the network filter parameters. The order of the returned list of network filters isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def parameter_service(

self, id)

Reference to the service that manages a specific network filter parameter.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class OpenstackImageProviderService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

Inheritance: ExternalProviderService.__init__

def certificates_service(


Inheritance: ExternalProviderService.certificates_service

A service to view certificates for this external provider.

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def images_service(


def import_certificates(

self, certificates=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Inheritance: ExternalProviderService.import_certificates

Import the SSL certificates of the external host provider.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Inheritance: ExternalProviderService.service

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def test_connectivity(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Inheritance: ExternalProviderService.test_connectivity

In order to test connectivity for external provider we need to run following request where 123 is an id of a provider.

POST /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/testconnectivity

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the test should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def update(

self, provider, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update the specified OpenStack image provider in the system.

class OpenstackImageProvidersService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, provider, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new OpenStack image provider to the system.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of providers. The order of the returned list of providers isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of providers to return. If not specified all the providers are returned.


A query string used to restrict the returned OpenStack image providers.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def provider_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class OpenstackImageService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def import_(

self, async_=None, cluster=None, disk=None, import_as_template=None, storage_domain=None, template=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Imports a virtual machine from a Glance image storage domain. For example, to import the image with identifier 456 from the storage domain with identifier 123 send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/openstackimageproviders/123/images/456/import

With a request body like this:


This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates whether the image should be imported as a template.


This parameter is mandatory in case of using import_as_template and indicates which cluster should be used for import glance image as template.


Indicates if the import should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class OpenstackImagesService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def image_service(

self, id)

Returns a reference to the service that manages a specific image.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Lists the images of a Glance image storage domain. The order of the returned list of images isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of images to return. If not specified all the images are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class OpenstackNetworkProviderService

This service manages the OpenStack network provider.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

Inheritance: ExternalProviderService.__init__

def certificates_service(


Inheritance: ExternalProviderService.certificates_service

A service to view certificates for this external provider.

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the representation of the object managed by this service. For example, to get the OpenStack network provider with identifier 1234, send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/openstacknetworkproviders/1234

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def import_certificates(

self, certificates=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Inheritance: ExternalProviderService.import_certificates

Import the SSL certificates of the external host provider.

def networks_service(


Reference to OpenStack networks service.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes the provider. For example, to remove the OpenStack network provider with identifier 1234, send a request like this:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/openstacknetworkproviders/1234

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Inheritance: ExternalProviderService.service

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def test_connectivity(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Inheritance: ExternalProviderService.test_connectivity

In order to test connectivity for external provider we need to run following request where 123 is an id of a provider.

POST /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/testconnectivity

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the test should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def update(

self, provider, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates the provider. For example, to update provider_name, requires_authentication, url, tenant_name and type properties, for the OpenStack network provider with identifier 1234, send a request like this:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/openstacknetworkproviders/1234

With a request body like this:


This method supports the following parameters:


The provider to update.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class OpenstackNetworkProvidersService

This service manages OpenStack network providers.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, provider, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

The operation adds a new network provider to the system. If the type property is not present, a default value of NEUTRON will be used.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of providers. The order of the returned list of providers isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of providers to return. If not specified all the providers are returned.


A query string used to restrict the returned OpenStack network providers.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def provider_service(

self, id)

Reference to OpenStack network provider service.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class OpenstackNetworkService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def import_(

self, async_=None, data_center=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This operation imports an external network into {product-name}. The network will be added to the specified data center.

This method supports the following parameters:


The data center into which the network is to be imported. Data center is mandatory, and can be specified using the id or name attributes. The rest of the attributes will be ignored. NOTE: If auto_sync is enabled for the provider, the network might be imported automatically. To prevent this, automatic import can be disabled by setting the auto_sync to false, and enabling it again after importing the network.


Indicates if the import should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def subnets_service(


class OpenstackNetworksService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of networks. The order of the returned list of networks isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of networks to return. If not specified all the networks are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def network_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class OpenstackSubnetService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class OpenstackSubnetsService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, subnet, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of sub-networks. The order of the returned list of sub-networks isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of sub-networks to return. If not specified all the sub-networks are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def subnet_service(

self, id)

class OpenstackVolumeAuthenticationKeyService

Openstack Volume (Cinder) integration has been replaced by Managed Block Storage.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, key, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update the specified authentication key.

class OpenstackVolumeAuthenticationKeysService

Openstack Volume (Cinder) integration has been replaced by Managed Block Storage.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, key, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new authentication key to the OpenStack volume provider.

def key_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of authentication keys. The order of the returned list of authentication keys isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of keys to return. If not specified all the keys are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class OpenstackVolumeProviderService

Openstack Volume (Cinder) integration has been replaced by Managed Block Storage.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

Inheritance: ExternalProviderService.__init__

def authentication_keys_service(


def certificates_service(


Inheritance: ExternalProviderService.certificates_service

A service to view certificates for this external provider.

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def import_certificates(

self, certificates=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Inheritance: ExternalProviderService.import_certificates

Import the SSL certificates of the external host provider.

def remove(

self, async_=None, force=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Indicates if the operation should succeed, and the provider removed from the database, even if something fails during the operation. This parameter is optional, and the default value is false.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Inheritance: ExternalProviderService.service

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def test_connectivity(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Inheritance: ExternalProviderService.test_connectivity

In order to test connectivity for external provider we need to run following request where 123 is an id of a provider.

POST /ovirt-engine/api/externalhostproviders/123/testconnectivity

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the test should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def update(

self, provider, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update the specified OpenStack volume provider in the system.

def volume_types_service(


class OpenstackVolumeProvidersService

Openstack Volume (Cinder) integration has been replaced by Managed Block Storage.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, provider, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Adds a new volume provider. For example:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/openstackvolumeproviders

With a request body like this:


def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves the list of volume providers. The order of the returned list of volume providers isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of providers to return. If not specified all the providers are returned.


A query string used to restrict the returned volume providers.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def provider_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class OpenstackVolumeTypeService

Openstack Volume (Cinder) integration has been replaced by Managed Block Storage.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class OpenstackVolumeTypesService

Openstack Volume (Cinder) integration has been replaced by Managed Block Storage.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of volume types. The order of the returned list of volume types isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of volume types to return. If not specified all the volume types are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def type_service(

self, id)

class OperatingSystemService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class OperatingSystemsService

Manages the set of types of operating systems available in the system.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of types of operating system available in the system. The order of the returned list of operating systems isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of networks to return. If not specified all the networks are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def operating_system_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class PermissionService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class PermitService

A service to manage a specific permit of the role.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Gets the information about the permit of the role. For example to retrieve the information about the permit with the id 456 of the role with the id 123 send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/roles/123/permits/456
<permit href="/ovirt-engine/api/roles/123/permits/456" id="456">
  <role href="/ovirt-engine/api/roles/123" id="123"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes the permit from the role. For example to remove the permit with id 456 from the role with id 123 send a request like this:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/roles/123/permits/456

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class PermitsService

Represents a permits sub-collection of the specific role.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, permit, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Adds a permit to the role. The permit name can be retrieved from the cluster_levels service. For example to assign a permit create_vm to the role with id 123 send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/roles/123/permits

With a request body like this:


This method supports the following parameters:


The permit to add.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List the permits of the role. For example to list the permits of the role with the id 123 send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/roles/123/permits
  <permit href="/ovirt-engine/api/roles/123/permits/5" id="5">
    <role href="/ovirt-engine/api/roles/123" id="123"/>
  <permit href="/ovirt-engine/api/roles/123/permits/7" id="7">
    <role href="/ovirt-engine/api/roles/123" id="123"/>

The order of the returned list of permits isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of permits to return. If not specified all the permits are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def permit_service(

self, id)

Sub-resource locator method, returns individual permit resource on which the remainder of the URI is dispatched.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class QosService

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • QosService
  • ovirtsdk4.service.Service
  • __builtin__.object


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get specified QoS in the data center.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/qoss/123

You will get response like this one below:

<qos href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/qoss/123" id="123">
  <data_center href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123" id="123"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Remove specified QoS from datacenter.

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/qoss/123

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, qos, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update the specified QoS in the dataCenter.

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/qoss/123

For example with curl:

curl -u admin@internal:123456 -X PUT -H "content-type: application/xml" -d         "<qos><name>321</name><description>321</description><max_iops>10</max_iops></qos>"         https://engine/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/qoss/123

You will receive response like this:

<qos href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/qoss/123" id="123">
  <data_center href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123" id="123"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Updated QoS object.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class QossService

Manages the set of quality of service configurations available in a data center.

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • QossService
  • ovirtsdk4.service.Service
  • __builtin__.object


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, qos, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new QoS to the dataCenter.

POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/qoss

The response will look as follows:

<qos href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/qoss/123" id="123">
  <data_center href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123" id="123"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Added QoS object.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of quality of service configurations available in the data center.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/datacenter/123/qoss

You will get response which will look like this:

  <qos href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/qoss/1" id="1">...</qos>
  <qos href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/qoss/2" id="2">...</qos>
  <qos href="/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/qoss/3" id="3">...</qos>

The returned list of quality of service configurations isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of QoS descriptors to return. If not specified all the descriptors are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def qos_service(

self, id)

A reference to a service managing a specific QoS.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class QuotaClusterLimitService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class QuotaClusterLimitsService

Manages the set of quota limits configured for a cluster.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, limit, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a cluster limit to a specified Quota.

def limit_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the set of quota limits configured for the cluster. The returned list of quota limits isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of limits to return. If not specified all the limits are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class QuotaService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves a quota. An example of retrieving a quota:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/quotas/456
<quota id="456">
  <description>My new quota for virtual machines</description>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def permissions_service(


def quota_cluster_limits_service(


def quota_storage_limits_service(


def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Delete a quota. An example of deleting a quota:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123-456/quotas/654-321
-0472718ab224 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Content-type: application/xml

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, quota, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates a quota. An example of updating a quota:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/quotas/456

class QuotaStorageLimitService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the update should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class QuotaStorageLimitsService

Manages the set of storage limits configured for a quota.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, limit, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Adds a storage limit to a specified quota. To create a 100GiB storage limit for all storage domains in a data center, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/quotas/456/quotastoragelimits

With a request body like this:


To create a 50GiB storage limit for a storage domain with the ID 000, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/quotas/456/quotastoragelimits

With a request body like this:

  <storage_domain id="000"/>

def limit_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of storage limits configured for the quota. The order of the returned list of storage limits is not guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of limits to return. If not specified, all the limits are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class QuotasService

Manages the set of quotas configured for a data center.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, quota, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Creates a new quota. An example of creating a new quota:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/123/quotas
  <description>My new quota for virtual machines</description>

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Lists quotas of a data center. The order of the returned list of quotas isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of quota descriptors to return. If not specified all the descriptors are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def quota_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class RoleService

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • RoleService
  • ovirtsdk4.service.Service
  • __builtin__.object


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get the role.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/roles/123

You will receive XML response like this one:

<role id="123">
  <description>MyRole description</description>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/roles/123/permits" rel="permits"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def permits_service(


Sub-resource locator method, returns permits service.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes the role. To remove the role you need to know its id, then send request like this:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/roles/{role_id}

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, role, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates a role. You are allowed to update name, description and administrative attributes after role is created. Within this endpoint you can’t add or remove roles permits you need to use service that manages permits of role. For example to update role’s name, description and administrative attributes send a request like this:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/roles/123

With a request body like this:

  <description>My new description of the role</description>

This method supports the following parameters:


Updated role.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class RolesService

Provides read-only access to the global set of roles

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, role, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Create a new role. The role can be administrative or non-administrative and can have different permits. For example, to add the MyRole non-administrative role with permits to login and create virtual machines send a request like this (note that you have to pass permit id):

POST /ovirt-engine/api/roles

With a request body like this:

  <description>My custom role to create virtual machines</description>
    <permit id="1"/>
    <permit id="1300"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Role that will be added.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List roles.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/roles

You will receive response in XML like this one:

  <role id="123">
     <description>Roles management administrator</description>
     <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/roles/123/permits" rel="permits"/>

The order of the returned list of roles isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of roles to return. If not specified all the roles are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def role_service(

self, id)

Sub-resource locator method, returns individual role resource on which the remainder of the URI is dispatched.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class SchedulingPoliciesService

Manages the set of scheduling policies available in the system.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, policy, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new scheduling policy to the system.

def list(

self, filter=None, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of scheduling policies available in the system. The order of the returned list of scheduling policies isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of policies to return. If not specified all the policies are returned.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def policy_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class SchedulingPolicyService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def balances_service(


def filters_service(


def get(

self, filter=None, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, policy, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update the specified user defined scheduling policy in the system.

def weights_service(


class SchedulingPolicyUnitService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, filter=None, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class SchedulingPolicyUnitsService

Manages the set of scheduling policy units available in the system.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, filter=None, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of scheduling policy units available in the system. The order of the returned list of scheduling policy units isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of policy units to return. If not specified all the policy units are returned.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def unit_service(

self, id)

class SnapshotCdromService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class SnapshotCdromsService

Manages the set of CD-ROM devices of a virtual machine snapshot.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def cdrom_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of CD-ROM devices of the snapshot. The order of the returned list of CD-ROM devices isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of CDROMS to return. If not specified all the CDROMS are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class SnapshotDiskService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class SnapshotDisksService

Manages the set of disks of an snapshot.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def disk_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of disks of the snapshot. The order of the returned list of disks isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of disks to return. If not specified all the disks are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class SnapshotNicService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class SnapshotNicsService

Manages the set of NICs of an snapshot.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of NICs of the snapshot. The order of the returned list of NICs isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of NICs to return. If not specified all the NICs are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def nic_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class SnapshotService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def cdroms_service(


def disks_service(


def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def nics_service(


def remove(

self, async_=None, all_content=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Indicates if all the attributes of the virtual machine snapshot should be included in the response. By default the attribute is excluded. For example, to retrieve the complete representation of the snapshot with id 456 of the virtual machine with id 123 send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/snapshots/456?all_content=true

Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def restore(

self, async_=None, disks=None, restore_memory=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Restores a virtual machine snapshot. For example, to restore the snapshot with identifier 456 of virtual machine with identifier 123 send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/snapshots/456/restore

With an empty action in the body:

Confirm that the commit operation is finished and the virtual machine is down before running the virtual machine.

This method supports the following parameters:


Specify the disks included in the snapshot’s restore. For each disk parameter, it is also required to specify its image_id. For example, to restore a snapshot with an identifier 456 of a virtual machine with identifier 123, including a disk with identifier 111 and image_id of 222, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/snapshots/456/restore

Request body:

    <disk id="111">

Indicates if the restore should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class SnapshotsService

Manages the set of snapshots of a storage domain or virtual machine.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, snapshot, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Creates a virtual machine snapshot. For example, to create a new snapshot for virtual machine 123 send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/snapshots

With a request body like this:

  <description>My snapshot</description>

For including only a sub-set of disks in the snapshots, add disk_attachments element to the request body. Note that disks which are not specified in disk_attachments element will not be a part of the snapshot. If an empty disk_attachments element is passed, the snapshot will include only the virtual machine configuration. If no disk_attachments element is passed, then all the disks will be included in the snapshot. For each disk, image_id element can be specified for setting the new active image id. This is used in order to restore a chain of images from backup. I.e. when restoring a disk with snapshots, the relevant image_id should be specified for each snapshot (so the identifiers of the disk snapshots are identical to the backup).

  <description>My snapshot</description>
      <disk id="123">

When a snapshot is created, the default value for the persist_memorystate attribute is true. That means that the content of the memory of the virtual machine will be included in the snapshot, and it also means that the virtual machine will be paused for a longer time. That can negatively affect applications that are very sensitive to timing (NTP servers, for example). In those cases make sure that you set the attribute to false:

  <description>My snapshot</description>

def list(

self, all_content=None, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of snapshots of the storage domain or virtual machine. The order of the returned list of snapshots isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of snapshots to return. If not specified all the snapshots are returned.


Indicates if all the attributes of the virtual machine snapshot should be included in the response. By default the attribute is excluded. For example, to retrieve the complete representation of the virtual machine with id 123 snapshots send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/snapshots?all_content=true

Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def snapshot_service(

self, id)

class SshPublicKeyService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, key, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Replaces the key with a new resource. IMPORTANT: Since version 4.4.8 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. Instead please use DELETE followed by add operation.

class SshPublicKeysService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, key, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

def key_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns a list of SSH public keys of the user. For example, to retrieve the list of SSH keys of user with identifier 123, send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/users/123/sshpublickeys

The result will be the following XML document:

  <ssh_public_key href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/123/sshpublickeys/456" id="456">
    <content>ssh-rsa ...</content>
    <user href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/123" id="123"/>

Or the following JSON object

  "ssh_public_key": [
      "content": "ssh-rsa ...",
      "user": {
        "href": "/ovirt-engine/api/users/123",
        "id": "123"
      "href": "/ovirt-engine/api/users/123/sshpublickeys/456",
      "id": "456"

The order of the returned list of keys is not guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of keys to return. If not specified all the keys are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class StatisticService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class StatisticsService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves a list of statistics. For example, to retrieve the statistics for virtual machine 123 send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/statistics

The result will be like this:

  <statistic href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/statistics/456" id="456">
    <description>Total memory configured</description>
    <vm href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123" id="123"/>

Just a single part of the statistics can be retrieved by specifying its id at the end of the URI. That means:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/statistics/456


<statistic href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/statistics/456" id="456">
  <description>Total memory configured</description>
  <vm href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123" id="123"/>

The order of the returned list of statistics isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of statistics to return. If not specified all the statistics are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def statistic_service(

self, id)

class StepService

A service to manage a step.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.__init__

def end(

self, async_=None, force=None, succeeded=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Marks an external step execution as ended. For example, to terminate a step with identifier 456 which belongs to a job with identifier 123 send the following request:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123/steps/456/end

With the following request body:


This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the step should be forcibly terminated.


Indicates if the step should be marked as successfully finished or as failed. This parameter is optional, and the default value is true.


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves a step.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123/steps/456

You will receive response in XML like this one:

<step href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123/steps/456" id="456">
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123/steps/456/end" rel="end"/>
  <job href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123" id="123"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.service

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def statistics_service(


Inheritance: MeasurableService.statistics_service

class StepsService

A service to manage steps.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, step, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add an external step to an existing job or to an existing step. For example, to add a step to job with identifier 123 send the following request:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123/steps

With the following request body:


The response should look like:

<step href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123/steps/456" id="456">
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123/steps/456/end" rel="end"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123/steps/456/statistics" rel="statistics"/>
  <job href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123" id="123"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Step that will be added.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves the representation of the steps.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/job/123/steps

You will receive response in XML like this one:

  <step href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123/steps/456" id="456">
      <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123/steps/456/end" rel="end"/>
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123/steps/456/statistics" rel="statistics"/>
    <job href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/123" id="123"/>

The order of the returned list of steps isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of steps to return. If not specified all the steps are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def step_service(

self, id)

Reference to the step service.

class StorageDomainContentDiskService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, filter=None, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class StorageDomainContentDisksService

Manages the set of disks available in a storage domain.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def disk_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, case_sensitive=None, follow=None, max=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of disks available in the storage domain. The order of the returned list of disks is guaranteed only if the sortby clause is included in the search parameter.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of disks to return. If not specified all the disks are returned.


A query string used to restrict the returned disks.


Indicates if the search performed using the search parameter should be performed taking case into account. The default value is true, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search ignoring case set it to false.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class StorageDomainDiskService

Manages a single disk available in a storage domain. IMPORTANT: Since version 4.2 of the engine this service is intended only to list disks available in the storage domain, and to register unregistered disks. All the other operations, like copying a disk, moving a disk, etc, have been deprecated and will be removed in the future. To perform those operations use the service that manages all the disks of the system or the service that manages a specific disk.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.__init__

def copy(

self, disk=None, storage_domain=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Copies a disk to the specified storage domain. IMPORTANT: Since version 4.2 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To copy a disk use the copy operation of the service that manages that disk.

This method supports the following parameters:


Description of the resulting disk.


The storage domain where the new disk will be created.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def export(

self, storage_domain=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Exports a disk to an export storage domain. IMPORTANT: Since version 4.2 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To export a disk use the export operation of the service that manages that disk.

This method supports the following parameters:


The export storage domain where the disk should be exported to.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves the description of the disk.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def move(

self, async_=None, filter=None, storage_domain=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Moves a disk to another storage domain. IMPORTANT: Since version 4.2 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To move a disk use the move operation of the service that manages that disk.

This method supports the following parameters:


The storage domain where the disk will be moved to.


Indicates if the move should be performed asynchronously.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def permissions_service(


Reference to the service that manages the permissions assigned to the disk.

def reduce(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Reduces the size of the disk image. Invokes reduce on the logical volume (i.e. this is only applicable for block storage domains). This is applicable for floating disks and disks attached to non-running virtual machines. There is no need to specify the size as the optimal size is calculated automatically.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes a disk. IMPORTANT: Since version 4.2 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To remove a disk use the remove operation of the service that manages that disk.

def service(

self, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.service

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def sparsify(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Sparsify the disk. IMPORTANT: Since version 4.2 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To remove a disk use the remove operation of the service that manages that disk.

def statistics_service(


Inheritance: MeasurableService.statistics_service

def update(

self, disk, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates the disk. IMPORTANT: Since version 4.2 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To update a disk use the update operation of the service that manages that disk.

This method supports the following parameters:


The update to apply to the disk.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class StorageDomainDisksService

Manages the collection of disks available inside a specific storage domain.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, disk, unregistered=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Adds or registers a disk. IMPORTANT: Since version 4.2 of the {engine-name} this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To add a new disk use the add operation of the service that manages the disks of the system. To register an unregistered disk use the register operation of the service that manages that disk.

This method supports the following parameters:


The disk to add or register.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def disk_service(

self, id)

A reference to the service that manages a specific disk.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, unregistered=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves the list of disks that are available in the storage domain. The order of the returned list of disks is not guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of disks to return. If not specified, all the disks are returned.


Indicates whether to retrieve a list of registered or unregistered disks in the storage domain. To get a list of unregistered disks in the storage domain the call should indicate the unregistered flag. For example, to get a list of unregistered disks the REST API call should look like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains/123/disks?unregistered=true

The default value of the unregistered flag is false. The request only applies to storage domains that are attached.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class StorageDomainServerConnectionService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Detaches a storage connection from storage.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class StorageDomainServerConnectionsService

Manages the set of connections to storage servers that exist in a storage domain.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, connection, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

def connection_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of connections to storage servers that existin the storage domain. The order of the returned list of connections isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of connections to return. If not specified all the connections are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class StorageDomainService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def disk_profiles_service(


def disk_snapshots_service(


def disks_service(


Reference to the service that manages the disks available in the storage domain.

def files_service(


Returns a reference to the service that manages the files available in the storage domain.

def get(

self, filter=None, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves the description of the storage domain.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def images_service(


def is_attached(

self, async_=None, host=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Used for querying if the storage domain is already attached to a data center using the is_attached boolean field, which is part of the storage server. IMPORTANT: Executing this API will cause the host to disconnect from the storage domain.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates the data center’s host.


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def permissions_service(


def reduce_luns(

self, logical_units=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This operation reduces logical units from the storage domain. In order to do so the data stored on the provided logical units will be moved to other logical units of the storage domain and only then they will be reduced from the storage domain. For example, in order to reduce two logical units from a storage domain send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/storageDomains/123/reduceluns

With a request body like this:

     <logical_unit id="1IET_00010001"/>
     <logical_unit id="1IET_00010002"/>
Note that this operation is only applicable to block storage domains (i.e., storage domains with the
xref:types-storage_type[storage type] of iSCSI or FCP).

This method supports the following parameters:


The logical units that need to be reduced from the storage domain.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def refresh_luns(

self, async_=None, logical_units=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This operation refreshes the LUN size. After increasing the size of the underlying LUN on the storage server, the user can refresh the LUN size. This action forces a rescan of the provided LUNs and updates the database with the new size, if required. For example, in order to refresh the size of two LUNs send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/storageDomains/262b056b-aede-40f1-9666-b883eff59d40/refreshluns

With a request body like this:

     <logical_unit id="1IET_00010001"/>
     <logical_unit id="1IET_00010002"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


The LUNs that need to be refreshed.


Indicates if the refresh should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, host=None, format=None, destroy=None, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes the storage domain. Without any special parameters, the storage domain is detached from the system and removed from the database. The storage domain can then be imported to the same or to a different setup, with all the data on it. If the storage is not accessible the operation will fail. If the destroy parameter is true then the operation will always succeed, even if the storage is not accessible, the failure is just ignored and the storage domain is removed from the database anyway. If the format parameter is true then the actual storage is formatted, and the metadata is removed from the LUN or directory, so it can no longer be imported to the same or to a different setup.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which host should be used to remove the storage domain. This parameter is mandatory, except if the destroy parameter is included and its value is true, in that case the host parameter will be ignored. The value should contain the name or the identifier of the host. For example, to use the host named myhost to remove the storage domain with identifier 123 send a request like this:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/storageDomains/123?host=myhost

Indicates if the actual storage should be formatted, removing all the metadata from the underlying LUN or directory:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/storageDomains/123?format=true

This parameter is optional, and the default value is false.


Indicates if the operation should succeed, and the storage domain removed from the database, even if the storage is not accessible.

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/storageDomains/123?destroy=true

This parameter is optional, and the default value is false. When the value of destroy is true the host parameter will be ignored.


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def storage_connections_service(


Returns a reference to the service that manages the storage connections.

def templates_service(


def update(

self, storage_domain, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates a storage domain. Not all of the StorageDomain's attributes are updatable after creation. Those that can be updated are: name, description, comment, warning_low_space_indicator, critical_space_action_blocker and wipe_after_delete. (Note that changing the wipe_after_delete attribute will not change the wipe after delete property of disks that already exist). To update the name and wipe_after_delete attributes of a storage domain with an identifier 123, send a request as follows:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/storageDomains/123

With a request body as follows:


This method supports the following parameters:


The updated storage domain.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def update_ovf_store(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This operation forces the update of the OVF_STORE of this storage domain. The OVF_STORE is a disk image that contains the metadata of virtual machines and disks that reside in the storage domain. This metadata is used in case the domain is imported or exported to or from a different data center or a different installation. By default the OVF_STORE is updated periodically (set by default to 60 minutes) but users might want to force an update after an important change, or when the they believe the OVF_STORE is corrupt. When initiated by the user, OVF_STORE update will be performed whether an update is needed or not.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the OVF_STORE update should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def vms_service(


class StorageDomainTemplateService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def disks_service(


def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def import_(

self, async_=None, clone=None, cluster=None, exclusive=None, storage_domain=None, template=None, vm=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Action to import a template from an export storage domain. For example, to import the template 456 from the storage domain 123 send the following request:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains/123/templates/456/import

With the following request body:


If you register an entity without specifying the cluster ID or name, the cluster name from the entity’s OVF will be used (unless the register request also includes the cluster mapping).

This method supports the following parameters:


Use the optional clone parameter to generate new UUIDs for the imported template and its entities. You can import a template with the clone parameter set to false when importing a template from an export domain, with templates that were exported by a different {product-name} environment.


Indicates if the import should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def register(

self, allow_partial_import=None, async_=None, clone=None, cluster=None, exclusive=None, registration_configuration=None, template=None, vnic_profile_mappings=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Register the Template means importing the Template from the data domain by inserting the configuration of the Template and disks into the database without the copy process.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates whether a template is allowed to be registered with only some of its disks. If this flag is true, the system will not fail in the validation process if an image is not found, but instead it will allow the template to be registered without the missing disks. This is mainly used during registration of a template when some of the storage domains are not available. The default value is false.


Deprecated attribute describing mapping rules for virtual NIC profiles that will be applied during the import egister process.

Please note that this attribute has been deprecated since version 4.2.1 of the engine, and preserved only for backward compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To specify vnic_profile_mappings use the vnic_profile_mappings attribute inside the RegistrationConfiguration type.

This parameter describes how the template should be registered. This parameter is optional. If the parameter is not specified, the template will be registered with the same configuration that it had in the original environment where it was created.


Indicates if the registration should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class StorageDomainTemplatesService

Manages the set of templates available in a storage domain.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, unregistered=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of templates availalbe in the storage domain. The order of the returned list of templates isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of templates to return. If not specified all the templates are returned.


Indicates whether to retrieve a list of registered or unregistered templates which contain disks on the storage domain. To get a list of unregistered templates the call should indicate the unregistered flag. For example, to get a list of unregistered templates the REST API call should look like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains/123/templates?unregistered=true

The default value of the unregisterd flag is false. The request only apply to storage domains that are attached.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def template_service(

self, id)

class StorageDomainVmDiskAttachmentService

Returns the details of the disks attached to a virtual machine in the export domain.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the details of the attachment with all its properties and a link to the disk.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class StorageDomainVmDiskAttachmentsService

Returns the details of a disk attached to a virtual machine in the export domain.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def attachment_service(

self, id)

Reference to the service that manages a specific attachment.

def list(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List the disks that are attached to the virtual machine. The order of the returned list of disk attachments isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class StorageDomainVmService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def disk_attachments_service(


Returns a reference to the service that manages the disk attachments of the virtual machine.

def disks_service(


def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def import_(

self, async_=None, clone=None, cluster=None, collapse_snapshots=None, exclusive=None, storage_domain=None, vm=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Imports a virtual machine from an export storage domain. For example, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains/123/vms/456/import

With a request body like this:


To import a virtual machine as a new entity add the clone parameter:


Include an optional disks parameter to choose which disks to import. For example, to import the disks of the template that have the identifiers 123 and 456 send the following request body:

    <disk id="123"/>
    <disk id="456"/>

If you register an entity without specifying the cluster ID or name, the cluster name from the entity’s OVF will be used (unless the register request also includes the cluster mapping).

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the identifiers of the imported virtual machine should be regenerated. By default when a virtual machine is imported the identifiers are preserved. This means that the same virtual machine can’t be imported multiple times, as that identifiers needs to be unique. To allow importing the same machine multiple times set this parameter to true, as the default is false.


Indicates of the snapshots of the virtual machine that is imported should be collapsed, so that the result will be a virtual machine without snapshots. This parameter is optional, and if it isn’t explicitly specified the default value is false.


Indicates if the import should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def register(

self, allow_partial_import=None, async_=None, clone=None, cluster=None, reassign_bad_macs=None, registration_configuration=None, vm=None, vnic_profile_mappings=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates whether a virtual machine is allowed to be registered with only some of its disks. If this flag is true, the engine will not fail in the validation process if an image is not found, but instead it will allow the virtual machine to be registered without the missing disks. This is mainly used during registration of a virtual machine when some of the storage domains are not available. The default value is false.


Deprecated attribute describing mapping rules for virtual NIC profiles that will be applied during the import egister process.

Please note that this attribute has been deprecated since version 4.2.1 of the engine, and preserved only for backward compatibility. It will be removed in the future. To specify vnic_profile_mappings use the vnic_profile_mappings attribute inside the RegistrationConfiguration type.

Indicates if the problematic MAC addresses should be re-assigned during the import process by the engine. A MAC address would be considered as a problematic one if one of the following is true:

  • It conflicts with a MAC address that is already allocated to a virtual machine in the target environment.

  • It’s out of the range of the target MAC address pool.


This parameter describes how the virtual machine should be registered. This parameter is optional. If the parameter is not specified, the virtual machine will be registered with the same configuration that it had in the original environment where it was created.


Indicates if the registration should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Deletes a virtual machine from an export storage domain. For example, to delete the virtual machine 456 from the storage domain 123, send a request like this:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains/123/vms/456

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class StorageDomainVmsService

Lists the virtual machines of an export storage domain. For example, to retrieve the virtual machines that are available in the storage domain with identifier 123 send the following request:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains/123/vms

This will return the following response body:

  <vm id="456" href="/api/storagedomains/123/vms/456">
    <storage_domain id="123" href="/api/storagedomains/123"/>
      <link rel="import" href="/api/storagedomains/123/vms/456/import"/>

Virtual machines and templates in these collections have a similar representation to their counterparts in the top-level Vm and Template collections, except they also contain a StorageDomain reference and an import action.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, unregistered=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of virtual machines of the export storage domain. The order of the returned list of virtual machines isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of virtual machines to return. If not specified all the virtual machines are returned.


Indicates whether to retrieve a list of registered or unregistered virtual machines which contain disks on the storage domain. To get a list of unregistered virtual machines the call should indicate the unregistered flag. For example, to get a list of unregistered virtual machines the REST API call should look like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains/123/vms?unregistered=true

The default value of the unregisterd flag is false. The request only apply to storage domains that are attached.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def vm_service(

self, id)

class StorageDomainsService

Manages the set of storage domains in the system.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, storage_domain, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Adds a new storage domain. Creation of a new StorageDomain requires the name, type, host, and storage attributes. Identify the host attribute with the id or name attributes. In {product-name} 3.6 and later you can enable the wipe after delete option by default on the storage domain. To configure this, specify wipe_after_delete in the POST request. This option can be edited after the domain is created, but doing so will not change the wipe after delete property of disks that already exist. To add a new storage domain with specified name, type, storage.type, storage.address, and storage.path, and using a host with an id 123, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/storageDomains

With a request body like this:


To create a new NFS ISO storage domain send a request like this:


To create a new iSCSI storage domain send a request like this:

      <logical_unit id="3600144f09dbd050000004eedbd340001"/>
      <logical_unit id="3600144f09dbd050000004eedbd340002"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


The storage domain to add.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_block_domain(

self, storage_domain, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Import an existing block storage domain to the system using the targets already connected to the host.

This method supports the following parameters:


The storage domain to add.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_by_path(

self, storage_domain, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new storage domain to the system using the storage on the given host and path.

This method supports the following parameters:


The storage domain to add.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_direct_lun(

self, storage_domain, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new storage domain to the system using a direct LUN.

This method supports the following parameters:


The storage domain to add.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_gluster_or_postfs(

self, storage_domain, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new storage domain to the system using Gluster or POSIX FS storage.

This method supports the following parameters:


The storage domain to add.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_local(

self, storage_domain, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new storage domain to the system using the storage on the local host at the given path.

This method supports the following parameters:


The storage domain to add.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def list(

self, case_sensitive=None, filter=None, follow=None, max=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of storage domains in the system. The order of the returned list of storage domains is guaranteed only if the sortby clause is included in the search parameter.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of storage domains to return. If not specified, all the storage domains are returned.


A query string used to restrict the returned storage domains.


Indicates if the search should be performed taking case into account. The default value is true, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search ignoring case, set it to false.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def storage_domain_service(

self, id)

class StorageServerConnectionExtensionService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, extension, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update a storage server connection extension for the given host. To update the storage connection 456 of host 123 send a request like this:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/storageconnectionextensions/456

With a request body like this:


class StorageServerConnectionExtensionsService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, extension, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Creates a new storage server connection extension for the given host. The extension lets the user define credentials for an iSCSI target for a specific host. For example to use myuser and mypassword as the credentials when connecting to the iSCSI target from host 123 send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/storageconnectionextensions

With a request body like this:


def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list os storage connection extensions. The order of the returned list of storage connections isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of extensions to return. If not specified all the extensions are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def storage_connection_extension_service(

self, id)

class StorageServerConnectionService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, host=None, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes a storage connection. A storage connection can only be deleted if neither storage domain nor LUN disks reference it. The host name or id is optional; providing it disconnects (unmounts) the connection from that host.

This method supports the following parameters:


The name or identifier of the host from which the connection would be unmounted (disconnected). If not provided, no host will be disconnected. For example, to use the host with identifier 456 to delete the storage connection with identifier 123 send a request like this:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/storageconnections/123?host=456

Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, connection, async_=None, force=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates the storage connection. For example, to change the address of an NFS storage server, send a request like this:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/storageconnections/123

With a request body like this:


To change the connection of an iSCSI storage server, send a request like this:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/storageconnections/123

With a request body like this:


def update_glusterfs(

self, connection, async_=None, force=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update the specified Glusterfs storage connection in the system.

def update_iscsi(

self, connection, async_=None, force=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update the specified iSCSI storage connection in the system.

def update_local(

self, connection, async_=None, force=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update the specified local storage connection in the system.

def update_nfs(

self, connection, async_=None, force=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update the specified NFS storage connection in the system.

def update_vfs(

self, connection, async_=None, force=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update the specified VFS storage connection in the system.

class StorageServerConnectionsService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, connection, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Creates a new storage connection. For example, to create a new storage connection for the NFS server and NFS share /export/mydata send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/storageconnections

With a request body like this:


def add_glusterfs(

self, connection, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a Glusterfs storage connection to the system.

def add_iscsi(

self, connection, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a iSCSI storage connection to the system.

def add_local(

self, connection, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a local storage connection to the system.

def add_nfs(

self, connection, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a nfs storage connection to the system.

def add_vfs(

self, connection, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a vfs storage connection to the system.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of storage connections. The order of the returned list of connections isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of connections to return. If not specified all the connections are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def storage_connection_service(

self, id)

class StorageService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, report_status=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the status of the LUNs in the storage should be checked. Checking the status of the LUN is an heavy weight operation and this data is not always needed by the user. This parameter will give the option to not perform the status check of the LUNs. The default is true for backward compatibility. Here an example with the LUN status :

<host_storage id="360014051136c20574f743bdbd28177fd">
    <logical_unit id="360014051136c20574f743bdbd28177fd">
  <host id="8bb5ade5-e988-4000-8b93-dbfc6717fe50"/>

Here an example without the LUN status :

<host_storage id="360014051136c20574f743bdbd28177fd">
    <logical_unit id="360014051136c20574f743bdbd28177fd">
  <host id="8bb5ade5-e988-4000-8b93-dbfc6717fe50"/>

Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class SystemOptionService

A service that provides values of specific configuration option of the system.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, version=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get the values of specific configuration option. For example to retrieve the values of configuration option MigrationPolicies send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/options/MigrationPolicies

The response to that request will be the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<system_option href="/ovirt-engine/api/options/MigrationPolicies" id="MigrationPolicies">
The appropriate permissions are required to query configuration options. Some options can be queried only by users with administrator permissions.

There is NO backward compatibility and no guarantee about the names or values of the options. Options may be removed and their meaning can be changed at any point. We strongly discourage the use of this service for applications other than the ones that are released simultaneously with the engine. Usage by other applications is not supported. Therefore there will be no documentation listing accessible configuration options.

This method supports the following parameters:


Optional version parameter that specifies that only particular version of the configuration option should be returned. If this parameter isn’t used then all the versions will be returned. For example, to get the value of the MigrationPolicies option but only for version 4.2 send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/options/MigrationPolicies?version=4.2

The response to that request will be like this:

<system_option href="/ovirt-engine/api/options/MigrationPolicies" id="MigrationPolicies">

Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class SystemOptionsService

Service that provides values of configuration options of the system.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def option_service(

self, id)

Returns a reference to the service that provides values of specific configuration option.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class SystemPermissionsService

This service doesn’t add any new methods, it is just a placeholder for the annotation that specifies the path of the resource that manages the permissions assigned to the system object.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

Inheritance: AssignedPermissionsService.__init__

def add(

self, permission, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Inheritance: AssignedPermissionsService.add

Assign a new permission to a user or group for specific entity. For example, to assign the UserVmManager role to the virtual machine with id 123 to the user with id 456 send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/permissions

With a request body like this:

  <user id="456"/>

To assign the SuperUser role to the system to the user with id 456 send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/permissions

With a request body like this:

  <user id="456"/>

If you want to assign permission to the group instead of the user please replace the user element with the group element with proper id of the group. For example to assign the UserRole role to the cluster with id 123 to the group with id 789 send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/permissions

With a request body like this:

  <group id="789"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


The permission.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_cluster_permission(

self, permission, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Inheritance: AssignedPermissionsService.add_cluster_permission

Add a new permission on the cluster to the group in the system.

This method supports the following parameters:


The permission.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_data_center_permission(

self, permission, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Inheritance: AssignedPermissionsService.add_data_center_permission

Add a new permission on the data center to the group in the system.

This method supports the following parameters:


The permission.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_group_level(

self, permission, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Inheritance: AssignedPermissionsService.add_group_level

Add a new group level permission for a given virtual machine.

This method supports the following parameters:


The permission.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_host_permission(

self, permission, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Inheritance: AssignedPermissionsService.add_host_permission

Add a new permission on the host to the group in the system.

This method supports the following parameters:


The permission.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_storage_domain_permission(

self, permission, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Inheritance: AssignedPermissionsService.add_storage_domain_permission

Add a new permission on the storage domain to the group in the system.

This method supports the following parameters:


The permission.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_template_permission(

self, permission, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Inheritance: AssignedPermissionsService.add_template_permission

Add a new permission on the template to the group in the system.

This method supports the following parameters:


The permission.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_user_level(

self, permission, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Inheritance: AssignedPermissionsService.add_user_level

Add a new user level permission for a given virtual machine.

This method supports the following parameters:


The permission.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_vm_permission(

self, permission, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Inheritance: AssignedPermissionsService.add_vm_permission

Add a new permission on the vm to the group in the system.

This method supports the following parameters:


The permission.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_vm_pool_permission(

self, permission, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Inheritance: AssignedPermissionsService.add_vm_pool_permission

Add a new permission on the vm pool to the group in the system.

This method supports the following parameters:


The permission.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def list(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Inheritance: AssignedPermissionsService.list

List all the permissions of the specific entity. For example to list all the permissions of the cluster with id 123 send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/123/permissions
  <permission id="456">
    <cluster id="123"/>
    <role id="789"/>
    <user id="451"/>
  <permission id="654">
    <cluster id="123"/>
    <role id="789"/>
    <group id="127"/>

The order of the returned permissions isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def permission_service(

self, id)

Inheritance: AssignedPermissionsService.permission_service

Sub-resource locator method, returns individual permission resource on which the remainder of the URI is dispatched.

def service(

self, path)

Inheritance: AssignedPermissionsService.service

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class SystemService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def affinity_labels_service(


List all known affinity labels.

def bookmarks_service(


def cluster_levels_service(


Reference to the service that provides information about the cluster levels supported by the system.

def clusters_service(


def cpu_profiles_service(


def data_centers_service(


def disk_profiles_service(


def disks_service(


def domains_service(


def events_service(


def external_host_providers_service(


def external_template_imports_service(


Reference to service facilitating import of external templates.

def external_vm_imports_service(


Reference to service facilitating import of external virtual machines.

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns basic information describing the API, like the product name, the version number and a summary of the number of relevant objects.

GET /ovirt-engine/api

We get following response:

  <link rel="capabilities" href="/api/capabilities"/>
  <link rel="clusters" href="/api/clusters"/>
  <link rel="clusters/search" href="/api/clusters?search={query}"/>
  <link rel="datacenters" href="/api/datacenters"/>
  <link rel="datacenters/search" href="/api/datacenters?search={query}"/>
  <link rel="events" href="/api/events"/>
  <link rel="events/search" href="/api/events?search={query}"/>
  <link rel="hosts" href="/api/hosts"/>
  <link rel="hosts/search" href="/api/hosts?search={query}"/>
  <link rel="networks" href="/api/networks"/>
  <link rel="roles" href="/api/roles"/>
  <link rel="storagedomains" href="/api/storagedomains"/>
  <link rel="storagedomains/search" href="/api/storagedomains?search={query}"/>
  <link rel="tags" href="/api/tags"/>
  <link rel="templates" href="/api/templates"/>
  <link rel="templates/search" href="/api/templates?search={query}"/>
  <link rel="users" href="/api/users"/>
  <link rel="groups" href="/api/groups"/>
  <link rel="domains" href="/api/domains"/>
  <link rel="vmpools" href="/api/vmpools"/>
  <link rel="vmpools/search" href="/api/vmpools?search={query}"/>
  <link rel="vms" href="/api/vms"/>
  <link rel="vms/search" href="/api/vms?search={query}"/>
    <name>oVirt Engine</name>
    <blank_template href="/ovirt-engine/api/templates/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"/>
    <root_tag href="/ovirt-engine/api/tags/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"/>

The entry point provides a user with links to the collections in a virtualization environment. The rel attribute of each collection link provides a reference point for each link. The entry point also contains other data such as product_info, special_objects and summary.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def groups_service(


def hosts_service(


def icons_service(


def image_transfers_service(


List of all image transfers being performed for image I/O in oVirt.

def instance_types_service(


def jobs_service(


List all the jobs monitored by the engine.

def katello_errata_service(


List the available Katello errata assigned to the engine.

def mac_pools_service(


def network_filters_service(


Network filters will enhance the admin ability to manage the network packets traffic from/to the participated VMs.

def networks_service(


def openstack_image_providers_service(


def openstack_network_providers_service(


def openstack_volume_providers_service(


def operating_systems_service(


def options_service(


Reference to the service that provides values of configuration options of the system.

def permissions_service(


def reload_configurations(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the reload should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def roles_service(


def scheduling_policies_service(


def scheduling_policy_units_service(


def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def storage_connections_service(


def storage_domains_service(


def tags_service(


def templates_service(


def users_service(


def vm_pools_service(


def vms_service(


def vnic_profiles_service(


class TagService

A service to manage a specific tag in the system.

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • TagService
  • ovirtsdk4.service.Service
  • __builtin__.object


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Gets the information about the tag. For example to retrieve the information about the tag with the id 123 send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/tags/123
<tag href="/ovirt-engine/api/tags/123" id="123">

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes the tag from the system. For example to remove the tag with id 123 send a request like this:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/tags/123

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, tag, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates the tag entity. For example to update parent tag to tag with id 456 of the tag with id 123 send a request like this:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/tags/123

With request body like:

  <parent id="456"/>

You may also specify a tag name instead of id. For example to update parent tag to tag with name mytag of the tag with id 123 send a request like this:


This method supports the following parameters:


The updated tag.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class TagsService

Represents a service to manage collection of the tags in the system.

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • TagsService
  • ovirtsdk4.service.Service
  • __builtin__.object


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, tag, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new tag to the system. For example, to add new tag with name mytag to the system send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/tags

With a request body like this:

The root tag is a special pseudo-tag assumed as the default parent tag if no parent tag is specified. The root tag cannot be deleted nor assigned a parent tag. To create new tag with specific parent tag send a request body like this:

This method supports the following parameters:


The added tag.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List the tags in the system. For example to list the full hierarchy of the tags in the system send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/tags
  <tag href="/ovirt-engine/api/tags/222" id="222">
    <parent href="/ovirt-engine/api/tags/111" id="111"/>
  <tag href="/ovirt-engine/api/tags/333" id="333">
    <parent href="/ovirt-engine/api/tags/222" id="222"/>
  <tag href="/ovirt-engine/api/tags/111" id="111">

In the previous XML output you can see the following hierarchy of the tags:

root:        (id: 111)
  - root2    (id: 222)
    - root3  (id: 333)

The order of the returned list of tags isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of tags to return. If not specified all the tags are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def tag_service(

self, id)

Reference to the service that manages a specific tag.

class TemplateCdromService

A service managing a CD-ROM device on templates.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the information about this CD-ROM device. For example, to get information about the CD-ROM device of template 123 send a request like:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/templates/123/cdroms/

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class TemplateCdromsService

Lists the CD-ROM devices of a template.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def cdrom_service(

self, id)

Returns a reference to the service that manages a specific CD-ROM device.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of CD-ROM devices of the template. The order of the returned list of CD-ROM devices isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of CD-ROMs to return. If not specified all the CD-ROMs are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class TemplateDiskAttachmentService

This service manages the attachment of a disk to a template.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the details of the attachment.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, storage_domain=None, force=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes the disk from the template. The disk will only be removed if there are other existing copies of the disk on other storage domains. A storage domain has to be specified to determine which of the copies should be removed (template disks can have copies on multiple storage domains).

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/templates/{template:id}/diskattachments/{attachment:id}?storage_domain=072fbaa1-08f3-4a40-9f34-a5ca22dd1d74

This method supports the following parameters:


Specifies the identifier of the storage domain the image to be removed resides on.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class TemplateDiskAttachmentsService

This service manages the set of disks attached to a template. Each attached disk is represented by a DiskAttachment.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def attachment_service(

self, id)

Reference to the service that manages a specific attachment.

def list(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List the disks that are attached to the template. The order of the returned list of attachments isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class TemplateDiskService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def copy(

self, async_=None, filter=None, storage_domain=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Copy the specified disk attached to the template to a specific storage domain.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the copy should be performed asynchronously.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def export(

self, async_=None, filter=None, storage_domain=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the export should be performed asynchronously.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class TemplateDisksService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def disk_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of disks of the template. The order of the returned list of disks isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of disks to return. If not specified all the disks are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class TemplateGraphicsConsoleService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Gets graphics console configuration of the template.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Remove the graphics console from the template.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class TemplateGraphicsConsolesService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, console, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add new graphics console to the template.

def console_service(

self, id)

Returns a reference to the service that manages a specific template graphics console.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Lists all the configured graphics consoles of the template. The order of the returned list of graphics consoles isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of consoles to return. If not specified all the consoles are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class TemplateMediatedDeviceService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Gets mediated device configuration of the template.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Remove the mediated device from the template.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, devices, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates the information about the mediated device. You can update the information using specParams element. For example, to update a mediated device, send a request like this:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/templates/123/mediateddevices/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

with response body:

<vm_mediated_device href="/ovirt-engine/api/templates/123/mediateddevices/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">
  <template href="/ovirt-engine/api/templates/123" id="123"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


The information about the mediated device. The request data must contain specParams properties. The response data contains complete information about the updated mediated device.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class TemplateMediatedDevicesService

A service that manages mediated devices of a template.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, device, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add new mediated device to the template.

def device_service(

self, id)

Returns a reference to the service that manages a mediated device of a template.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Lists all the configured mediated devices of the template. The order of the returned list of mediated devices isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of mediated devices to return. If not specified all the mediated devices are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class TemplateNicService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, nic, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update the specified network interface card attached to the template.

class TemplateNicsService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, nic, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new network interface card to the template.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of NICs of the template. The order of the returned list of NICs isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of NICs to return. If not specified all the NICs are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def nic_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class TemplateService

Manages the virtual machine template and template versions.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def cdroms_service(


Returns a reference to the service that manages the CD-ROMs that are associated with the template.

def disk_attachments_service(


Returns a reference to the service that manages a specific disk attachment of the template.

def export(

self, exclusive=None, storage_domain=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Exports a template to the data center export domain. For example, send the following request:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/templates/123/export

With a request body like this:

  <storage_domain id="456"/>

Since version 4.2 of the engine it is also possible to export a template as a virtual appliance (OVA). For example, to export template 123 as an OVA file named myvm.ova that is placed in the directory /home/ovirt/ on host myhost:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/templates/123/export

With a request body like this:


This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the existing templates with the same name should be overwritten. The export action reports a failed action if a template of the same name exists in the destination domain. Set this parameter to true to change this behavior and overwrite any existing template.


Specifies the destination export storage domain.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def export_to_export_domain(

self, exclusive=None, storage_domain=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Exports a template to an export domain.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the existing templates with the same name should be overwritten. The export action reports a failed action if a template of the same name exists in the destination domain. Set this parameter to true to change this behavior and overwrite any existing template.


Specifies the destination export storage domain.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def export_to_path_on_host(

self, directory=None, exclusive=None, filename=None, host=None, storage_domain=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Exports a template as an OVA file to a given path on a specified host.

This method supports the following parameters:


The host to generate the OVA file on.


An absolute path of a directory on the host to generate the OVA file in.


The name of the OVA file. This is an optional parameter. If it is not specified, the name of the OVA file is determined according to the name of the template. It will conform to the following pattern: "<template name>.ova".


Indicates if the existing templates with the same name should be overwritten. The export action reports a failed action if a template of the same name exists in the destination domain. Set this parameter to true to change this behavior and overwrite any existing template.


Specifies the destination export storage domain.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def get(

self, filter=None, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the information about this template or template version.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def graphics_consoles_service(


Returns a reference to the service that manages the graphical consoles that are associated with the template.

def mediated_devices_service(


Reference to the service that manages mediated devices associated with the template.

def nics_service(


Returns a reference to the service that manages the NICs that are associated with the template.

def permissions_service(


Returns a reference to the service that manages the permissions that are associated with the template.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes a virtual machine template.

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/templates/123

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the removal should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def tags_service(


Returns a reference to the service that manages the tags that are associated with the template.

def update(

self, template, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates the template. The name, description, type, memory, cpu, topology, os, high_availability, display, stateless, usb, and timezone elements can be updated after a template has been created. For example, to update a template so that it has 1 GiB of memory send a request like this:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/templates/123

With the following request body:


The version_name name attribute is the only one that can be updated within the version attribute used for template versions:


def watchdogs_service(


Returns a reference to the service that manages the watchdogs that are associated with the template.

class TemplateWatchdogService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, watchdog, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update the watchdog for the template identified by the given id.

class TemplateWatchdogsService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, watchdog, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a watchdog to the template identified by the given id.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of watchdogs. The order of the returned list of watchdogs isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of watchdogs to return. If not specified all the watchdogs are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def watchdog_service(

self, id)

class TemplatesService

This service manages the virtual machine templates available in the system.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, template, clone_permissions=None, seal=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Creates a new template. This requires the name and vm elements. To identify the virtual machine use the or attributes. For example, to create a template from a virtual machine with the identifier 123 send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/templates

With a request body like this:

  <vm id="123"/>

Since version 4.3, in order to create virtual machine template from a snapshot send a request body like this:

  <vm id="123">
      <snapshot id="456"/>

The disks of the template can be customized, making some of their characteristics different from the disks of the original virtual machine. To do so use the vm.disk_attachments attribute, specifying the identifier of the disk of the original virtual machine and the characteristics that you want to change. For example, if the original virtual machine has a disk with the identifier 456, and, for that disk, you want to change the name to mydisk the format to Copy On Write and make it sparse, send a request body like this:

  <vm id="123">
        <disk id="456">

The template can be created as a sub-version of an existing template. This requires the name and vm attributes for the new template, and the base_template and version_name attributes for the new template version. The base_template and version_name attributes must be specified within a version section enclosed in the template section. Identify the virtual machine with the id or name attributes.

  <vm id="123"/>
    <base_template id="456"/>

The destination storage domain of the template can be customized, in one of two ways: 1. Globally, at the request level. The request must list the desired disk attachments to be created on the storage domain. If the disk attachments are not listed, the global storage domain parameter will be ignored.


  <storage_domain id="123"/>
  <vm id="456">
        <disk id="789">
  1. Per each disk attachment. Specify the desired storage domain for each disk attachment. Specifying the global storage definition will override the storage domain per disk attachment specification.

      <vm id="123">
            <disk id="456">
                 <storage_domain id="789"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


The information about the template or template version.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_from_configuration(

self, template, clone_permissions=None, seal=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a virtual machine template to the system from a configuration. Requires the configuration type, the configuration data, and the target cluster.

This method supports the following parameters:


The information about the template or template version.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_from_vm(

self, template, clone_permissions=None, seal=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a virtual machine template to the system from an existing virtual machine.

This method supports the following parameters:


The information about the template or template version.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def add_from_vm_snapshot(

self, template, clone_permissions=None, seal=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a virtual machine template to the system from a snapshot.

This method supports the following parameters:


The information about the template or template version.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def list(

self, case_sensitive=None, filter=None, follow=None, max=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of virtual machine templates. For example:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/templates

Will return the list of virtual machines and virtual machine templates. The order of the returned list of templates is not guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of templates to return. If not specified, all the templates are returned.


A query string used to restrict the returned templates.


Indicates if the search performed using the search parameter should be performed taking case into account. The default value is true, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search ignoring case set it to false.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def template_service(

self, id)

Returns a reference to the service that manages a specific virtual machine template.

class UnmanagedNetworkService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class UnmanagedNetworksService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of unmanaged networks of the host. The order of the returned list of networks isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of networks to return. If not specified all the networks are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def unmanaged_network_service(

self, id)

class UserOptionService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns a user profile property of type JSON. Example request(for user with identifier 123 and option with identifier 456):

GET /ovirt-engine/api/users/123/options/456

The result will be the following XML document:

  <user_option href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/123/options/456" id="456">
    <content>["any", "JSON"]</content>
    <user href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/123" id="123"/>

def remove(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Deletes an existing property of type JSON. Example request(for user with identifier 123 and option with identifier 456):

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/users/123/options/456

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class UserOptionsService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, option, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Adds a new user profile property of type JSON. Example request(for user with identifier 123):

POST /ovirt-engine/api/users/123/options


    <content>["any", "JSON"]</content>

def list(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns a list of user profile properties of type JSON. Example request(for user with identifier 123):

GET /ovirt-engine/api/users/123/options

The result will be the following XML document:

  <user_option href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/123/options/456" id="456">
    <content>["any", "JSON"]</content>
    <user href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/123" id="123"/>

def option_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class UserService

A service to manage a user in the system. Use this service to either get users details or remove users. In order to add new users please use users.

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • UserService
  • ovirtsdk4.service.Service
  • __builtin__.object


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def event_subscriptions_service(


List of event-subscriptions for this user.

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Gets the system user information. Usage:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/users/1234

Will return the user information:

<user href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/1234" id="1234">
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/1234/sshpublickeys" rel="sshpublickeys"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/1234/roles" rel="roles"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/1234/permissions" rel="permissions"/>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/1234/tags" rel="tags"/>
  <domain href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/45678" id="45678">

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def groups_service(


def options_service(


def permissions_service(


def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes the system user. Usage:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/users/1234

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def roles_service(


def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def ssh_public_keys_service(


def tags_service(


def update(

self, user, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates information about the user. Only the user_options field can be updated. For example, to update user options:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/users/123

With a request body like this:

Since version 4.4.5 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. Please use the options endpoint instead.

class UsersService

A service to manage the users in the system.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, user, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add user from a directory service. For example, to add the myuser user from the myextension-authz authorization provider send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/users

With a request body like this:


In case you are working with Active Directory you have to pass user principal name (UPN) as username, followed by authorization provider name. Due to bug 1147900 you need to provide also principal parameter set to UPN of the user. For example, to add the user with UPN from the myextension-authz authorization provider send a request body like this:


def list(

self, case_sensitive=None, follow=None, max=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List all the users in the system. Usage:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/users

Will return the list of users:

  <user href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/1234" id="1234">
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/1234/sshpublickeys" rel="sshpublickeys"/>
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/1234/roles" rel="roles"/>
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/1234/permissions" rel="permissions"/>
    <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/1234/tags" rel="tags"/>
    <domain href="/ovirt-engine/api/domains/45678" id="45678">

The order of the returned list of users isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of users to return. If not specified all the users are returned.


A query string used to restrict the returned users.


Indicates if the search performed using the search parameter should be performed taking case into account. The default value is true, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search ignoring case set it to false.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def user_service(

self, id)

class VirtualFunctionAllowedNetworkService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VirtualFunctionAllowedNetworksService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, network, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of networks. The order of the returned list of networks isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of networks to return. If not specified all the networks are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def network_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmApplicationService

A service that provides information about an application installed in a virtual machine.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, filter=None, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the information about the application.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmApplicationsService

A service that provides information about applications installed in a virtual machine.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def application_service(

self, id)

Returns a reference to the service that provides information about a specific application.

def list(

self, filter=None, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns a list of applications installed in the virtual machine. The order of the returned list of applications isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of applications to return. If not specified all the applications are returned.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmBackupDiskService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves the description of the disk.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmBackupDisksService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def disk_service(

self, id)

A reference to the service that manages a specific disk.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of disks in backup.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of disks to return. If not specified, all the disks are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmBackupService

A service managing a backup of a virtual machines.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def disks_service(


A reference to the service that lists the disks in backup.

def finalize(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Finalize the virtual machine backup entity. End backup, unlock resources, and perform cleanups. To finalize a virtual machine with an id '123' and a backup with an id '456' send a request as follows:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/backups/456/finalize

With a request body as follows:

<action />

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns information about the virtual machine backup.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmBackupsService

Lists the backups of a virtual machine.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, backup, require_consistency=None, use_active=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Adds a new backup entity to a virtual machine. For example, to start a new incremental backup of a virtual machine since checkpoint id previous-checkpoint-uuid, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/backups

With a request body like this:

      <disk id="disk-uuid" />

The response body:

<backup id="backup-uuid">
        <disk id="disk-uuid" />

To provide the ID of the created backup, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/backups

With a request body like this:

<backup id="backup-uuid">
      <disk id="disk-uuid" />

This method supports the following parameters:


The information about the virtual machine backup entity.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def backup_service(

self, id)

Returns a reference to the service that manages a specific VM backup.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

The list of virtual machine backups.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of virtual machine backups to return. If not specified, all the virtual machine backups are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmCdromService

Manages a CDROM device of a virtual machine. Changing and ejecting the disk is done using always the update method, to change the value of the file attribute.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, current=None, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the information about this CDROM device. The information consists of cdrom attribute containing reference to the CDROM device, the virtual machine, and optionally the inserted disk. If there is a disk inserted then the file attribute will contain a reference to the ISO image:

<cdrom href="..." id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">
  <file id="mycd.iso"/>
  <vm href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123" id="123"/>

If there is no disk inserted then the file attribute won’t be reported:

<cdrom href="..." id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">
  <vm href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123" id="123"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the operation should return the information for the currently running virtual machine. This parameter is optional, and the default value is false.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, cdrom, current=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates the information about this CDROM device. It allows to change or eject the disk by changing the value of the file attribute. For example, to insert or change the disk send a request like this:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/cdroms/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

The body should contain the new value for the file attribute:

  <file id="mycd.iso"/>

The value of the id attribute, mycd.iso in this example, should correspond to a file available in an attached ISO storage domain. To eject the disk use a file with an empty id:

  <file id=""/>

By default the above operations change permanently the disk that will be visible to the virtual machine after the next boot, but they don’t have any effect on the currently running virtual machine. If you want to change the disk that is visible to the current running virtual machine, add the current=true parameter. For example, to eject the current disk send a request like this:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/cdroms/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000?current=true

With a request body like this:

  <file id=""/>
The changes made with the current=true parameter are never persisted, so they won’t have any effect after the virtual machine is rebooted.

This method supports the following parameters:


The information about the CDROM device.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class VmCdromsService

Manages the CDROM devices of a virtual machine. Currently virtual machines have exactly one CDROM device. No new devices can be added, and the existing one can’t be removed, thus there are no add or remove methods. Changing and ejecting CDROM disks is done with the update method of the service that manages the CDROM device.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, cdrom, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a cdrom to a virtual machine identified by the given id.

def cdrom_service(

self, id)

Returns a reference to the service that manages a specific CDROM device.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of CDROM devices of the virtual machine. The order of the returned list of CD-ROM devices isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of CDROMs to return. If not specified all the CDROMs are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmCheckpointDiskService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves the description of the disk.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmCheckpointDisksService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def disk_service(

self, id)

A reference to the service that manages a specific disk.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of disks in checkpoint.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of disks to return. If not specified, all the disks are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmCheckpointService

A service managing a checkpoint of a virtual machines.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def disks_service(


A reference to the service that lists the disks in checkpoint.

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns information about the virtual machine checkpoint.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Remove the virtual machine checkpoint entity. Remove the checkpoint from libvirt and the database.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmCheckpointsService

Lists the checkpoints of a virtual machine.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def checkpoint_service(

self, id)

Returns a reference to the service that manages a specific VM checkpoint.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

The list of virtual machine checkpoints. To get a list of checkpoints for a virtual machine with an id '123', send a request as follows:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/checkpoints

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of virtual machine checkpoints to return. If not specified, all the virtual machine checkpoints are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmDiskService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.__init__

def activate(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the activation should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def deactivate(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the deactivation should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def export(

self, async_=None, filter=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the export should be performed asynchronously.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def move(

self, async_=None, filter=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the move should be performed asynchronously.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def permissions_service(


def reduce(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Reduces the size of the disk image. Invokes reduce on the logical volume (i.e. this is only applicable for block storage domains). This is applicable for floating disks and disks attached to non-running virtual machines. There is no need to specify the size as the optimal size is calculated automatically.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Detach the disk from the virtual machine. NOTE: In version 3 of the API this used to also remove the disk completely from the system, but starting with version 4 it doesn’t. If you need to remove it completely use the remove method of the top level disk service.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.service

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def statistics_service(


Inheritance: MeasurableService.statistics_service

def update(

self, disk, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

class VmDisksService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, disk, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

def disk_service(

self, id)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of disks of the virtual machine. The order of the returned list of disks isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of disks to return. If not specified all the disks are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmGraphicsConsoleService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, current=None, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves the graphics console configuration of the virtual machine. IMPORTANT: By default, when the current parameter is not specified, the data returned corresponds to the next execution of the virtual machine. In the current implementation of the system this means that the address and port attributes will not be populated because the system does not know what address and port will be used for the next execution. Since in most cases those attributes are needed, it is strongly advised to aways explicitly include the current parameter with the value true.

This method supports the following parameters:


Specifies if the data returned should correspond to the next execution of the virtual machine, or to the current execution. IMPORTANT: The address and port attributes will not be populated unless the value is true. For example, to get data for the current execution of the virtual machine, including the address and port attributes, send a request like this:

GET /ovit-engine/api/vms/123/graphicsconsoles/456?current=true

The default value is false.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def proxy_ticket(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the generation of the ticket should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remote_viewer_connection_file(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Generates the file which is compatible with remote-viewer client. Use the following request to generate remote viewer connection file of the graphics console. Note that this action generates the file only if virtual machine is running.

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/graphicsconsoles/456/remoteviewerconnectionfile

The remoteviewerconnectionfile action does not take any action specific parameters, so the request body should contain an empty action:


The response contains the file, which can be used with remote-viewer client.


E.g., to fetch the content of remote viewer connection file and save it into temporary file, user can use oVirt Python SDK as follows:

# Find the virtual machine:
vm = vms_service.list(search='name=myvm')[0]
# Locate the service that manages the virtual machine, as that is where
# the locators are defined:
vm_service = vms_service.vm_service(
# Find the graphic console of the virtual machine:
graphics_consoles_service = vm_service.graphics_consoles_service()
graphics_console = graphics_consoles_service.list()[0]
# Generate the remote viewer connection file:
console_service = graphics_consoles_service.console_service(
remote_viewer_connection_file = console_service.remote_viewer_connection_file()
# Write the content to file "/tmp/remote_viewer_connection_file.vv"
path = "/tmp/remote_viewer_connection_file.vv"
with open(path, "w") as f:

When you create the remote viewer connection file, then you can connect to virtual machine graphic console, as follows:

#!/bin/sh -ex
remote-viewer --ovirt-ca-file=/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem /tmp/remote_viewer_connection_file.vv

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Remove the graphics console from the virtual machine.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def ticket(

self, ticket=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Generates a time-sensitive authentication token for accessing this virtual machine’s console.

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/graphicsconsoles/456/ticket

The client-provided action optionally includes a desired ticket value and/or an expiry time in seconds. In any case, the response specifies the actual ticket value and expiry used.


This method supports the following parameters:


The generated ticket that can be used to access this console.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class VmGraphicsConsolesService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, console, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add new graphics console to the virtual machine.

def console_service(

self, id)

Returns a reference to the service that manages a specific virtual machine graphics console.

def list(

self, current=None, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Lists all the configured graphics consoles of the virtual machine. IMPORTANT: By default, when the current parameter is not specified, the data returned corresponds to the next execution of the virtual machine. In the current implementation of the system this means that the address and port attributes will not be populated because the system does not know what address and port will be used for the next execution. Since in most cases those attributes are needed, it is strongly advised to aways explicitly include the current parameter with the value true. The order of the returned list of graphics consoles is not guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of consoles to return. If not specified all the consoles are returned.


Specifies if the data returned should correspond to the next execution of the virtual machine, or to the current execution. IMPORTANT: The address and port attributes will not be populated unless the value is true. For example, to get data for the current execution of the virtual machine, including the address and port attributes, send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/graphicsconsoles?current=true

The default value is false.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmHostDeviceService

A service to manage individual host device attached to a virtual machine.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieve information about particular host device attached to given virtual machine. Example:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/hostdevices/456
<host_device href="/ovirt-engine/api/hosts/543/devices/456" id="456">
  <product id="0x13ba">
    <name>GM107GL [Quadro K2200]</name>
  <vendor id="0x10de">
    <name>NVIDIA Corporation</name>
  <host href="/ovirt-engine/api/hosts/543" id="543"/>
  <parent_device href="/ovirt-engine/api/hosts/543/devices/456" id="456">
  <vm href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123" id="123"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Remove the attachment of this host device from given virtual machine. NOTE: In case this device serves as an IOMMU placeholder, it cannot be removed (remove will result only in setting its placeholder flag to true). Note that all IOMMU placeholder devices will be removed automatically as soon as there will be no more non-placeholder devices (all devices from given IOMMU group are detached).

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/hostdevices/456

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmHostDevicesService

A service to manage host devices attached to a virtual machine.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, device, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Attach target device to given virtual machine. Example:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/hostdevices

With request body of type HostDevice, for example

<host_device id="123" />
A necessary precondition for a successful host device attachment is that the virtual machine must be pinned to exactly one host. The device ID is then taken relative to this host. NOTE: Attachment of a PCI device that is part of a bigger IOMMU group will result in attachment of the remaining devices from that IOMMU group as "placeholders". These devices are then identified using the placeholder attribute of the HostDevice type set to true. In case you want attach a device that already serves as an IOMMU placeholder, simply issue an explicit Add operation for it, and its placeholder flag will be cleared, and the device will be accessible to the virtual machine.

This method supports the following parameters:


The host device to be attached to given virtual machine.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def device_service(

self, id)

Returns a reference to the service that manages a specific host device attached to given virtual machine.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List the host devices assigned to given virtual machine. The order of the returned list of devices isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of devices to return. If not specified all the devices are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmMediatedDeviceService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves the configuration of mediated devices in the virtual machine.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Remove the mediated device from the virtual machine.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, device, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates the information about the mediated device. You can update the information using specParams element. For example, to update a mediated device, send a request like this:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/mediateddevices/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

with response body:

<vm_mediated_device href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/mediateddevices/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">
  <vm href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123" id="123"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


The information about the mediated device. The request data must contain specParams properties. The response data contains complete information about the updated mediated device.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class VmMediatedDevicesService

A service that manages mediated devices of a VM.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, device, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a new mediated device to the virtual machine.

def device_service(

self, id)

Returns a reference to the service that manages a mediated device of a virtual machine.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Lists all the configured mediated devices of the virtual machine. The order of the returned list of mediated devices is not guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of mediated devices to return. If not specified all the mediated devices are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmNicService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.__init__

def activate(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the activation should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def deactivate(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the deactivation should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def network_filter_parameters_service(


Reference to the service that manages the network filter parameters of the NIC. A single top-level network filter may assigned to the NIC by the NIC’s vNIC Profile.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes the NIC. For example, to remove the NIC with id 456 from the virtual machine with id 123 send a request like this:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/nics/456

The hotplugging feature only supports virtual machine operating systems with hotplugging operations. Example operating systems include: - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 - Windows Server 2008 and - Windows Server 2003

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def reported_devices_service(


def service(

self, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.service

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def statistics_service(


Inheritance: MeasurableService.statistics_service

def update(

self, nic, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates the NIC. For example, to update the NIC having with 456 belonging to virtual the machine with id 123 send a request like this:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/nics/456

With a request body like this:

  <vnic_profile id='789'/>

The hotplugging feature only supports virtual machine operating systems with hotplugging operations. Example operating systems include: - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 - Windows Server 2008 and - Windows Server 2003

class VmNicsService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, nic, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Adds a NIC to the virtual machine. The following example adds to the virtual machine 123 a network interface named mynic using virtio and the NIC profile 456.

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/nics
  <vnic_profile id="456"/>

The following example sends that request using curl:

curl         --request POST         --header "Version: 4"         --header "Content-Type: application/xml"         --header "Accept: application/xml"         --user "admin@internal:mypassword"         --cacert /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem         --data '
  <vnic_profile id="456"/>

The hotplugging feature only supports virtual machine operating systems with hotplugging operations. Example operating systems include: - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 - Windows Server 2008 and - Windows Server 2003

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of NICs of the virtual machine. The order of the returned list of NICs isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of NICs to return. If not specified all the NICs are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def nic_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmNumaNodeService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes a virtual NUMA node. An example of removing a virtual NUMA node:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/numanodes/456
It’s required to remove the numa nodes from the highest index first.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, node, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates a virtual NUMA node. An example of pinning a virtual NUMA node to a physical NUMA node on the host:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/numanodes/456

The request body should contain the following:


class VmNumaNodesService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, node, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Creates a new virtual NUMA node for the virtual machine. An example of creating a NUMA node:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/c7ecd2dc/numanodes
Accept: application/xml
Content-type: application/xml

The request body can contain the following:


def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Lists virtual NUMA nodes of a virtual machine. The order of the returned list of NUMA nodes isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of nodes to return. If not specified all the nodes are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def node_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmPoolService

A service to manage a virtual machines pool.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def allocate_vm(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This operation allocates a virtual machine in the virtual machine pool.

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vmpools/123/allocatevm

The allocate virtual machine action does not take any action specific parameters, so the request body should contain an empty action:


This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the allocation should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def get(

self, filter=None, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get the virtual machine pool.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vmpools/123

You will get a XML response like that one:

<vm_pool id="123">
  <description>MyVmPool description</description>
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/vmpools/123/permissions" rel="permissions"/>
  <cluster id="123"/>
  <template id="123"/>
  <vm id="123">...</vm>

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def permissions_service(


Reference to a service managing the virtual machine pool assigned permissions.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes a virtual machine pool.

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/vmpools/123

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, pool, async_=None, seal=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update the virtual machine pool.

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/vmpools/123

The name, description, size, prestarted_vms and max_user_vms attributes can be updated after the virtual machine pool has been created.

  <description>Virtual Machine Pool B</description>

This method supports the following parameters:


The virtual machine pool that is being updated.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class VmPoolsService

Provides read-write access to virtual machines pools.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, pool, seal=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Creates a new virtual machine pool. A new pool requires the name, cluster and template attributes. Identify the cluster and template with the id or name nested attributes:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vmpools

With the following body:

  <cluster id="123"/>
  <template id="456"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Pool to add.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def list(

self, case_sensitive=None, filter=None, follow=None, max=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Get a list of available virtual machines pools.

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vmpools

You will receive the following response:

  <vm_pool id="123">

The order of the returned list of pools is guaranteed only if the sortby clause is included in the search parameter.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of pools to return. If this value is not specified, all of the pools are returned.


A query string used to restrict the returned pools.


Indicates if the search performed using the search parameter should be performed taking case into account. The default value is true, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search ignoring case set it to false.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def pool_service(

self, id)

Reference to the service that manages a specific virtual machine pool.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmReportedDeviceService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmReportedDevicesService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of reported devices of the virtual machine. The order of the returned list of devices isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of devices to return. If not specified all the devices are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def reported_device_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.__init__

def affinity_labels_service(


List of scheduling labels assigned to this virtual machine.

def applications_service(


def auto_pin_cpu_and_numa_nodes(

self, async_=None, optimize_cpu_settings=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Apply an automatic CPU and NUMA configuration on the VM. IMPORTANT: Since version 4.5 of the engine this operation is deprecated, and preserved only for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. Instead please use PUT followed by update operation. An example for a request:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/autopincpuandnumanodes

With a request body like this:


This method supports the following parameters:


Specifies how the auto CPU and NUMA configuration is applied. If set to true, will adjust the CPU topology to fit the VM pinned host hardware. Otherwise, it will use the VM CPU topology.


Indicates if the detach action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def backups_service(


List of backups of this virtual machine.

def cancel_migration(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This operation stops any migration of a virtual machine to another physical host.

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/cancelmigration

The cancel migration action does not take any action specific parameters; therefore, the request body should contain an empty action:


This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the migration should cancelled asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def cdroms_service(


def checkpoints_service(


List of checkpoints of this virtual machine.

def clone(

self, async_=None, discard_snapshots=None, storage_domain=None, vm=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the clone should be performed asynchronously.


Use the discard_snapshots parameter when the virtual machine should be clone with its snapshots collapsed. Default is true.


The storage domain on which the virtual machines disks will be copied to.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def commit_snapshot(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Permanently restores the virtual machine to the state of the previewed snapshot. See the preview_snapshot operation for details.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the snapshots should be committed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def detach(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Detaches a virtual machine from a pool.

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/detach

The detach action does not take any action specific parameters; therefore, the request body should contain an empty action:


This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the detach action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def disk_attachments_service(


List of disks attached to this virtual machine.

def export(

self, async_=None, discard_snapshots=None, exclusive=None, storage_domain=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Exports the virtual machine. A virtual machine can be exported to an export domain. For example, to export virtual machine 123 to the export domain myexport:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/export

With a request body like this:


Since version 4.2 of the engine it is also possible to export a virtual machine as a virtual appliance (OVA). For example, to export virtual machine 123 as an OVA file named myvm.ova that is placed in the directory /home/ovirt/ on host myhost:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/export

With a request body like this:

Confirm that the export operation has completed before attempting any actions on the export domain.

This method supports the following parameters:


Use the discard_snapshots parameter when the virtual machine should be exported with all of its snapshots collapsed.


Use the exclusive parameter when the virtual machine should be exported even if another copy of it already exists in the export domain (override).


The (export) storage domain to export the virtual machine to.


Indicates if the export should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def export_to_export_domain(

self, async_=None, discard_snapshots=None, exclusive=None, storage_domain=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Exports a virtual machine to an export domain.

This method supports the following parameters:


Use the discard_snapshots parameter when the virtual machine should be exported with all of its snapshots collapsed.


Use the exclusive parameter when the virtual machine should be exported even if another copy of it already exists in the export domain (override).


The (export) storage domain to export the virtual machine to.


Indicates if the export should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def export_to_path_on_host(

self, async_=None, directory=None, discard_snapshots=None, exclusive=None, filename=None, host=None, storage_domain=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Exports a virtual machine as an OVA file to a given path on a specified host.

This method supports the following parameters:


The host to generate the OVA file on.


An absolute path of a directory on the host to generate the OVA file in.


The name of the OVA file. This is an optional parameter, if it is not specified then the name of OVA file is determined according to the name of the virtual machine. It will conform the following pattern: "<virtual machine name>.ova".


Use the discard_snapshots parameter when the virtual machine should be exported with all of its snapshots collapsed.


Use the exclusive parameter when the virtual machine should be exported even if another copy of it already exists in the export domain (override).


The (export) storage domain to export the virtual machine to.


Indicates if the export should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def freeze_filesystems(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Freezes virtual machine file systems. This operation freezes a virtual machine’s file systems using the QEMU guest agent when taking a live snapshot of a running virtual machine. Normally, this is done automatically by the manager, but this must be executed manually with the API for virtual machines using OpenStack Volume (Cinder) disks. Example:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/freezefilesystems

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the freeze should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def get(

self, all_content=None, filter=None, follow=None, next_run=None, ovf_as_ova=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves the description of the virtual machine.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the returned result describes the virtual machine as it is currently running or if describes the virtual machine with the modifications that have already been performed but that will only come into effect when the virtual machine is restarted. By default the value is false. If the parameter is included in the request, but without a value, it is assumed that the value is true. The the following request:

GET /vms/{vm:id};next_run

Is equivalent to using the value true:

GET /vms/{vm:id};next_run=true

Indicates if all of the attributes of the virtual machine should be included in the response. By default the following attributes are excluded:

  • console

  • - The OVF document describing the virtual machine.

  • rng_source

  • soundcard

  • virtio_scsi For example, to retrieve the complete representation of the virtual machine '123':

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123?all_content=true
These attributes are not included by default as they reduce performance. These attributes are seldom used and require additional queries to the database. Only use this parameter when required as it will reduce performance.

Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates if the results should expose the OVF as it appears in OVA files of that VM. The OVF document describing the virtual machine. This parameter will work only when all_content=True is set. The OVF will be presented in For example:

GET /vms/{vm:id}?all_content=true&ovf_as_ova=true

Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def graphics_consoles_service(


def host_devices_service(


def katello_errata_service(


Reference to the service that can show the applicable errata available on the virtual machine. This information is taken from Katello.

def logon(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Initiates the automatic user logon to access a virtual machine from an external console. This action requires the ovirt-guest-agent-gdm-plugin and the ovirt-guest-agent-pam-module packages to be installed and the ovirt-guest-agent service to be running on the virtual machine. Users require the appropriate user permissions for the virtual machine in order to access the virtual machine from an external console. For example:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/logon

Request body:


This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the logon should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def maintenance(

self, async_=None, maintenance_enabled=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Sets the global maintenance mode on the hosted engine virtual machine. This action has no effect on other virtual machines. Example:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/maintenance

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if global maintenance should be enabled or disabled.


Indicates if the global maintenance action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def mediated_devices_service(


Reference to the service that manages mediated devices associated with the VM.

def migrate(

self, async_=None, cluster=None, force=None, host=None, migrate_vms_in_affinity_closure=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Migrates a virtual machine to another physical host. Example:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/migrate

To specify a specific host to migrate the virtual machine to:

  <host id="2ab5e1da-b726-4274-bbf7-0a42b16a0fc3"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


Specifies the cluster the virtual machine should migrate to. This is an optional parameter. By default, the virtual machine is migrated to another host within the same cluster. WARNING: Live migration to another cluster is not supported. Strongly consider the target cluster’s hardware architecture and network architecture before attempting a migration.


Specifies that the virtual machine should migrate even if the virtual machine is defined as non-migratable. This is an optional parameter. By default, it is set to false.


Specifies a specific host that the virtual machine should migrate to. This is an optional parameter. By default, the {engine-name} automatically selects a default host for migration within the same cluster. If an API user requires a specific host, the user can specify the host with either an id or name parameter.


Migrate also all other virtual machines in positive enforcing affinity groups with this virtual machine, that are running on the same host. The default value is false.


Indicates if the migration should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def nics_service(


def numa_nodes_service(


def permissions_service(


def preview_snapshot(

self, async_=None, disks=None, lease=None, restore_memory=None, snapshot=None, vm=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Temporarily restores the virtual machine to the state of a snapshot. The snapshot is indicated with the parameter. It is restored temporarily, so that the content can be inspected. Once that inspection is finished, the state of the virtual machine can be made permanent, using the commit_snapshot method, or discarded using the undo_snapshot method.

This method supports the following parameters:


Specify the disks included in the snapshot’s preview. For each disk parameter, it is also required to specify its image_id. For example, to preview a snapshot with identifier 456 which includes a disk with identifier 111 and its image_id as 222, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/previewsnapshot

Request body:

    <disk id="111">
  <snapshot id="456"/>

Specify the lease storage domain ID to use in the preview of the snapshot. If lease parameter is not passed, then the previewed snapshot lease storage domain will be used. If lease parameter is passed with empty storage domain parameter, then no lease will be used for the snapshot preview. If lease parameter is passed with storage domain parameter then the storage domain ID can be only one of the leases domain IDs that belongs to one of the virtual machine snapshots. This is an optional parameter, set by default to null


Indicates if the preview should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def reboot(

self, async_=None, force=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Sends a reboot request to a virtual machine. For example:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/reboot

The reboot action does not take any action specific parameters; therefore, the request body should contain an empty action:


To reboot the VM even if a backup is running for it, the action should include the 'force' element. For example, to force reboot virtual machine 123:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/reboot

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the VM should be forcibly rebooted even if a backup is running for it.


Indicates if the reboot should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, detach_only=None, force=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes the virtual machine, including the virtual disks attached to it. For example, to remove the virtual machine with identifier 123:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Indicates if the attached virtual disks should be detached first and preserved instead of being removed.


Indicates if the virtual machine should be forcibly removed. Locked virtual machines and virtual machines with locked disk images cannot be removed without this flag set to true.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def reorder_mac_addresses(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def reported_devices_service(


def reset(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Sends a reset request to a virtual machine. For example:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/reset

The reset action does not take any action specific parameters; therefore, the request body should contain an empty action:


This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the reset should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def screenshot(

self, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Captures screenshot of the current state of the VM. For example:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/screenshot

The screenshot action does not take any action specific parameters; therefore, the request body should contain an empty action:


def service(

self, path)

Inheritance: MeasurableService.service

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def sessions_service(


Reference to the service that provides information about virtual machine user sessions.

def shutdown(

self, async_=None, force=None, reason=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This operation sends a shutdown request to a virtual machine. For example:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/shutdown

The shutdown action does not take any action specific parameters; therefore, the request body should contain an empty action:


To shutdown the VM even if a backup is running for it, the action should include the 'force' element. For example, to force shutdown virtual machine 123:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/shutdown

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the VM should be forcibly shutdown even if a backup is running for it.


Indicates if the shutdown should be performed asynchronously.


The reason the virtual machine was stopped. Optionally set by user when shutting down the virtual machine.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def snapshots_service(


def start(

self, async_=None, authorized_key=None, filter=None, pause=None, use_cloud_init=None, use_ignition=None, use_initialization=None, use_sysprep=None, vm=None, volatile=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Starts the virtual machine. If the virtual environment is complete and the virtual machine contains all necessary components to function, it can be started. This example starts the virtual machine:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/start

With a request body:


This method supports the following parameters:


If set to true, start the virtual machine in paused mode. The default is false.


The definition of the virtual machine for this specific run. For example:


This will set the boot device to the CDROM only for this specific start. After the virtual machine is powered off, this definition will be reverted.


If set to true, the initialization type is set to cloud-init. The default value is false. See cloud-init documentation for details.


If set to true, the initialization type is set to Sysprep. The default value is false. See Sysprep for details.


If set to true, the initialization type is set to Ignition. The default value is false. See Ignition documentation for details.


If set to true, the initialization type is set by the VM’s OS. Windows will set to Sysprep, Linux to cloud-init and RedHat CoreOS to Ignition. If any of the initialization-types are explicitly set (useCloudInit, useSysprep or useIgnition), they will be prioritized and this flag will be ignored. The default value is false.


Indicates if the start action should be performed asynchronously.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates that this run configuration will be discarded even in the case of guest-initiated reboot. The default value is false.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def statistics_service(


Inheritance: MeasurableService.statistics_service

def stop(

self, async_=None, force=None, reason=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This operation forces a virtual machine to power-off. For example:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/stop

The stop action does not take any action specific parameters; therefore, the request body should contain an empty action:


To stop the VM even if a backup is running for it, the action should include the 'force' element. For example, to force stop virtual machine 123:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/stop

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the VM should be forcibly stop even if a backup is running for it.


Indicates if the stop action should be performed asynchronously.


The reason the virtual machine was stopped. Optionally set by user when shutting down the virtual machine.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def suspend(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This operation saves the virtual machine state to disk and stops it. Start a suspended virtual machine and restore the virtual machine state with the start action. For example:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/suspend

The suspend action does not take any action specific parameters; therefore, the request body should contain an empty action:


This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the suspend action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def tags_service(


def thaw_filesystems(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Thaws virtual machine file systems. This operation thaws a virtual machine’s file systems using the QEMU guest agent when taking a live snapshot of a running virtual machine. Normally, this is done automatically by the manager, but this must be executed manually with the API for virtual machines using OpenStack Volume (Cinder) disks. Example:

POST /api/vms/123/thawfilesystems

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the thaw file systems action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def ticket(

self, async_=None, ticket=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Generates a time-sensitive authentication token for accessing a virtual machine’s display. For example:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/ticket

The client-provided action optionally includes a desired ticket value and/or an expiry time in seconds. The response specifies the actual ticket value and expiry used.


If the virtual machine is configured to support only one graphics protocol then the generated authentication token will be valid for that protocol. But if the virtual machine is configured to support multiple protocols, VNC and SPICE, then the authentication token will only be valid for the SPICE protocol. In order to obtain an authentication token for a specific protocol, for example for VNC, use the ticket method of the service, which manages the graphics consoles of the virtual machine, by sending a request:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/graphicsconsoles/456/ticket

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the generation of the ticket should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def undo_snapshot(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Restores the virtual machine to the state it had before previewing the snapshot. See the preview_snapshot operation for details.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the undo snapshot action should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def update(

self, vm, async_=None, next_run=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Update the virtual machine in the system for the given virtual machine id.

def watchdogs_service(


class VmSessionService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class VmSessionsService

Provides information about virtual machine user sessions.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Lists all user sessions for this virtual machine. For example, to retrieve the session information for virtual machine 123 send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/sessions

The response body will contain something like this:

  <session href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/sessions/456" id="456">
    <user href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/789" id="789"/>
    <vm href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123" id="123"/>

The order of the returned list of sessions isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of sessions to return. If not specified all the sessions are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def session_service(

self, id)

Reference to the service that manages a specific session.

class VmWatchdogService

A service managing a watchdog on virtual machines.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the information about the watchdog.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes the watchdog from the virtual machine. For example, to remove a watchdog from a virtual machine, send a request like this:

DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/watchdogs/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, watchdog, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates the information about the watchdog. You can update the information using action and model elements. For example, to update a watchdog, send a request like this:

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/watchdogs

with response body:

<watchdog href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/watchdogs/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">
  <vm href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123" id="123"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


The information about the watchdog. The request data must contain at least one of model and action elements. The response data contains complete information about the updated watchdog.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class VmWatchdogsService

Lists the watchdogs of a virtual machine.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, watchdog, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Adds new watchdog to the virtual machine. For example, to add a watchdog to a virtual machine, send a request like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/watchdogs

with response body:

<watchdog href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/watchdogs/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">
  <vm href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123" id="123"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


The information about the watchdog. The request data must contain model element (such as i6300esb) and action element (one of none, reset, poweroff, dump, pause). The response data additionally contains references to the added watchdog and to the virtual machine.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

The list of watchdogs of the virtual machine. The order of the returned list of watchdogs isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of watchdogs to return. If not specified all the watchdogs are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def watchdog_service(

self, id)

Returns a reference to the service that manages a specific watchdog.

class VmsService

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • VmsService
  • ovirtsdk4.service.Service
  • __builtin__.object


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, vm, auto_pinning_policy=None, clone=None, clone_permissions=None, filter=None, seal=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Creates a new virtual machine. The virtual machine can be created in different ways: - From a template. In this case the identifier or name of the template must be provided. For example, using a plain shell script and XML:

#!/bin/sh -ex
curl         --verbose         --cacert /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem         --user "${user}:${password}"         --request POST         --header "Version: 4"         --header "Content-Type: application/xml"         --header "Accept: application/xml"         --data '
'         "${url}/vms"
  • From a snapshot. In this case the identifier of the snapshot has to be provided. For example, using a plain shel script and XML:

#!/bin/sh -ex
curl         --verbose         --cacert /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem         --user "${user}:${password}"         --request POST         --header "Content-Type: application/xml"         --header "Accept: application/xml"         --data '
    <snapshot id="266742a5-6a65-483c-816d-d2ce49746680"/>
'         "${url}/vms"

When creating a virtual machine from a template or from a snapshot it is usually useful to explicitly indicate in what storage domain to create the disks for the virtual machine. If the virtual machine is created from a template then this is achieved passing a set of disk_attachment elements that indicate the mapping:

      <disk id="8d4bd566-6c86-4592-a4a7-912dbf93c298">
          <storage_domain id="9cb6cb0a-cf1d-41c2-92ca-5a6d665649c9"/>

When the virtual machine is created from a snapshot this set of disks is slightly different, it uses the image_id attribute instead of id.

          <storage_domain id="9cb6cb0a-cf1d-41c2-92ca-5a6d665649c9"/>

It is possible to specify additional virtual machine parameters in the XML description, e.g. a virtual machine of desktop type, with 2 GiB of RAM and additional description can be added sending a request body like the following:

  <description>My Desktop Virtual Machine</description>

A bootable CDROM device can be set like this:

    <boot dev="cdrom"/>

In order to boot from CDROM, you first need to insert a disk, as described in the CDROM service. Then booting from that CDROM can be specified using the os.boot.devices attribute:


In all cases the name or identifier of the cluster where the virtual machine will be created is mandatory.

def add_from_configuration(

self, vm, auto_pinning_policy=None, clone=None, clone_permissions=None, filter=None, seal=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

add a virtual machine to the system from a configuration - requires the configuration type and the configuration data

def add_from_scratch(

self, vm, auto_pinning_policy=None, clone=None, clone_permissions=None, filter=None, seal=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

add a virtual machine to the system from scratch

def add_from_snapshot(

self, vm, auto_pinning_policy=None, clone=None, clone_permissions=None, filter=None, seal=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

add a virtual machine to the system by cloning from a snapshot

def list(

self, all_content=None, case_sensitive=None, filter=None, follow=None, max=None, ovf_as_ova=None, search=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of virtual machines of the system. The order of the returned list of virtual machines is guaranteed only if the sortby clause is included in the search parameter.

This method supports the following parameters:


A query string used to restrict the returned virtual machines.


The maximum number of results to return.


Indicates if the search performed using the search parameter should be performed taking case into account. The default value is true, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search ignoring case set it to false.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates if all the attributes of the virtual machines should be included in the response. By default the following attributes are excluded:

  • console

  • - The OVF document describing the virtual machine.

  • rng_source

  • soundcard

  • virtio_scsi For example, to retrieve the complete representation of the virtual machines send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms?all_content=true
The reason for not including these attributes is performance: they are seldom used and they require additional queries to the database. So try to use the this parameter only when it is really needed.

Indicates if the results should expose the OVF as it appears in OVA files of that VM. The OVF document describing the virtual machine. This parameter will work only when all_content=True is set. The OVF will be presented in For example:

GET /vms?all_content=true&ovf_as_ova=true

Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def vm_service(

self, id)

class VnicProfileService

This service manages a vNIC profile.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Retrieves details about a vNIC profile.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def permissions_service(


def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Removes the vNIC profile.

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def update(

self, profile, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Updates details of a vNIC profile.

This method supports the following parameters:


The vNIC profile that is being updated.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

class VnicProfilesService

This service manages the collection of all vNIC profiles.

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, profile, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a vNIC profile. For example to add vNIC profile 123 to network 456 send a request to:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/networks/456/vnicprofiles

With the following body:

<vnic_profile id="123">

Please note that there is a default network filter to each VNIC profile. For more details of how the default network filter is calculated please refer to the documentation in NetworkFilters. NOTE: The automatically created vNIC profile for the external network will be without network filter. The output of creating a new VNIC profile depends in the body arguments that were given. In case no network filter was given, the default network filter will be configured. For example:

<vnic_profile href="/ovirt-engine/api/vnicprofiles/123" id="123">
  <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/vnicprofiles/123/permissions" rel="permissions"/>
  <network href="/ovirt-engine/api/networks/456" id="456"/>
  <network_filter href="/ovirt-engine/api/networkfilters/789" id="789"/>

In case an empty network filter was given, no network filter will be configured for the specific VNIC profile regardless of the VNIC profile’s default network filter. For example:


In case that a specific valid network filter id was given, the VNIC profile will be configured with the given network filter regardless of the VNIC profiles’s default network filter. For example:

  <network_filter id= "0000001b-001b-001b-001b-0000000001d5"/>

This method supports the following parameters:


The vNIC profile that is being added.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def list(

self, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

List all vNIC profiles. The order of the returned list of vNIC profiles isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of profiles to return. If not specified all the profiles are returned.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def profile_service(

self, id)

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class WeightService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def get(

self, filter=None, follow=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def remove(

self, async_=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

This method supports the following parameters:


Indicates if the remove should be performed asynchronously.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

class WeightsService

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, connection, path)

def add(

self, weight, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Add a weight to a specified user defined scheduling policy.

def list(

self, filter=None, follow=None, max=None, headers=None, query=None, wait=True, **kwargs)

Returns the list of weights. The order of the returned list of weights isn’t guaranteed.

This method supports the following parameters:


Sets the maximum number of weights to return. If not specified all the weights are returned.


Indicates if the results should be filtered according to the permissions of the user.


Indicates which inner links should be followed. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See here for details.


Additional HTTP headers.


Additional URL query parameters.


If True wait for the response.

def service(

self, path)

Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.

def weight_service(

self, id)